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Take Your Child to Work Day Deemed a Success

Photos: Ernie Branson

The success of NIH Take Your Child to Work Day on Apr. 24 could be measured by the sight of hundreds of bright yellow bags (supplied by the R&W) in the hands of children all over campus. More than 1,350 slots were filled for activities requiring tickets and all other activities were well attended. By afternoon, the NIH Police ran out of children's ID packets, so popular was the photo-fingerprinting program. This year, there was a significant increase in participation by off-campus employees and their children. Suggestions for next year's program can be sent to Karen Helfert at

At left, Carol Cronin (c, with back to camera) of the NIH Visitor Information Center uses a model to illustrate her brief lecture on animal cells to about a dozen children of NIH employees.

The youngsters were then asked to prepare microscope slides of cells using scrapings from inside their cheeks. At right, a girl adjusts the electron microscope while viewing the results on computer screen.

A youngster takes a look at a slide.





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