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NIH Record

The NIH Record Debuts on the Web

The NIH Record, exclusively a paper publication since May 1949, is now available electronically on the World Wide Web. It can be accessed within the NIH home page ( under the "Information for Employees" and "News and Events" sections. Or open the site directly by going to archives.htm.

The Web version is modeled after the paper one and closely resembles it, but has the advantage of color design and photography. The site's opening page is an "Archives" of issues that leads off -- for the moment -- with the Mar. 25 edition. It will eventually go back to July 1996, when we adopted a new look. Soon, new issues will appear online at the same time as, or even a day or two before, the printed version. Click on any of the dates to enter a given issue.

To encourage responses from readers, there are several links for sending us email; we hope readers will take advantage of this tool.

In preparation since last December, the site was developed with important contributions from designer Richard Barnes of NCRR's design section, and Dennis Rodrigues and Becca Houston of OD's Office of Communications.

The online availability should be a boon to retirees and off-campus readers who have been barred from subscriptions to the Record since 1987, when more than 2,000 outside subscribers fell victim to government cutbacks.

Check out -- any day of the week -- the "second best thing about payday" at NIH!

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