
For this Solicitation the Office of Science is using Grants.Gov for the electronic submission of applications. Please reference Funding Opportunity
DE-PS02-09ER09-02 when submitting applications for this Solicitation.

For more information about the Office of Science Grant Program, go to the Office of Science Grants and Contracts Web Site.

Office of Science
Financial Assistance
Funding Opportunity Announcement

Annual Notice
Submission of Renewal and Supplemental Applications for Office of Science Grants and Cooperative Agreements

The announcement will remain open until February 27, 2009, or until it is succeeded by another issuance, whichever occurs first. It is the intent of the DOE to issue a successor announcement in late February. A successor announcement is planned due to Grants.gov's scheduled transition from the PureEdge based application system to the Adobe Reader application system.

Note: Download the PureEdge forms associated with this announcement only if you intend to submit your application on or before February 27, 2009. If you intend to submit your application after February 27, 2009, you should wait until the successor announcement has been issued before downloading the forms (which will then be in Adobe format). The last day that Grants.gov will accept PureEdge Submissions is
February 27, 2009.

The Office of Science (SC) of the Department of Energy (DOE) hereby announces its continuing interest in receiving renewal and supplemental grant and cooperative agreement applications for support of work in the following program areas: Basic Energy Sciences, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Fusion Energy Sciences, Biological and Environmental Research, and Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists.

Submission to the 09-02 Funding Opportunity Announcement will require completion of the grants.gov R&R forms. The correct application package will be attached to the Notice. Because the SF-424 form has no specific section on the form that requests the grant number, the grant number should be entered into block #4 (Federal Identifier) and the type of submission (Renewal or Supplemental) typed beside it.

The abstract and budget justification must be attached as separate files. The narrative should be attached as a third, single file, with all other components such as Facilities & Equipment, Current & Pending Funding, CVs, and Bibliographies, etc., included.

APPLICATION DUE DATE: December 31, 2008 - 8:00 pm Eastern Time

This announcement will remain open until December 31, 2008, or until it is succeeded by another issuance, whichever occurs first. It is the intent of the DOE to issue a successor announcement in mid to late December. A successor announcement is planned due to Grants.gov's scheduled transition from the PureEdge based application system to the Adobe Reader application system.

Note: Download the PureEdge forms associated with this announcement only if you intend to submit your application on or before December 31, 2008. If you intend to submit your application after December 31, 2008, you should wait until the successor announcement has been issued before downloading the forms (which will then be in Adobe format). The last day that Grants.gov will accept PureEdge submissions is December 31, 2008.

Applications must be submitted using Grants.gov, the Funding Opportunity Announcement can be found using the CFDA Number, 81.049 or the Funding Opportunity Announcement number, DE-PS02-09ER09-02. Applicants must follow the instructions and use the forms provided on Grants.gov.


Questions regarding the program (technical) requirements must be directed to the DOE Program Manager for your grant.


DOE will accept renewal and supplemental applications under this announcement. Renewal applications are requests for additional funding for a period subsequent to that provided by a current award. Renewal applications compete with all other applications and must be submitted by any established due date/deadline or at least six months before additional funding is required if there is no specified due date/deadline. In preparing a renewal application, applicants should assume that reviewers will not have access to previous applications. The application should be developed as fully as though the applicant were applying for the first time. The application must include all the information required for a new project, plus the project narrative section should discuss the results from prior work.


A renewal application must be submitted through grants.gov no later than six months before the scheduled expiration of the project period. Renewal applications must include the same forms and information as a new application, except for the following changes:

    1. Include under the project description section, information on any research changes (size or scope) that affect the original research endeavor.

    2. Include an estimate of anticipated unexpended funds that will remain at the end of the current project period.

    3. Include a progress report as a separate section that describes the results of work accomplished through the date of the renewal application and how such results relate to the activities proposed to be undertaken in the renewal period.

A renewal application generally will be subjected to the Office of Science merit review requirements. Should an application be approved and funded, the extended period of support is treated as an extension of the original project period.

Applicants should contact the appropriate DOE Program Manager or see the SC Program Website for guidance to determine if there are any additional requirements or limitations on the submission of these applications.


A supplemental application should be submitted through grants.gov no later than six months before the scheduled expiration of the project period.

Two types of supplemental applications may be submitted:

1. If the grantee is requesting support for a new task or activity to be added to the approved project, a supplemental application shall contain the same information as a new application. These applications will undergo merit review and will compete for funding with other new applications.

2. If the awardee needs additional funds:

    a. for increased costs that could not have been predicted when the application was originally approved; or

    b. to increase the "level of effort" or accelerate the project; and, if there is no change to the project description as contained in the approved application.

A supplemental application, completed and submitted by the appropriate official shall contain the following:

Forms as instructed in Grants.gov and an explanation of the need for the additional funding.

Applicants should contact the appropriate DOE Program Manager or see the SC Program Website for guidance before submitting a supplemental application.

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number for this program is 81.049, and the solicitation control number is ERFAP 10 CFR Part 605.

For further submission information please see the full version of this FOA, DE-PS02-09ER09-02, located at: http://www.grants.gov/

Posted on the Office of Science Grants and Contracts Web Site
October 1, 2008.