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Cancer Therapy: The Independent Consumer's Guide to Non-Toxic Treatment & Prevention
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Cancer Therapy: The Independent Consumer's Guide to Non-Toxic Treatment & Prevention (Paperback)

by Ralph W. Moss (Author)
4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

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Editorial Reviews

From Library Journal
In this consumer's guide, the author of The Cancer Industry ( LJ 2/15/80; LJ 10/15/89, rev. ed.) discusses alternative cancer therapies that include vitamins, minerals, herbs, diets, immune boosters, and other substances. He also covers conventional chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation but emphasizes their adverse effects. Though he provides references to scientific articles, most of them are animal or tissue culture studies; there is no information about the effectiveness of these treatments for humans. A strongly worded disclaimer encourages readers to seek medical advice before using these treatments, and a handshake symbol in the text indicates a substance that is compatible with conventional therapies. Moss also includes a resource list of organizations concerned with cancer treatment. Malin Dollinger, M.D. & others' Everyone's Guide to Cancer Therapy ( LJ 5/15/91) offers a detailed, objective overview of current cancer care that is a more appropriate choice for most collections, but Cancer Therapy is a useful addition to collections where there is interest in alternative health treatments.
- Barbara M. Bibel, Oakland P.L., Cal.
Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Product Description
This thorough guide is a must-read for cancer patients and their families seeking treatment options.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 526 pages
  • Publisher: Equinox Press; 1st edition (January 25, 1992)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1881025063
  • ISBN-13: 978-1881025061
  • Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.5 x 1.4 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (10 customer reviews)
  • Sales Rank: #97,561 in Books (See Bestsellers in Books)

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    #66 in  Books > Professional & Technical > Medical > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Oncology
    #68 in  Books > Reference > Consumer Guides

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48 of 48 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars A Practical Handbook to Cancer Therapy, July 4, 2000
By David Bennett "" (Ohio, United States) - See all my reviews
(TOP 1000 REVIEWER)    (REAL NAME)      
Dr. Moss has put together an excellent resource for people looking into non-toxic cancer treatments. Ralph was thrust into the alternative medicine scene when he brought positive laetrile studies to the public's attention in the1970s when people were saying there was no evidence of laetrile's efficacy. Since then he has been an important voice of reason in the fight for alternatives.

This book is a well-researched sourcebook for new and innovative cancer treatments. The book is divided into various sections. The first is "Vitamins," where Moss provides research on vitamins, such as Vitamin D, on cancer research. Moss details studies that have been conducted with vitamins. Other sections include, "Minerals" such as Calcium, "Herbs" such as Aloe, "Diets" such as Gerson, and "Less Toxic Resources" such as Amygdalin and Hydrazine Sulfate. In total he lists over 100 therapies. At the end of each section there are resources for each therapy. For instance, he gives addresses of clinics using the methods.

Parts of this book are also devoted to cancer prevention studies. He also will tell when studies show that a substance can, for instance, enhance chemotherapy's effectiveness, or relieve side effects of radiation. This is helpful for people who are not willing to rely totally on alternatives, but who want some of their benefits.

This book is useful to anyone researching cancer treatments, cancer preventions, or else just wanting the straight facts on alternative therapies. No major orthodox cancer group approves of most of the therapies Moss discusses. Moss is not a Medical Doctor, but a researcher, so his presentation should not be taken directly as a prescription or a do-it-yourself treatment. However, for a new angle on cancer, and for information on effective therapies, this book is one of the best available.

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53 of 55 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Consider the Alternative, June 29, 2000
By Pam Hanna "wind star" (Thoreau, New Mexico United States) - See all my reviews
In his preface, Ralph Moss tells us that "...the hub of the cancer establishment is a highly profitable drug development system, led by chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies." I have seen this claim corroborated by reputable medical people such as Dr. Samuel Epstein in *The Politics of Cancer* and in Dr. John Robbins' *Reclaiming Our Health.*

Moss points out that the major components of the cancer establishment are the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the American Cancer Society (ACS), grantees at major universities, the leading pharmaceutical houses, and the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) "...which regulates the marketplace on behalf of the very industries it is supposed to oversee." Non-toxic cures, on the other hand, are called "questionable, unproven and unscientific" (i.e. unprofitable to the Cancer Industry). Only orthodox cancer treatments - surgery, radiation and chemotherapy -(cutting, burning and poisoning) are "scientific" and presumably not to be questioned. But there is hope. With the formation of the Office of Alernative Medicine (OAM) in 1992, there are now centers of alternative medicine at the medical schools of Harvard, Stanford and Columbia, and a special center to study such treatment has been established at the University of Texas.

As yet, I don't have cancer myself, but I have watched beloved family members and friends go brankrupt and die after undergoing these toxic treatments without ever having had the knowledge to seek alternative cures. That is why this book, in my opinion, is such a valuable resource. Moss includes information on cancer prevention as well as alternative treatments with well-documented proof that they have worked for thousands of people all over the world. After each section, the author provides references and resources.

Since cancer has increased to epidemic proportions in the industrialized nations, I believe everyone would benefit from owning and reading this book.

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30 of 30 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars full of "good medicine", August 19, 2000
I first encountered this book about 3 years ago when cancer was first diagnosed in my grandmother. We all sought every avenue for her so she could make an educated decision for her treatment. She finally decided upon convention chemo but she also supplemented her diet with a number of herbs and nutritional supplements. I am pleased to say she is still very much with us. About that time, in our on-line searches we came accross a site, iHerb that not only had the most up-to-date alternative supplements, but also had information which coroborrated Moss' explanations of these alternatives. We have continued with iHerb for our supplements and vitamins are are quite pleased with their product choices and service. Remember, there are many alternatives for cancer treatment. Do your research.
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Most Recent Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars When a tumor suppressor gene mutates, its ability to prevent uncontrolled growth is turned off.
1. Mutations can be be fixed by enzymes before they cause trouble. There are many enzymes that repair damage DNA in a cell. Read more
Published 5 months ago by Golden Lion

5.0 out of 5 stars Cure rate for chemotherapy = 4%. 96% are NOT HELPED by chemotherapy.
I would never ever put chemotherapy poison in my body. It does not cure and it DESTROYS the immune system, so you cannot try anything else less toxic after you realize chemo was... Read more
Published 7 months ago by Pathfinder

5.0 out of 5 stars The First Professional Book On Alternative Cancer Therapy
5-Stars. I don't own this book, but I borrowed it and read it three times, and took notes. I am a mechanical engineer who started studying Alternative Medicine 11 years ago. Read more
Published 22 months ago by A. Alkowaiter

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent info for Cancer
This is the premier book for people looking for solutions. Helped me make mine.
Published on January 9, 2007 by Claudia Trewet

3.0 out of 5 stars An outdated reference guide
This book "covers" 103 substances and treatments for cancer. In that sense, it was "comprehensive" 12 years ago. Read more
Published on August 24, 2004 by Bill Henderson

3.0 out of 5 stars A Biased Viewpoint
Moss gives a good overview of many alternative treatments although the book is no longer current. My main criticism is that he is obviously biased in favor of alternative... Read more
Published on December 22, 2001 by Rosemary Brunschwyler

4.0 out of 5 stars A Serious Effort To Discuss A Controversial Subject
Ralph Moss Presents us with a fairly serious discussion of various non-toxic cancer treatments. Each chapter is followed by a list of references. Read more
Published on August 31, 2001 by Peter Kenney

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