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  HTS solenoid for ERL

  High Field Magnet R&D

  Linear Collider Final Focus

  GSI Rapid Cycling Magnets

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DESY magnet Azimuthal field plot  

Click on the picture to see more picturesThe output of the Superconducting Magnet Division is various superconducting magnets for use in both particle accelerators and experimental facilities. We:
  • work within the U.S. HENP community on future facilities and technologies.
  • collaborate with other science institutions world wide to both provide and develop superconducting technologies.
  • support the ongoing Brookhaven research program with emphasis on the RHIC complex.

Capabilities include:

  • Superconductor materials development/test facility
  • Magnetic structure design
  • Superconducting magnet fabrication
  • Vertical and horizontal cryogenic testing
  • Magnetic field measurements

Peter Wanderer, Acting Division Head

Organizational Chart


Last update on: January 07, 2009 by D. McChesney.