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Volcanoes of the World   »  Find a Volcano by Name 

Find a Volcano by Name

Enter a name search string or starting letter, and/or select a region.

Search string / Letter:   A complete name is not needed; the search will work on any string of characters (unless "Exact Name" is checked below). For example, searching on "souf" will find all volcanoes that include "soufriere" in their names. Diacritical marks are not needed for searches.
You may restrict your search to a particular volcanic region. Choosing a region without filling in the text search box will return all volcanoes for that region.


Search should include:
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If your search results in multiple matches you will be taken to a volcano selection page. You might want to return here to narrow your search by region or list type.

If your search results in a single match you will be taken directly to the general information page for that volcano. The match to your query might not have been on the volcano name, but on a synonym or subfeature.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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