
Project Outlines



Project Title Key Personnel
ITAPS  J. Glimm, R. Samulyak, Z. Xu
TOPS D. Keyes
Advanced Computing for 21st Century Accelerator Science and Technology R. Samulyak
Statistical Approaches to Aerosol Dynamics for Climate Simulation R. McGraw, W. Zhu

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Biological & Environmental Research

Novel algorithms and hardware allow fine-scaled parallelism for all atom simulations to model structural biology. We project long simulated times (1-10 μsec for all atom simulations). This result will allow exploration of new time scales in structural biology. We are emphasizing conformational changes in proteins with known structures, in collaboration with BNL biologists.

Brookhaven has strong experimental programs in atmospheric chemistry and brain physiology. Both programs are data intensive. The challenge is not only data quantity, but especially data understanding. We have developed new tools for interactive visual and statistical data analysis. We are actively using these tools in diverse applications.

Project Title Key Personnel
Binding of Anti-Fusion Peptides with HIVgp41 B. Strockbine, S. Mukherjee, N. Carrascal, R. Rizzo
Molecular Dynamics Study of HIV-Protease V. Hornak, O. Okur, R.C. Rizzo, C. Simmerling
MD Simulations of the Activation of the Adenovirus Proteinase J.V. Stern,  L. Slatest, J.W. Davenport, W.J. McGrath, W.F. Mangel
MD Simulations of Biotoxins and of PDZ Domains X. Chen and Y. Deng
Visualization and Data Mining for the Detection of Cancer W. Zhu, R. Bennett, J. Kovach, M. McGuigan
Atmospheric Aerosols W. Zhu, K. Mueller, S. Schwartz
3D MRI Digital Atlas Database of Adult C57BL/6J Mouse Brain Y. Ma, P.R. Hof, S.C. Grant, S.J. Blackband, R. Bennett, L. Slatest, M.D. McGuigan, H. Benveniste

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Advanced Scientific Computing

Project Title Key Personnel
ITAPS: Atomization and Spray Z. Xu, J. Glimm, X. Li,
R. Samulyak, C. Tzanos,
ITAPS: Frontier-Lite X. Li, Z. Xu, B. Fix
Magnetohydrodynamics of Free Surface Flows R. Samulyak,  J. Du, T. Lu, J. Glimm
Pellet Ablation in the Tokamak Refueling Process R. Samulyak, T. Lu
Linear Algebra and QCDOC on Top 500 A. Dubinsky, Y. Gao, C. Jung, R. Bennett, D. Stampf, Y. Deng
Molecular Dynamics on the QCDOC P. Rissland, G. Han, G. Martyna, J. Glimm, Y. Deng
Highly Scalable FFT and Molecular Dynamics Algorithms for QCDOC B. Fang, Y. Deng, G. Martyna
Electrodynamics on QCDOC and BG/L R. Bennett, N. D'Imperio
Parallel Heisenberg Spin Model on Supercomputer Architectures M. McGuigan, R. Bennett
Comparison of Two Methods for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems J. Du, S. Wang, J. Glimm, R. Samulyak
Uncertainty Quantification J. Glimm, Y. Yu
ViStA: Visual Statistical Analyzer K. Mueller, W. Zhu
Parallel Visualization of Large Data Sets R. Bennett, M. McGuigan,
G. Smith, J. Spiletic, S. Tomov
Visualization Collaboratory M. McGuigan, R. Bennett, L. Slatest, D. Stampf, BNL; G. Fong (SUNY Alfred State College)
Cluster Computing N. D'Imperio

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Basic Energy Sciences

The Department of Energy's Office of Basic Energy Sciences supports research in materials and chemical sciences, geoscience, engineering, and energy biosciences. This broad-based program of fundamental research is also responsible for a number of national user facilities, including synchrotron x-ray and neutron sources and electron microscope facilities. CSC has engaged in numerous projects in computational fluid dynamics, many body physics, and optics, which are described here. Most projects are in collaboration with BES scientists and support the BES missions.

Project Title Key Personnel
Scalable Localizable Density Functional Theory K.S. Kang, J. Davenport, D. Volja, J. Zheng, D. Keyes, J. Glimm
First Principles Calculations of Zinc-Oxide NanoWires X. Shen, J. Zheng, J.W. Davenport, J.T. Muckerman, P.B. Allen
Computational Nanomagnets M. McGuigan, J. Davenport, J. Glimm
DFT Study of Isocyanide Adsorption on Gold (111) Surface Y. Gilman, P.B. Allen, M. Hybertsen
Direct Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flows with Phase transitions T. Lu, R. Samulyak, Z. Xu, J. Glimm

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High Energy & Nuclear Physics

Project Title Key Personnel
Neutrino Factory/Muon Collider Target R. Samulyak, J. Glimm, J. Du
Modeling of Wake Fields and Impedances in Accelerators R. Samulyak
Unified Accelerator Library: SIMBAD N. D'Imperio, A. Luccio
Spallation Neutron Source R. Samulyak, T. Lu
Grid Computing:  MonALISA E. Efstathiadis, L. Hajdu, J. Lauret, I. Legrand (CalTech)


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Last Modified: January 31, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Claire Lamberti

DOE, Office of ScienceOne of ten national laboratories overseen and primarily funded by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Brookhaven National Laboratory conducts research in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences, as well as in energy technologies and national security. Brookhaven Lab also builds and operates major scientific facilities available to university, industry and government researchers. Brookhaven is operated and managed for DOE’s Office of Science by Brookhaven Science Associates, a limited-liability company founded by Stony Brook University, the largest academic user of Laboratory facilities, and Battelle, a nonprofit, applied science and technology organization.

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