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Nutrition Roughages

Benyovszky, B.M., J. Hausenblasz, K. Penksza, L. Szeman, and K. Eros (1999). Odvisnost konzumacije sena pri konjih od njegove vsebnosti vlaknine. [Relation between preference of hay consumed by horses and hay's fibre content]. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Nutrition of Domestic Animals "Zadravec-Erjavec Days", October 28, 1999-October 29, 1999, Radenci, Slovenia, Murska Sobota, Slovenia, Vol. 8, p. 158-164.
Descriptors: horses, hay preference, proximate composition, crude fiber, chemical composition, feeding preferences, palatability, behavior, feeding habits, quality of roughage.

Campbell, T.E., P.A. Harris, H.C. Doughty, and M.N. Sillence (2005). Effect of chaff quantity and length on rate of intake in horses fed a concentrate diet. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 14(Suppl.): S80.
Abstract: Background - Grains are commonly fed to horses that have a high energy requirement. However, large quantities and fast consumption of grain can result in disorders such as laminitis, colic, tying-up, gastric ulcers and fractious behaviour. Thus, controlling the rate of grain intake is an important aspect in managing equine nutrition. Objectives - To measure the relationship between chaff quantity and length and the rate of intake of oats. Design - Each morning, six geldings (BW 479 +/- 18 kg) were fed a constant meal of oats at 3 g/kg bodyweight in combination with either longer ground wheaten chaff (4 cm), or short chopped wheaten chaff (< 2 cm) at one of five different addition rates in a random latin square design. Ryegrass/clover hay was provided each afternoon to meet maintenance energy requirements. Outcomes - Rate of intake varied with chaff quantity (P <0.001, ANOVA for repeated measures), but was not affected by chaff length. A maximal decrease in rate of intake occurred at the addition rate of 50% chaff. Conclusion - Relative to earlier studies a large amount of chaff was required to decrease rate of intake. It is not clear whether this is due to meal size, chaff type, or chaff processing method. Chaff length appeared to have no effect on rate of intake. However, the long chaff was ground and not chopped, which would have decreased the surface area and chewing required for ingestion. Further research is required to standardise a method of measuring rate of intake and to explore differences in chaff properties.
Descriptors: feeding grain to horses, rate of grain intake, chaff quantity and length, intake of oats, rate of intake.

Coverdale, J.A., J.A. Moore, H.D. Tyler, and P.A. Miller Auwerda (2004). Soybean hulls as an alternative feed for horses. Journal of Animal Science 82(6): 1663-1668. ISSN: 0021-8812.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Descriptors: hay substitute, soybean hulls, highly digestibile fiber source, starch-free feed source, Quarter horse geldings, cannulated animals, cecal fermentation, equine diet formulations.

De Fombelle, A., V. Julliand, C. Drogoul, and E. Jacotot (2001). Feeding and microbial disorders in horses. 1. Effects of an abrupt incorporation of two levels of barley in a hay diet on microbial profile and activities. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 21(9): 439-445. ISSN: 0737-0806.
NAL Call Number: SF951.J65
Descriptors: horses, horse feeding, barley, cecum, colon, digesta, bacterial count, intestinal microorganisms, hay, pH, lactic acid, volatile fatty acids.

De Oliveira, G.J.C., J.A.D.F. Lima, K.V. Araujo, E.T. Fialho, A.G. Bertechini, J.R.O. Perez, and R.T.F. Freitas (2002). Influencia da adicao de pectina e farelo de soja sobre a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes, em equinos. [Effect of pectin and soybean meal addition on the apparent digestibility of nutrients, in horses]. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia 31(3): 1184-1192. ISSN: 1516-3598.
Descriptors: pectin, soybean meal, nutrient digestibility, apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude fiber utilization, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemicellulose.
Language of Text: Portuguese.

Drogoul, C., C. Poncet, and J.L. Tisserand (2000). Feeding ground and pelleted hay rather than chopped hay to ponies. 1. Consequences for in vivo digestibility and rate of passage of digesta. Animal Feed Science and Technology 87(1-2): 117-130. ISSN: 0377-8401.
NAL Call Number: SF95.A55
Descriptors: hay diet, tract digestibility, fiber digestion, chopped hay, pelleted hay, ground hay, digesta rate of passage.

Dulphy, J.P., W. Martin Rosset, H. Dubroeucq, J.M. Ballet, A. Detour, and M. Jailler (1997). Compared feeding patterns in ad libitum intake of dry forages by horses and sheep. Livestock Production Science 52(1): 49-56. ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Descriptors: horses, sheep, nutrition, behavior, consumption preference, crude protein, cell wall content.

Fleurance, G., P. Duncan, and B. Mallevaud (2001). Daily intake and the selection of feeding sites by horses in heterogeneous wet grasslands. Animal Research 50(2): 149-156.
Descriptors: horses, mares, grazing behavior, feeding preference, forage variety.

Katsuki, R., Y. Asai, and H. Fujikawa (1998). Effect of exercise on the apparent energy digestibility of timothy and alfalfa hay in Thoroughbred horses. Journal of Equine Science 9(1): 29-31. ISSN: 1340-3516.
NAL Call Number: SF277.J37
Descriptors: effect of exercise, energy digestion, timothy hay, alfalfa hay, young horses, two-year old horses, digestibility, digestible energy, comparison of energy digestibility between exercised and rested horses.

Kawai, M. (2000). Utilization of roughage by horses: Intake and digestibility in Hokkaido [Japan] native horses. Proceedings of Japanese Society for Animal Nutrition and Metabolism 44(1): 31-40. ISSN: 0286-4754.
Descriptors: dietary roughage, feed intake, digestibility, indigenous organisms, Japan, Hokkaido native horses, grasses, feeding behavior.
Language of Text: Japanese.

Kawai, M., N. Yabu, T. Asa, K. Deguchi, and S. Matsuoka (2005). Intake, digestibility and rate of passage of grass in grazing by light breed horses on different pastures. In: XX International Grassland Congress: Offered Papers, June 26, 2005-July 1, 2005, Dublin, Ireland, Wageningen Academic Publishers: Wageningen, Netherlands, 515 p. ISBN: 9076998817.
Descriptors: grazing behavior, digestive system, forage intake, passage rate.

Mackay, L.C., H.F. Mayland, and W.P. Mackay (2003). Horse preference for alfalfa-grass hay harvested in afternoon or morning. Journal of Dairy Science 86(Suppl. 1): 353. ISSN: 0022-0302.
NAL Call Number: 44.8 J822
Descriptors: horses, roughage, alfalfa grass hay, feeding preference.
Notes: Meeting Information: Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association, the American Society of Animal Science and the Mexican Association of Animal Production, Phoenix, Arizona, USA; June 22-26, 2003.

Metayer, N., M. Hote, A. Bahr, N.D. Cohen, I. Kim, A.J. Roussel, and V. Julliand (2004). Meal size and starch content affect gastric emptying in horses. Equine Veterinary Journal 36(5): 436-440. ISSN: 0425-1644.
NAL Call Number: SF955.E6
Descriptors: management practices, feeding practices, factors contributing to colic, effect of meal size and composition on gastric emptying, starch content, gastric ulcers.

Moore Colyer, M.J.S., H.J. Morrow, and A.C. Longland (2003). Mathematical modelling of digesta passage rate, mean retention time and in vivo apparent digestibility of two different lengths of hay and big-bale grass silage in ponies. British Journal of Nutrition 90(1): 109-118. ISSN: 0007-1145.
NAL Call Number: 389.8 B773
Descriptors: digesta passage rate variation measurement, mathematical models, Welsh-cross pony geldings, big-bale grass silage, grass hay, comparison of chopped to unchopped, fecal excretion curves, equine gut.

Muller, C.E. (2005). Fermentation patterns of small-bale silage and haylage produced as a feed for horses. Grass and Forage Science 60(2): 109-118. ISSN: 0142-5242.
Descriptors: bales, carbon dioxide, chemical composition, dry matter, feeds, haylage, herbage, lactic acid bacteria, organic acids, pH, silage, silage additives, silage fermentation, silage making, storage, horses, Phleum pratense.

Naude, T.W., R. Gerber, R.J. Smith, and C.J. Botha (2005). Datura contamination of hay as the suspected cause of an extensive outbreak of impaction colic in horses. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 76(2): 107-112. ISSN: 0038-2809.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 SO8
Descriptors: impaction colic, contaminated hay, Datura poisoning, digestive system, toxicology, tef hay contamination.

Pearson, R.A., R.F. Archibald, and R.H. Muirhead (2001). The effect of forage quality and level of feeding on digestibility and gastrointestinal transit time of at straw and alfalfa given to ponies and donkeys. British Journal of Nutrition 85(5): 599-606. ISSN: 0007-1145.
NAL Call Number: 389.8 B773
Abstract: Four donkeys and four ponies were fed molassed dehydrated alfalfa or oat straw, either ad libitum or restricted to about 70% ad libitum intake in a Latin-square design for four periods of 21 d. Measurements of apparent digestibility and gastrointestinal transit time were made on the last 7 d of each period. When the forages were provided ad libitum, all animals ate significantly (P < 0.01) more of the alfalfa than of the oat straw. Ponies consumed significantly (P = 0.007) more of both diets per unit live weight than donkeys. Higher apparent digestibilities of dietary DM, energy and fibre fractions were seen in donkeys, at both levels of feeding, compared with the ponies. This partly compensated for the lower intakes by the donkeys when fed ad libitum. When intake of alfalfa was restricted, the apparent digestibility of DM was higher compared with the corresponding values when fed ad libitum, but the reverse was true for straw. This may be because restriction of a low-quality diet reduced selection of the more digestible parts of the forage. Donkeys and ponies consumed more energy and protein than required when fed alfalfa ad libitum. Both oat straw treatments provided insufficient protein to meet the predicted requirements of ponies and donkeys. Straw intakes ad libitum exceeded the estimated energy requirement for ponies by 34-51%, but donkey energy requirements were only just met. When the amount of straw offered was restricted, 78-90% of the estimated energy requirement for donkeys was met compared with 90-105% for the ponies.
Descriptors: horse feeding, forage quality, molassed dehydrated alfalfa or oat straw, gastronintestinal transit time, oat straw, alfalfa, feed intake, experimental diets, digestibility, restricted feeding, water intake.

Pinosa, M., B. Stefanon, L.A. Volpelli, and S. Bovolenta (1999). Stima dell' ingestione di fieno di festuca in cavalli con il metodo degli n-alcani. [Estimation of fescue hay intake in horses using the n-alkanes method]. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale 25(6): 243-248. ISSN: 0390-0487.
NAL Call Number: SF1.Z6
Descriptors: fescue hay intake, in vivo experimentation, dietary rations, fecal sampling, N-alkanes method, horses.
Language of Text: Italian.

Shingu, Y., S. Kondo, H. Hata, and M. Okubo (2001). Digestibility and number of bites and chews on hay at fixed level in Hokkaido native horses and light half-bred horses. Journal of Equine Science 12(4): 145-147. ISSN: 1340-3516.
NAL Call Number: SF277.J37
Descriptors: breed variation, nutrition, feed digestibility, feeding behavior comparison, Hokkaido native horses, light half-bred horses, Japan, timothy hay.

Simonen Jokinen, T., R.S. Pirie, B.C. McGorum, and P. Maisi (2005). Effect of composition and different fractions of hay dust suspension on inflammation in lungs of heaves-affected horses: MMP-9 and MMP-2 as indicators of tissue destruction. Equine Veterinary Journal 37(5): 412-417. ISSN: 0425-1644.
NAL Call Number: SF955.E6
Descriptors: horses, horse diseases, respiratory tract diseases, hay, dust emissions, inflammation, synergism, metalloproteinases, biomarkers, particulates, solubility, chemical composition, bronchi, pulmonary alveoli, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, lipopolysaccharides, glucans, molds fungi, etiology, pathogenesis, endotoxins, heaves.

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