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Volcanic activity
Episodes during which gases, ash, and lava (molten rock) escape from vents in the earth's crust, accompanied by minor tremors.

Volcano monitoring (11 items)
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Results 1 - 48 of 48 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Volcano Hazards Program [New Window]
Homepage for USGS Volcano Hazards Program with feature stories, and links to worldwide volcano updates, volcanic hazards, reducing volcanic risk, USGS international programs, and resources such as educator's page, videos, and online reports.
Most recent updates for U.S. volcanoes [New Window]
Short descriptions of recent volcanic activity in the US.
Natural Hazards - Volcanoes [New Window]
News and related information focusing on the hazards associated with volcanoes in the United States.
PDF A volcano rekindled; the renewed eruption of Mount St. Helens, 2004-2006 [New Window]
Danger to aircraft from volcanic eruption clouds [New Window]
Explanation of problems encountered by aircraft due to volcanic emissions.
Earth tides and volcano monitoring [New Window]
Article in the May 28, 1998 issue of Volcano Watch describing of correlation of earth tides to volcanic eruptions and value in monitoring underground magma movement with deformation measurement instruments including tiltmeters and strainmeters.
Eruption warning and real-time notifications [New Window]
Describes strategy of volcano warnings and the real-time detection of a sudden eruption or lahar and immediate notification of the activity to the public and local, state, and federal emergency-management officials.
Eruptions from the Inyo chain about 600 years ago: sequence of events and effects in the Long Valley Area [New Window]
Describes the volcanic activity that occurred along the southern part of the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain in California about 600 years ago.
Eruptions of Mount St. Helens: past, present, future [New Window]
Online booklet on the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, past history, and future hazards.
Kilauea - eruption update and image archive [New Window]
Current Kilauea eruption activity, updated daily with recent photos, maps, and deformation information and links to video for broadband users, photo glossary, and image archive.
Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley -- Mono Lake Area, California [New Window]
An introduction to the volcano hazards in the Long Valley area based on the past geologic history of the Long Valley Caldera and the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain.
Volcano monitoring at Yellowstone National Park [New Window]
Describes volcano monitoring at Yellowstone National Park including an update of recent volcanic activity, real-time data, and link to volcano monitoring techniques information.
Monitoring data of the Long Valley caldera and Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, California [New Window]
Describes the monitoring effort and provides real-time data of the current restless activity of the caldera, including earthquakes, ground deformation, and release of volcanic gas and plus link to volcano monitoring techniques.
Volcano video and television surveillance monitoring systems [New Window]
Visual monitoring of volcanoes by closed-circuit television and video monitoring for a permanent video record of events using slow-scan television which permits continuous surveillance at a distance for remote volcanoes or in times of danger.
Alaska Volcano Observatory [New Window]
Homepage for Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) with offices in Anchorage and Fairbanks monitors and studies Alaska's hazardous volcanoes. Links to featured news, updates, publications and products, and a volcano atlas for Alaska.
America's volcanic past - volcanic highlights and features [New Window]
Links to volcanism, volcanic history, volcanic rocks, and general geology by state, by region, national parks and national monuments and a brief introduction to volcanism around the U.S. entitled: Windows into the past.
Cascades Volcano Observatory [New Window]
Portal to information provided by the Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, WA with links to reports and activity in the Cascade Range and other volcanoes and multiple links to general information on volcanology, reports, research, and maps.
Cascades Volcano Observatory - Learn about volcanoes [New Window]
Educational volcano site providing answers to frequently asked volcano questions with links to other general information on volcanoes and to information on specific volcanoes including the Cascade Range volcanoes.
Cascades Volcano Observatory educational outreach: Available videos [New Window]
Description of videos on Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier, and Mt. Hood, with information on obtaining copies.
Geologic history of Long Valley Caldera and the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, California [New Window]
Summarizes the geologic and volcanic activity of the Long Valley Caldera and Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain in east central California.
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory [New Window]
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory's latest news with links to information on Kilauea, Mauna Loa, and other volcanoes, earthquakes, volcanic hazards, photo archive, and general information about the center.
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) earthquakes: HVO seismic network [New Window]
Description of the seismic monitoring of the active Hawaiian volcanoes with information on the network, instrumentation, and recording stations with links to related information.
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory spotlight images archive [New Window]
Images of Hawaiian volcanoes and the islands they've built in the past few million years, images of recent eruptions, and Hawaiian landscapes.
Kilauea - perhaps the world's most active volcano [New Window]
Current activity, hazards, and history of eruptions of Kilauea Volcano.
Mauna Loa current activity [New Window]
Current activity of Mauna Loa Volcano with news, GPS data, electronic tiltmeter data, and current seismicity plus links to long term monitoring.
Mauna Loa, Earth's largest volcano [New Window]
Current activity, hazards, and history of eruptions of Mauna Loa.
Preparing for volcanic emergencies [New Window]
Describes activities of USGS scientists to increase public awareness of volcano hazards with links to publication and videos for public information on understanding and preparing for volcanic hazards.
Selected volcano information [New Window]
Selected books, maps, videos, and other materials produced by the USGS Volcano Hazards Program. Many products highlighted here are intended for general audiences.
This dynamic planet: World map of volcanoes, earthquakes, impact craters, and plate tectonics [New Window]
Online world map with booklet (PDF format) giving an account of plate tectonics, volcanology, earthquake activity, and impact craters.
Types and effects of volcano hazards [New Window]
Describes the 6 main types of hazardous activities and processes associated with volcanoes, including tephra, lava flows, pyroclastic flows, lahars (volcanic mudflows), landslides, and volcanic gas.
Volcano Hazards Program, Long Valley Observatory [New Window]
Overview of the Long Valley Caldera with links to monitoring data including earthquakes and deformations, long-term outlook, volcano hazards in the area, USGS response plan, image gallery, monitoring and topical studies, publications and references.
Volcano and hydrologic hazards, features, and terminology [New Window]
Links to explanations of volcanic hazards and features and to a glossary of volcano terminology.
Volcano hazard zones in the Long Valley - Mono Lake Area, California [New Window]
Describes the volcano-hazard zones for the Long Valley and Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain identified by scientists of the U.S. Geological Survey.
Volcano watch [New Window]
Volcano Watch is a weekly newsletter issued by the U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory on volcanic features on the Big Island, volcanic hazards, and informational topics of Long Valley, Montserrat, or Alaska.
Volcanoes [New Window]
This booklet presents a generalized summary of the nature, workings, publications, and hazards of the common types of volcanoes around the world, along with a brief introduction to the techniques of volcano monitoring and research.
Volcanoes of Hawaii feature stories archive [New Window]
Archive of feature stories on volcanic features on the Big Island, guided tours of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, eruptions and eventful earthquakes, and other topics about the work of scientists at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.
Volcanoes of Hawaii photo gallery [New Window]
Images of Hawaiian volcanoes and the islands they've built in the past few million years, and images of recent eruptions.
Volcanoes of the United States [New Window]
Booklet detailing plate tectonics, eruptions, hazards, and monitoring of U.S. volcanoes with black and white photos.
Volunteer Program of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) [New Window]
Site for the Volunteer Program at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) with information on how to become a volunteer, volunteer housing, examples of volunteer experiences, available volunteer projects, and about HVO.
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) [New Window]
Homepage of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory with links to information about the observatory at Yellowstone National Park, volcanic history, photo gallery, monitoring data, publications and products, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Carbon dioxide and helium discharge from Mammoth Mountain, Long Valley caldera, California [New Window]
An explanation of toxic carbon dioxide emissions at Mammoth Mountain in Long Valley caldera, and a description of magmatic helium discharge at the Mammoth Mountain fumarole with photos, maps, and links to other studies.
Earth science photographic archive [New Window]
Photographic archive collection from the USGS Photo Library. Photos dated 1868-1992 are of geology, earthquake damage, national parks, pioneer photographers, St. Helens eruption and mining and available at 100, 700 and 1400 dots/inch resolution.
Natural Hazards Gateway [New Window]
News and related information about the importance of seven major types of natural hazards in the United States: earthquakes, floods, wildfires, hurricanes, landslides, volcanoes, and tsunamis.
Ozone in our air - friend or foe? - depends on where [New Window]
Article on ozone layer and ozone as a pollutant from the weekly newsletter Volcano Watch (Hawaiian Volcano Observatory) for August 20, 2001.
Photo gallery of the Long Valley area, California [New Window]
Selection of photographic images of the Long Valley area that illustrate the consequences of the past geologic history of the Sierra Nevada, Long Valley Caldera, the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, glaciation, and faulting.
Scientific drilling in Long Valley, California: What will we learn? [New Window]
Description of 1998 drilling project at Long Valley Exploratory Well located on Long Valley Caldera's resurgent dome to monitor changing conditions beneath the dome. (Document in PDF format.)
Taming of a wild research well in Yellowstone National Park during November 1992 [New Window]
A valve failed in a research well, causing an uncontrolled eruption of steam and hot water. Video program shows technical problems encountered in controlling and capping the well.
Understanding our planet through chemistry [New Window]
Site with a series of articles showing how chemists and geologists use analytical chemistry to determine the age of the Earth, determine Earth's history, predict volcanic eruptions, observe long-term atmospheric change and study pollution.

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