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News & EventsNCRR Results January 15, 2009 A daily sample of the latest NCRR-supported research cited in PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine. Emotional face processing and emotion regulation in children: an ERP study Identifying cortical lateralization of speech processing in infants using near-infrared spectroscopy Kernels for generalized multiple-instance learning A genetic contribution to circulating cytokines and obesity in children See thousands more NCRR-supported research results on the PubMed Web site. ON THIS PAGE: SEE ALSO: Research NewsAnnouncements about NCRR-supported research and awards.
Thursday program marks first year of new statewide life sciences institute
First Science from the Compact Light Source: A miniature synchrotron for your home lab
MCRU consolidates two of its performance sites
Scientists Reveal Structure of New Botulism Nerve Toxin Subtype
Upcoming EventsUpcoming meetings of interest to NCRR grantees and the biomedical research community.
Decision Making in T1 Translational Research
141st Meeting of the National Advisory Research Resources Council
National Technology Centers for Networks and Pathways — All Hands Meeting
Media ContactCindy McConnell |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Bethesda, Maryland 20892 |
Department of Health and Human Services |