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These lessons are optimized for web viewing and therefore may not have adequate resolution for quality printing. The LPES Curriculum CD available from MWPS contains all lessons at print quality resolution, is searchable, and includes an index and PowerPoint presentations for each lesson. A full, printed version is available as is a 2-CD set of the lessons in PageMaker format. For more information or to purchase LPES materials, contact MWPS by phone at 1-800-562-3618, by fax at 1-515-294-9589, or by e-mail at mwps@iastate.edu For prices and to order on line just click on the Order Products button.

Lesson 51: Mortality Management -Don Stettler

Intended Outcomes
The participants will

  • Explain why timely management of mortality is important.
  • List the different methods for managing mortality.
  • List the advantages and disadvantages of different methods for managing mortality.
  • Explain conceptually the sizing of mortality composting facilities.


  1. Introduction
  2. Rendering
  3. Composting
  4. Incineration
  5. Sanitary Landfills
  6. Burial
  7. Disposal Pits
  8. Regulatory Compliance Issues
  9. Appendix A. Environmental Stewardship Assessment: Mortality Management
  10. Appendix B. Regulatory Compliance Assessment: Mortality Management
  11. Appendix C. Poultry and Livestock Mortality Rates
  12. Appendix D. Worksheet for Determining Compost Bin or Windrow Volume Requirements

The participants will estimate

  • Composter bin volume requirements.
  • The size of a manure storage facility.