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Activists weigh how to push message while abandoning adversarial tacks. (Photo: Richard A. Lipski/The Washington Post)


Defining Torture

Planet War | A lost limb, constant interrogation, mental anguish - what exactly is torture, and where do we draw the line? | What Isn't Torture?


The League: When 'D' Is Key, Steelers Rule

Defining Torture

Planet War | A lost limb, constant interrogation, mental anguish - what exactly is torture, and where do we draw the line? | What Isn't Torture?


The League: When 'D' Is Key, Steelers Rule

Bush's Tortured Morality

Susan Thistlethwaite | His rigid, faith-based certainty beget a moral relativism that failed us.

President Bush

PostGlobal: Gaza's True Disproportion

Will Communism Save China's Economy?

John Pomfret | China's command economy might save it from economic doom. Or not.

China economy

On Leadership: Obama's Leadership Gaps

Smart Living

Slow, But Right on Time

Food & Dining | Go to work, school or both and let a slow cooker handle dinner duty. | Live Q&A 1 p.m. ET
Slow Cookers
9/11 Suspect Tortured, Says Trial Overseer

Official cites "abusive" methods used by U.S. military in interrogation of Saudi national who allegedly planned to participate in 9/11 attacks.

Bob Woodward

Markets Fall on Sales Report

Government's weaker-than-expected retail sales report renews anxieties on Wall Street.

Heather Landy | 11:54 a.m. ET

It's Ugly, but Bailout Is Working

COLUMN | You can question how money was used, yet a financial meltdown has been avoided.

Steven Pearlstein

Illegal Immigrants Likely to Stay

Report cites family and job ties, difficulty reentering the U.S. when economy improves.

N.C. Aizenman | 10:10 a.m. ET

Geithner Senate Hearing Delayed

Finance Committee chair says postponement does not mean Obama's Treasury pick is in jeopardy.

Shailagh Murray | 12:28 p.m. ET

Hamas May Survive Offensive

Israeli military officials say a knockout blow is unlikely; Bin Laden urges jihad against Israel.

Craig Whitlock | 10:12 a.m. ET

High Court Rules on Police Error

Evidence from arrest based on wrong information in police files may be used against a suspect.

Associated Press | 11:07 a.m. ET

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Transition Edition
Daily Beast bloggers Tucker Carlson and Ana Marie Cox dissect and debate the latest transition and political news, including the confirmation hearings for Hillary Clinton and Timothy Geitner.
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Politics: Carlson & Cox LIVE

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Politics: Anne E. Kornblut
Dining: Tom Sietsema
Pearlstein: Stimulus Package
Pets: Animal Doctor
The Root: Day of Service
Gossip: Reliable Source
Froomkin: On Bush-Cheney
Cooking: Food Section

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Get up close and personal with William H. Macy, Will Smith, Hugh Laurie, Denis Leary and more celebrities.

Building Better Businesses

Get leadership advice about management strategy and how to make your company succeed from CEOs of corporations and industry experts.

Voices On
Voices on Green

Environmentalists sound off on their ideas for alternative energy and how to go green.

Left of Boom

A look at the U.S. struggle to defeat improvised explosive devices used by insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Cheney Vice Presidency

Series examines Cheney's largely hidden and little-understood role in crafting policies for War on Terror, economy and the environment.

Sudan: A Country in Crisis

Interactive report examines Darfur, where conflict has left 450,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced.

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