Kisatchie National Forest


Passes and Permits






The Federal Land Recreation Enhancement Act (REA) was signed into law by President Bush on December 8, 2004 (PL 108-447). The 10-year Act authorizes the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture to establish, modify, charge, and collect recreation fees at Federal recreation lands and waters as provided for in the Act. 

The new Interagency Pass Program authorized by REA is the "America the Beautiful" program. The Senior Pass replaces the former Golden Age Passport and the Access Pass replaces the former Golden Access Passport. The requirements for obtaining these passes remain the same and are listed in the chart below.

Interagency and Forest-Wide Recreation Passes


2009 Pass Summary - Kisatchie National Forest

Interagency Pass Type
Eligibility Requirements
Cost & Duration of Pass

(Concessionaires may not honor)

Senior Pass

[IMAGE: Interagency Senior Pass]

Golden Age
US citizen 62 years & older


(1) Cardholder (only) receives 50% off fees for “expanded amenity” sites and services:
- basic camping fee (not hookups)
- developed boat ramps & swimming areas
- specialized interpretive services
- Forest-wide Annual Day-Use Pass

(2) No fee for “standard amenity” sites (see notes)
- At sites that charge per vehicle, admits the pass holder & all passengers in the car
- At sites that charge per person, admits the pass holder plus 3 people 16 years & older

There are no “standard amenity” sites on this

Must verify age in person.

No discount for specialized trail fees
(OHV, horse, bike, river) & rifle ranges.

Valid at some State sites also.  Inquire when making payment.

Access Pass
[IMAGE: Interagency Access Pass]
Golden Access
US citizen with permanent disability (see note below)



(1) Cardholder (only) receives 50% off fees for “expanded amenity”
sites and services:
- basic camping fee (not hookups)
- developed boat ramps & swimming areas
- specialized interpretive services
- Forest-wide Annual Day-Use Pass

(2) No fee for “standard amenity” sites (see notes)
- At sites that charge per vehicle, admits the pass holder & all passengers in the car
- At sites that charge per person, admits the pass holder plus 3 people 16 years & older

There are no “standard amenity” sites on this

Must verify disability paperwork in person; (see note below).

No discount for specialized trail fees
(OHV, horse, bike, river) and rifle ranges.

Valid at some State sites also.  Inquire when making payment.

Annual Pass
[IMAGE: Interagency Annual Pass]
Golden Eagle


One year from date of purchase

(1) Benefits same as Forest-wide Pass (see below)
(2) No fee for “standard amenity” sites (see notes)
- At sites that charge per vehicle, admits the pass holder & all passengers in the car
- At sites that charge per person, admits the pass holder plus 3 people 16 years & older
(3) No entry fee for National Parks or National Wildlife Refuges

There are no “standard amenity” sites on this

Valid for 2 people listed on card back

No discount for specialized trail fees
(OHV, horse, bike, river) and rifle ranges.

Online ordering:

Volunteer Pass
[IMAGE: Interagency Volunteer Pass]
US citizen with 500 volunteer hours starting 1/1/07 (see notes)


One year from date of issue

(1) Benefits same as Forest-wide Pass (see below)
(2) No fee for “standard amenity” sites (see notes)
- At sites that charge per vehicle, admits the pass holder & all passengers in the car
- At sites that charge per person, admits pass holder plus 3 people 16 years & older
(3) No entry fee for National Parks or National Wildlife Refuges

Forest volunteer coordinator verifies eligibility.

There are no "standard amenity” sites on this

Valid for 2 people listed on card back

No discount for specialized trail fees
(OHV, horse, bike, river) & rifle ranges.

Kisatchie NF Forest-wide Day-Use Pass
$30 Per Calendar Year

Valid at the following sites:

Kincaid Lake Day Use

     and Boat Launches

Caney Lakes Day Use

     and Boat Launches Stuart Lake Day Use Kisatchie Bayou Day


Also Includes some sites in National Forest and Grasslands in Texas. Call 936-639-8501 for more info.


Kisatchie NF Forest-wide Trail-Use Pass

$50 per Operator

$25 per Operator under 16

Calendar Year

Valid at the following sites:

Claiborne Trail System

Enduro Trail System Livingston Trail System

     (Little Creek and 


Sandstone Trail

OHV, horseback, and mountain bike use

$25 youth pass requires them to be accompanied by parent or legal guardian and pass an approved rider safety program

Each operator must have individual Trail Pass (OHV, horseback, and mountain bike).

Contact: Shanna Ellis, 318-473-7055; FS website


An applicant must present one of the following 3 documents to verify permanent disability or blindness:

a. A document issued by a Federal agency providing Federal benefits, such as the Veteran's Administration, which attests that the applicant has been medically determined to be eligible to receive Federal benefits as a result of blindness or permanent disability. Other acceptable Federal agency documents include proof of receipt of Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).


b. A statement signed by a licensed physician attesting that the applicant has been medically determined to have a permanent physical, mental, or sensory impairment that severely limits one or more major life activities, and specifying the nature of the impairment;


c. A document issued by a State vocational rehabilitation agency, which attests that the applicant has been medically determined to be eligible to receive vocational rehabilitation agency benefits or services as a result of medically determined blindness or permanent disability.

Showing a State motor vehicle department disabled sticker, license plate or hangtag is NOT acceptable documentation.

The officer issuing the Pass shall not evaluate whether an applicant is blind or permanently disabled but will only determine if the documentation provided is adequate.



The Federal Land Recreation Enhancement Act (REA) was signed into law by President Bush on December 8, 2004 (PL 108-447). The 10-year Act authorizes the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture to establish, modify, charge, and collect recreation fees at Federal recreation lands and waters as provided for in the Act.

Many recreation activities and sites are still free such as general access, traveling through areas where no facilities or services are used, access to overlooks or scenic pullouts, undesignated parking areas without facilities, parking, picnicking along roads or trails, and for users under the age of 16 (standard amenity fees only).

Recreation fees are not new to the Forest Service. Since the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act was passed in 1964, the Forest Service has had the authority to charge recreation fees for activities such as camping in developed campgrounds. Through the Granger-Thye authority, the Forest Service has provided the public with opportunities to rent administrative sites such as cabins or lookouts for a fee.

REA establishes the development and implementation of national interagency recreation passes called "America the Beautiful -- National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes". These passes are also known as the "Interagency Passes." 

REA benefits visitors to federal public lands by:

  • Reinvesting a majority of revenue back to the site of collection;
  • Providing an interagency pass program that reduces confusion;
  • Providing more opportunities for public involvement in determining recreation fee sites and fees;
  • Providing focused criteria and limits on areas and sites where recreation fees can be charged; and
  • Providing more opportunities for cooperation with gateway communities through fee management agreements for visitor and recreation services, emergency medical services and law enforcement services.
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  USDA Forest Service - Kisatchie National Forest
  Last Modified:  January 15, 2009