Homeland Security Programs at Brookhaven

Brookhaven Lab’s homeland security programs are focused on developing advanced, science-based solutions for the challenges faced by those protecting U.S. national security interests both at home and abroad. Over the past two years, Brookhaven has consolidated and re-focused its programs, and reached out to local, state, and federal agencies to offer assistance on a variety of issues.

Picture of Ralph JamesScientists at Brookhaven have developed an extensive portfolio of counterterrorism and nonproliferation technologies in areas that include safeguarding fissile materials; developing sensors for detection of nuclear weapons, dirty bombs, toxic chemicals, biological pathogens, and explosives; and designing tools and approaches for identifying, characterizing, and managing risk in various environments.

The Laboratory is primarily funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. Brookhaven’s budget for national security efforts is about $29 million of the Laboratory’s $436 million budget for fiscal year 2003. Brookhaven was recently designated as an official U.S. Department of Homeland Security contributing laboratory, and expects to expand its homeland security efforts significantly over the next several years."

Brookhaven is also an important regional counterterrorism resource, and has developed critical partnerships with key New York metropolitan area agencies, elected officials, and emergency responders. The Laboratory also works with local and regional technology vendors to develop, test, and rapidly deploy methods and instrumentation as needed.

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Last Modified: May 30, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Carl Czajkowski