Rolling Star Gif

Annual Report

Funding Report

Benchmark Summary Report


Glades Communities Champion Community


Lead Entity: Palm Beach Council Economic Development Office




State: Florida

Counties (Census Tracts): 8001,8002,8201,8202,8301,8302
Community Population: 24,848
Poverty Rate: 38.5%

Net Land Area: 131.5 sq. miles




Community Overview:


Industry in this isolated community is primarily agriculture. The seasonal economy is based on the production of sugar cane, winter leafy vegetables, sweet corn, green beans, carrots, and rice from November to April. Nearly 70% of the residents are only employed during these months. Migrant farm workers are attracted to the area and over 16% of the population in the county do not speak English well. This diversified community is plagued with little to no affordable housing, seasonal employment, and a large un-skilled labor force. Palm Beach County Economic Development Office was developed to build community by implementing a strategic plan that will foster economic growth and provide a safe and healthy place for residents to live.  


Strategic Plan Highlights:  


With the implementation of its strategic plan, Palm Beach County Economic Development Office seeks to achieve a balance in economic and sustainable community development.





Various partners within the community have given technical assistance and in-kind contributions to the development and implementation of the strategic plan. Partners include non-profits, local governments, area businesses, or public schools. Some partners include Palm Beach County, City of Belle Glade, City of Pahokee, City of South Bay, Enterprise Florida, South Florida water Management District, Army Corps of Engineers, Palm Beach Community College, and Everglades Venture Company.




Palm Beach County Economic Development Office identified and secured support from various organizations at the federal, state, and local levels. Grants, technical assistance, and in-kind contributions were successfully solicited. For example in 2001, Enterprise Florida awarded $600,000 to the Office for infrastructure support.  


Community Involvement:


The lead agency holds regular community, public, advisory, and marketing meetings to review benchmarks and update goals. Aside from regular review of benchmarks, to steadily move the agency closer to meeting their goals, they also structure specific community meetings to rank priorities.



Pamela Nolan, Economic Dev. Specialist


301 North Olive Avenue, 10th Floor

West Palm Beach, FL  33401


(561) 355-6835


(561) 355-6017





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