Publications - 2006

Bennett, R. and D'Imperio, N.  Performance evaluation of a 3D electrodynamics simulation on massively parallel computers.  Presented at SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Feb.  22-24, 2006, San Francisco, CA.

Chang, Y.-C., Davenport, J.W., and James, R.B.  Symmetrized-basis LASTO calculations of defects in CdTe and ZnTe.  Physical Review B 73: 035211 (2006).  BNL-75696-2006-JA.

D'Imperio, N.L., et al. Parallel 3-D Space Charge Calculations in the Unified Accelerator Library. EPAC 2006, July 2006.

Du, J., Fix, B., Glimm, J., Jia, X., Li, X., Li, Y., and Wu, L.  A simple package for front tracking.  J. Comp. Phys. 213(2): 613-628 (2006).  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-05-02.

Du, J., Wang, S., Glimm, J., and Samulyak, R. A comparison study of two methods for elliptic boundary value problems. SIAM J. Sci. Computing, submitted, 2006.

George, E., Glimm, J., Li, X.L., Li, Y.H., and Liu, X.F.  The influence of scale-breaking phenomena on turbulent mixing rates.  Phys. Rev. E 73: 016304-1 - 016304-5 (2006).

Grell, L., Parkin, C., Slatest, L., and Craig, P.A.  EZ-Viz, a tool for simplifying molecular viewing in PyMOL.  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 34(6): 402-407 (2006).  BNL-77236-2006-JA.

Hornak, V., Okur, A., Rizzo, R.C., and Simmerling, C.  HIV-1 protease flaps spontaneously open and reclose in molecular dynamics simulations.  PNAS 103(4): 915-920 (2006). BNL-75697-2006-JA.

Hornak, V, Okur, A., Rizzo, R.C., and Simmerling, C. Flap structure and dynamics in HIV-1 protease simulations. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 231, Mtg. Abstract 379-MEDI (2006).

Hornak, V., Okur, A., Rizzo, R.C., and Simmerling, C.  HIV-1 protease flaps spontaneously close to the correct structure in simulations following manual placement of an inhibitor into the open state.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128: 2812-2813 (2006).  BNL-76788-2006-JA.

Hornak, V., Abel, R., Okur, A., Strockbine, B., Roitberg, A., and Simmerling, C.  Comparison of multiple Amber force fields and development of improved protein backbone parameters.  Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 65(3): 712-725 (2006).  BNL-76845-2006-JA.

Jin, H., Glimm, J., and Sharp, D.H.  Compressible two-pressure two-phase flow models.  Phys. Letters A 353(6): 469-474 (2006).  BNL-76785-2006-JA.

Jin, H., Glimm, J., and Sharp, D.H.  Entropy of averaging for compressible two-pressure two-phase flow models.  Phys. Lett. A 360: 114-121 (2006).  BNL-77599-2007-JA.  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-06-08.

Kocharian, A.N., Fernando, G.W., Palandage, K., and Davenport, J.W.  Exact study of charge-spin separation, pairing fluctuations, and pseudogaps in four-site Hubbard clusters.  Phys. Rev. B 74: 024511 (2006).  BNL-76855-2006-JA.

Layten, M., Hornak, V., and Simmerling, C.  The open structure of a multi-drug-resistant HIV-1 protease is stabilized by crystal packing contacts.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128: 13360-13361 (2006).  BNL-76793-2006-JA.

Liu, X., George, E., Bo, W.G., and Glimm, J.  Turbulent mixing with physical mass diffusion.  Phys. Rev. E 73(5): 056301-1 - 0556301-8 (2006).  BNL-76786-2006-JA.

Liu, J.-J., Glimm, J., and Li, X.L.  A conservative front tracking method.  In F. Asakura, H. Aiso, S. Kawashima, A. Matsumura, S. Nishibata, and K. Nishihara (eds.) Hyperbolic Problems:  Theory, Numerics, and Applications, pp. 57-62.  Yokohama Publishers, Osaka, Japan, 2006.

Mokhov, N.V., Czarapata, P.C. Drozhdin, A.I., Still, D.A., and Samulyak, R.V.  Beam-induced damage to the Tevatron components and what has been done about it.  Fermilab Preprint: FERMILAB-Conf-06/415-AD, November 2006.

Moustakas, D.T., Lang, P.T., Pegg, S., Pettersen, E., Kuntz, I.D., Brooijmans, N., and Rizzo, R.C.  Development and validation of a modular, extensible docking program:  DOCK 5.  J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des. 20: 601-619 (2006).

Okur, A., Wickstrom, L., Layten, M., Geney, R., Song, K., Hornak, V., and Simmerling, C.  Improved efficiency of replica exchange simulations through use of a hybrid explicit/implicit solvation model.  J. Chemical Theory and Computation 2: 420-433 (2006).  BNL-76787-2006-JA.

Rafi, S.B., Cui, G., Song, K., Cheng, X., Tonge, P.J., and Simmerling, C.  Insight through molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area calculations into the binding affinity of triclosan and three analogues for FabI, the E. coli enoyl reductase.  J. Med. Chem. 49(15): 4574-4580 (2006).  BNL-76844-2006-JA.

Rissland, P. and Deng, Y. Structure and performance of molecular dynamics package MDoC on QCDOC. Parallel Computing, submitted, 2006.

Rizzo, R.C., Aynechi, T., Case, D.A., and Kuntz, I.D.  Estimation of absolute free energies of hydration using continuum methods:  Accuracy of partial charge models and optimization of nonpolar contributions.  J. Chem. Theory and Computation 2: 128-139 (2006).

Samulyak, R., Lu, T., Prykarpatskyy, Y., Glimm, J., Xu, Z., and Kim, M.-N.  Comparison of heterogeneous and homogenized numerical models of cavitation.  Int. J. Multiscale Comp. Eng. 4(3): 377-389 (2006).  BNL-73185-2004-JA.

Shen, X., Peterson, M.R., Zheng, Z.-C., Davenport, J.W., Muckerman, J.T., and Allen, P.B.  Electronic structure of ZnO nanowire.  Phys. Rev. B, submitted, 2006.  BNL-77172-2006-JA.

Song, K., Hornak, v., de los Santos, C., Grollman, A.P., and Simmerling, C.L.  Computational analysis of the binding mode of 8-oxo-guanine to formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase.  Biochemistry 45(36): 10886-10894 (2006).  BNL-76846-2006-JA.

Wang, X., Zhu, W., Pradhan, K., Ji, C., Ma, Y., Semmes, O.J., Glimm, J., and Mitchell, J.  Feature extraction in the analysis of proteomic mass spectra.  Proteomics 6: 2095-2100 (2006). 

Wickstrom, L., Okur, A., Song, K., Hornak, V., Raleigh, D.P., and Simmerling, C.L.  The unfolded state of the villin headpiece helical subdomain:  Computational studies of the role of locally stabilized structure.  J. Mol. Biol. 360(5): 1094-1107 (2006).  BNL-76792-2006-JA.

Xu, Z.L., Kim, M., Oh, W., Glimm, J., Samulyak, R., Li, X.L., and Tzanos, C.  Discrete bubble modeling of unsteady cavitating flow.  Int. J. Multiscale Comp. Eng. 4: 377-389 (2006).  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-05-08.

Xu, Z., Kim, M.-N., Oh, W., Glimm, J., Samulyak, R., Li, X., Lu, T., and Tzanos, C.  Atomization of a high speed jet.  Int. J. Multiscale Comp. Eng., accepted, 2006.  BNL-73677-2005-JA.  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-05-08.  PDF Format.

Yu, Y., Zhao, M., Lee, T., Pestieau, N., Bo, W., Glimm, J., and Grove, J.W.  Uncertainty quantification for chaotic computational fluid dynamics.  J. Comp. Phys. 217: 200-216 (2006).  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-05-16 and LANL Preprint No. LA-UR-05-6212.  BNL-77166-2006-JA.


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