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Record Count: 63

To sort columns alphabetically or numerically, click on the column header (Title, Principal Investigator, Institution, City, ST, Award Code, or Pubs).

(Principal Investigator)
Institution City , ST Award Code Pubs
Phase II Udp - Glucuronosyltransferases By Pxr (Xie, Wen) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R01ES012479 42
Polyamines and Chemical Carcinogenesis (O'Brien, Thomas) Lankenau Institute for Medical Research Wynnewood, PA R01ES001664 22
Biochemical Characterization of Ppar (Vanden Heuvel, John) Pennsylvania State University - Univ Park University Park, PA R01ES007799 19
Regulation of the Ah Receptor (Perdew, Gary) Pennsylvania State University - Univ Park University Park, PA R01ES004869 70
Genetics of Individual Variation in Response to Radiation Exposure (Cheung, Vivian) Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA R01ES015733 Ø
Promoter Regulation in Response to Environmental Stress (Pugh, B) Pennsylvania State University - Univ Park University Park, PA R01ES013768 Ø
The Contribution of DNA Interstrand Crosslinks to Aging (Niedernhofer, Laura) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R01ES016114 Ø
Mechanisms of Telomeric DNA Loss and Repair (Opresko, Patricia) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pitsburgh, PA R01ES015052 Ø
Epigenetic Changes Induced By Estrogens and Xenoestrogens in Breast Cancer (Russo, Jose) Fox Chase Cancer Center Philadelphia, PA R21ES015894 Ø
Pathways of Pah Activation in Human Lung Cells (Penning, Trevor) University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA R01ES015857 Ø
Center for Environment and Mammary Gland Development (Russo, Jose) Fox Chase Cancer Center Philadelphia, PA U01ES012771 13
Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology (Penning, Trevor) University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA P30ES013508 76
Air Pollution and Cardiac Risk: Mechanisms & Time - Course (Liao, Duanping) Pennsylvania State Univ Hershey Med Ctr Hershey, PA R01ES014010 Ø
Mechanisms for Arsenic - Induced Vascular Disease (Barchowsky, Aaron) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R01ES013781 2
Estrogen and Bisphenol A Modulation of Cathepsins (Roberts, Rebecca) Ursinus College Collegeville, PA R15ES013947 2
Regulation of Sulfotransferases By Lxr and Its Implication in Pathophysiology (Xie, Wen) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R01ES014626 11
Endocrine Disruptors: AR Regulation and Prostate Cancer (Knudsen, Karen) Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA R01ES016675 Ø
Immunotoxicologic Effects of Mercury On B Cells (Monestier, Marc) Temple University Philadelphia, PA R01ES012464 2
The Porphobilinogen Synthase Family (Jaffe, Eileen) Institute for Cancer Research Philadelphia, PA R01ES003654 40
Modulation of Aflatoxin B1 - Induced Hepatocarcinogenesis By Rb Loss (Knudsen, Erik) Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA R03ES014621 4
Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation (Earli) Network (Newschaffer, Craig) Drexel University Philadelphia, PA R01ES016443 Ø
Nutritional and Heavy Metals: Effects On Child Learning and Behavior in Uruguay (Kordas, Katarzyna) Pennsylvania State University - Univ Park University Park, PA R21ES016523 Ø
Environment and Gene Effects On Brain and Behavior (Schneider, Jay) Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA R01ES015295 Ø
Pesticides and Infant Neuropsychological Development (Needleman, Herbert) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R01ES012059 Ø
Environmental Toxins and Genetic Factors in Parkinson Disease (Xia, Xugang) Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA R01ES016760 Ø
Regulation of Trophoblast Differentiation and Function (Sadovsky, Yoel) Magee - Women's Res Inst and Foundation Pittsburg, PA R01ES011597 29
Effect of Chronic Low - Dose Phthalate Exposure On the Immature Primate Testis (Dobrinski, Ina) University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA R21ES014856 Ø
Particulate Matter / Mycoplasma Stress Interactions (Fabisiak, James) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R01ES011986 14
The Role of Ecsodf in Lung Repair After Silica - Induces Injury (Fattman, Cheryl) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R01ES016000 Ø
The Role of Rage in Asbestosis (Oury, Tim) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R21ES013986 11
Epithelial Sodium Channels and Pulmonary Toxicity of Zinc (Sheng, Shaohu) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R01ES014701 Ø
Mutagenesis of P53 By Reactive Pah and Ros (Field, Jeffrey) University of Pennsylvania Philadephia, PA R01ES015662 Ø
Ozone Effects On Function of Surfactant Protein Variants (Floros, Joanna) Pennsylvania State Univ Hershey Med Ctr Hershey, PA R01ES009882 20
Temporal Integration in Nasal Lateralization (Wise, Paul) Monell Chemical Senses Center Philadelphia, PA R03ES013969 6
Tnf - Alpha Signaling in Silica - Induced Lung Fibrosis (Ortiz, Luis) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R01ES010859 11
Enzyme Based Wearable Environmental Sensor Badge for Personal Exposure Assessment (Erbeldinger, Markus) Agentase, Llc Pittsburgh, PA U01ES016094 Ø
Phototoxicity Screening Assay in Reconstituted Skin (Degeorge, George) Mb Research Laboratories,, Inc. Spiinerstown, PA R44ES011927 Ø
Hazcommand: Hazmat, Incident Command Training (Kaye, Jonathan) Amethyst Research, Llc Philadelphia, PA R44ES013908 Ø
Survival Analysis Methods in Genetic Studies (Lee, Hongzhe) University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA R01ES009911 45
Statistical Methods in Genetic Epidemiology Research (Chen, Jinbo) University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA R01ES016626 Ø
Environmental Toxicity, Malnutrition, and Children's Externalizing Behavior (Liu, Jianghong) University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA K01ES015877 Ø
Oxidative Modification of Brain Proteins in Pesticide Intoxication (Mastroberardino, Pier) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA K99ES016352 Ø
Ecsod in Asbestos - Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis (Fattman, Cheryl) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA K22ES012269 2
University of Pittsburgh: Short - Term Educational Experiences for Research (Pitt - S (Pitt, Bruce) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R25ES016148 Ø
Regulation of the Airway Stem Cell Compartment in Airway Repair and Remodeling (Zemke, Anna) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA F30ES015960 Ø
Defining Pah - Mediated Carcinogenesis in Lung: Cyp Metabolism and B[A]P Transport (Gelhaus, Stacy) University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA F32ES016683 Ø
A Role for Advanced Glycation End - Products in Diabetic Lung Injury (Englert, Judson) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA F30ES016973 Ø
Synergistic Activation of Ptgs2 and Cxcl8 By Ni and Microbial Stimuli (Brant, Kelly) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA F32ES015966 Ø
Determinants of Antibody - Based Host Resistance Against Pneumocystis Carinii (Rapaka, Rekha) Children's Hosp Pittsburgh / Upmc Hlth Sys Pittsburgh, PA F30ES015413 Ø
Cellular and Molecular Determinants of Birth Defects (Grunwald, Gerald) Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA T32ES007282 29
Summer Mentorship in Environmental Health Sciences for High School and Undergradu (McCauley, Linda) University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA R25ES016146 Ø
Individual Pre - Doctoral Md / Phd Fellowship (F30) (Horn, Jeffrey) Carnegie - Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA F30ES014983 Ø
Modulation of Regulatory T Cell By Cytokines (Pillemer, Brendan) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA F30ES014776 Ø
Prevention of Head and Neck Carcinogenesis With A Plant - Derived Compound (Leeman, Rebecca) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA F30ES015669 Ø
Extracellular Matrix Components, Oxidants and Antioxidants in Pulmonary Fibrosis (Kliment, Corrine) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA F30ES016483 Ø
DNA Polymerase Zeta and Its Role in DNA Damage Tolerance (Gan, Gregory) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA F30ES013429 Ø
Hazmat Training at Doe Nuclear Weapons Complex Cooperat* (Frederick, James) Steelworker Charitable / Educational Org Pittsburgh, PA U45ES009761 Ø
Worker Health and Safety Training Cooperative Agreement (Frederick, James) Steelworker Charitable / Educational Org Pittsburgh, PA U45ES006175 3
Neighborhood Food Environment, Diet and Health: Quasi - Experimental Study (Matthews, Stephen) Pennsylvania State University - Univ Park University Park, PA R21ES014211 2
Msm Multiscale Human Respiratory System Simulations to Study Health Effects (Kunz, Robert) Pennsylvania State University - Univ Park State College, PA R01ES014483 Ø
Exposure and Biological Response Biomarkers of Cigarette Smoke (Blair, Ian) University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA U01ES016004 Ø
Functional Genomics of Chemical - Induced Acute Lung Injury (Leikauf, George) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA U01ES015675 Ø
Annual Midwest DNA Repair Symposium (Sobol, Robert) University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA R13ES016721 Ø

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Last Reviewed: 21 August 2007