Invasives 101

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An Introduction to Invasive Species Management

Invasive species can rapidly and seriously degrade the quality of wildlands by altering natural processes and reducing biodiversity. At the same time, control methods that land managers use can also affect the habitat. Preserve managers must determine which control method is most effective against the invasives, while being the least damaging to the ecosystem. For example, when working with a habitat that is dominated by weeds, preserve managers are justified in using harsh tactics. Meanwhile, if there are just a few weeds invading an otherwise pristine environment, a more delicate approach is appropriate. Invasive species control in natural habitats can be tricky!

Q &A clinic
The most frequently asked questions answered for your edification.
The worst weeds
Learn about an invasive plant species in your neighborhood that threatens native biodiversity.
Ppt presentations
Here we have PowerPoint presentations on invasive species. Web slideshow versions are also on line if you do not want to download the PowerPoint files.
Economic impacts
It is difficult to put an accurate price tag on the costs of invasive species. Here are a few results from studies that have tried to do so.
Learn even more
People who talk about invasive species often present facts without citing their sources. Are you curious about our sources? Here they are for you!
How you can help
Steps you can take to help us protect our own wealth of native biodiversity.

Other site resources

Red Alerts!
Species which are either new to an area, or are showing alarming symptoms such as signs of signicant, new expansion.
Conservation stories
Read about how different people have had great successes dealing with invasive species.
Tool reviews
Read our reviews of hardware that are useful for those working in invasive species management.
About us
Information about the core staff of The Nature Conservancy's Global Invasive Species Team.
Contact information
How you can contact the core staff of The Nature Conservancy's Global Invasive Species Team.

Updated June 2007
©The Nature Conservancy, 2005