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Warning on danger of biofuels

October 4, 2007

ENVIRONMENTAL hopes for biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuels are premature, if not misplaced, a scientist at the Greenhouse 2007 conference says.

Many of the plants being promoted as biofuel "miracle plants" were weeds that would create ecological devastation, said Tim Low, the co-author of a report released yesterday.

"This is just like the hype that went into cane toads in the 1930s," Mr Low said. "It doesn't have any proven value as an agricultural crop."

He said seven plants that have been deemed "promising" biofuel plants were already banned in Australia, and two of those - jatropha and spartina - featured on an international list of the world's 30 worst invasive plants.

Jatropha has attracted international attention in the biofuel industry, while spartina is the subject of trials in South Australia.

Jatropha, spartina and other biofuel plants overtake native vegetation, reduce habitats for native animals and ultimately spark a loss of biodiversity, he said.

Mr Low said the technology to convert the plants into ethanol was also of questionable environmental efficiency, and his report noted much of the land used for biofuel plants came at the expense of land used for food, which was required by the world's growing population.

The report by the non-governmental Invasive Species Council did not preclude all hopes for biofuel. "We believe that biofuels could eventually play a role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but this should not be at the expense of Australia's biodiversity or agriculture," it said.

Conrad Walters

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