Brought to you by the Save Our Seed Project of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association

The Organic Seed Sourcing Service, Helping organic farmers and gardners find the organic seeds they need.  The most complete organic seed database in the United States. The The Certified Organic Seed Sourcing Service is the premier source for information about the availability of certified organic seeds in the western hemesphere.  Hundreds of cultivars are listed by nearly a hundred seed dealers and we will make all of this information available to the growers for free.


100% FREE Certified Organic Seed Sourcing Service
We can help you find the organic seeds you're looking for!

Submit your organic seed "Wish List" and we will take it to our in-house database and provide you with the following four lists

  1. A complete list of the numerous certified organic seed dealers we have in our database that we will search in order to document your request, along with ways for you to contact them.
  2. Documentation of where you can purchase the each of the organic seeds you are looking for which we were able to source, complete with prices
  3. If you are seeking seeds which to the best of our knowledge are not available organically, we will list them as well
  4. Finally, if you are seeking any seeds that we cannot source organically, it may be that some organic seed dealers may have equivalent cultivars to suggest. If this is the case, these will be included in the final list.

CLICK HERE to see a complete list of the organic seed dealers who's seeds are listed in our database.

To submit a request by fax or mail, click here to download a printable version with mail to address and fax number.

To submit a seed sourcing request to me directly by phone, call me at (540) 894-8865


Vitalis Organic Seeds
Welter Seed
Wood Prarie


This service is generously supported by the following organic certification agents. In issuing their support, they also indicate that they have confidence in the comprehensive and accurate information that we provide.


Last Updated

The Save Our Seed Project

286 Dixie Hollow, Louisa, VA 23093
Phone: (540) 894-8865 Fax: (540) 894-8060
email: Cricket Rakita