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World Trade Organization

Mini-Ministerial Conference

(The July 2008 Package)

Geneva, Switzerland

  July 21–25, 2008


The July 2008 package is a stepping stone on the way to concluding the Doha Round by the end of 2008. The main task before WTO members is to settle a range of questions that will shape the final agreement of the Doha Development Agenda. Political breakthrough requires consultations among a group of ministers representing all interests in the negotiations. The outcome will be put to the full membership in the Trade Negotiations Committee.

"Today I broaden the challenge by making this pledge: the United States is ready to eliminate tariffs, subsidies and other barriers to free flow of goods and services as other nations do the same… It's the key to overcoming poverty in the world's poorest nations. It's essential we promote prosperity and opportunity for all nations. By expanding trade we spread hope and opportunity to the corners of the world and we strike a blow against the terrorists who feed on anger and resentment."

Excerpt of Speech by President George W. Bush
delivered at the United Nations General Assembly Meeting, September 14, 2005


Revised Agricultural Modalities Texts (07/10/08)


Schafer: Doha Round Is At An Impasse Not A Collapse (USDA Radio News; 07/29/08 - real, mp3, wave)

Statement from Ambassador Susan C. Schwab, U.S. Trade Representative on the Suspension of WTO Doha Round Trade Negotiations (07/29/08; .pdf)

Revised Texts On Doha Round As Talks Progress (USDA Radio News; 07/28/08 - real, mp3, wave)

Latest Doha Round Talks Reach Critical Point (USDA Radio News; 07/23/08 - real, mp3, wave)

WTO Breaks Into Smaller Groups To Advance Doha Round  (USDA Radio News; 07/23/08 - real, mp3, wave)

U.S. Makes Offer During Latest Doha Round Talks (USDA Radio News; 07/22/08 - real, mp3, wave)
Latest U.S. Doha Round Offer And Farm Bill (USDA Radio News; 07/22/08 - real, mp3, wave)

USTR Schwab remarks from Geneva (07/22/08)

High Food Prices and the Doha Development Agenda (USDA Radio News; 07/21/08 - real, mp3, wave)
U.S. Doha Delegation Making Rounds With WTO Member Nations (USDA Radio News; 07/21/08 - real, mp3, wave)

Transcript: Ambassador Schwab press conference from Geneva (07/21/08)

USTR Schwab Statement following TNC Meeting (07/21/08)

Transcript - Audio: USTR Schwab Briefing from Geneva (07/21/08)

Schafer On Progress in The Doha Round (USDA Radio News; 07/18/08 - real, mp3, wave)

Audio/Transcript: USTR Schwab Doha Media Roundtable (07/17/08)

U.S. And WTO Members Reviewing Revised Doha Round Texts (USDA Radio News; 07/11/08 - real, mp3, wave)

Revised Ag Negotiating Text To Be Presented Soon To WTO  (USDA Radio News; 07/08/08 - real, mp3, wave)

July A Critical Month For Doha Round Progress (USDA Radio News; 07/02/08 - real, mp3, wave)

The World Trade Organization

What is the WTO? (USTR Briefing Book)

The Doha Development Agenda (USTR Fact Sheet; 07/17/08)

United States Leads the World to Liberalize Trade (USTR Trade Facts; 07/17/08)

The Benefits of Trade for Developing Countries (USTR Trade Facts; 07/17/08)

Glossary of Agriculture and World Trade Organization Terms (.pdf)

WTO Briefing Papers from the Economic Research Service-USDA

The Negotiating Process

World Bank President Calls for Breakthrough Progress on Doha Round (The World Bank; July 2008)

International Trade: The United States Needs an Integrated Approach to Trade Preference Programs (U.S. Government Accountability Office; June 2008)

WTO Doha Round: Agricultural Negotiating Proposals (Congressional Research Service; January 2007)

Revised Hong Kong Draft Ministerial Text (12/02/05)

Background on the U.S. Proposal in the Doha Round

Framework Agreement (August 2004)

Cancun Ministerial (September 2003)

The U.S. - E.U. Framework (August 2003)

The Harbinson Draft (March 2003)

The Doha Round (November 2001)

The July 2008 Package Page from the WTO

WTO's Doha Development Agenda Page