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Nutrition Concentrates

Al-Jassim, R.M. (2006). Supplementary feeding of horses with processed sorghum grains and oats. Animal Feed Science and Technology 125(1-2): 33-44. ISSN: 0377-8401.
Descriptors: in vitro hind gut fermentation tests, processing of sorghum grain, starch digestion, gastrointestinal tract.

Andersson, K. (1995). Effekter av utfodring med hoegfetthavre till travhaestar. [Effects of feeding "high fat oats" to Standardbred horses]. Dissertation, Swedish Agricultural University: Uppsala, Sweden. 51 p.
Descriptors: Standardbred horses, racehorses, oats, lipid content, digestibility, performance related to high fat diet, animal feeding, nutritive value.
Language of Text: Swedish.
Notes: Examensarbete - Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen foer Husdjurens Utfodring och Vaard (Sweden). no. 72.

Austbo, D. and H. Volden (2006). Influence of passage model and caecal cannulation on estimated passage kinetics of roughage and concentrate in the gastrointestinal tract of horses. Livestock Science 100(1): 33-43. ISSN: 1871-1413.
Descriptors: evaluation methods, non-linear pasage model, total tract retention time, hindgut fractional passage rates, hay, concentrates, effect of caecal cannulation on passage parameters.
Notes: Meeting Information: Nutritive Value of Concentrates in Horses. Papers presented at the 54th EAAP meeting, Rome, Italy, 2003.

Bedoret, D., B. de Moffarts, E. van Erck, C. Tual, A. d'Hollander, P. Lekeux, and T. Art (2006). Utilisation d'un concentre riche en fibres pour la prevention des crises chez le cheval poussif. [Use of concentrate rich in fibre to prevent attacks in horses affected by dust]. Pratique Veterinaire Equine 38(149): 57-63. ISSN: 0395-8639.
Descriptors: allergic inflammatory diseases, heaves, organic dust inhalation, prevention and treatment methods, risk factors.
Language of Text: French with an English summary.

Cabrera, L., C.E. Furtado, and N.A.N. Fonseca (2005). Digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes de dietas com substituicao parcial da proteina do farelo de soja pela proteina da torta de girassol para equinos. [Apparent digestibility of equine diets nutrients with partial substitution of soyabean meal with sunflower cake proteins]. In: XVI Reuniao Nacional de Pesquisa de Girassol, IV Simposio Nacional sobre a Cultura do Girassol, de Documentos Embrapa Soja, 4-6 de outubro, Londrina PR, Brazil, Embrapa Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Soja: Londrina, Brazil, Vol. 261, p. 135-137.
Descriptors: nutrition, sunflower oilmeal, soybean oilmeal, diet composition, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, dry matter, acid detergent fiber, ether extracts, digestion.
Language of Text: Portuguese with an English summary.

Copetti, M.V., J.M. Santurio, A.A. Boeck, R.B. Silva, L.A. Bergermaier, I. Lubeck, A.B. Leal, A.T. Leal, S.H. Alves, and L. Ferreiro (2002). Agalactia in mares fed with grain contaminated with Claviceps purpurea. Mycopathologia 154(4): 199-200. ISSN: 0301-486X.
NAL Call Number: 450 M994
Abstract: This article reports an outbreak of intoxication of female horses with Claviceps purpurea in southern Brazil. The outbreak affected twelve pregnant mares which were fed with black oat (Avena strigosa) during the pre-delivery period. Underdevelopment of the mammary gland in the pre-delivery period resulting in post-delivery agalactia was the most pronounced finding. These mares delivered weak and unviable foals, which showed no suckling reflex and died within a few hours of birth. Laboratory analysis of oat samples fed to the animals resulted in the identification of Claviceps purpurea sclerotia. The fungus was identified in 0.22% of the examined seeds.
Descriptors: Avena sativa, black oat, horse diseases, feed toxins, Clavicepts purpurea, Brazil, pregnant mares, agalactia, underdevelopment of mammary gland, weak and unviable foals, fungus in seeds.

Crandell, K.G., J.D. Pagan, P. Harris, and S.E. Duren (1999). A comparison of grain, oil and beet pulp as energy sources for the exercised horse. Equine Veterinary Journal 30(Suppl.): 485-489. ISSN: 0425-1644.
NAL Call Number: SF955.E6
Abstract: High-grain diets for the exercising horse were compared with diets which provided 15% of the total caloric intake from either vegetable oil or a highly fermentable fibre source (beet pulp). Six Thoroughbreds age 3 years were fed one of 3 diets or 5 weeks in a replicated 3 x 3 Latin square. The CONTROL diet was 3.65 kg of sweet feed (SF), 0.9 kg of a protein/vitamin/mineral pellet and 5.45 kg of hay cubes. The FAT diet replaced 1.15 kg of SF with 0.45 kg of soybean oil and the FIBRE diet replaced 1.15 kg of SF with 1.36 kg of beet pulp. Horses were exercised 3 times per week on a high-speed treadmill. During the last week of each period, the horses performed a standardised exercise test (SET). A series of blood samples was drawn immediately before feeding and every 0.5 h for 3 h after feeding, throughout the exercise bout and 30 min post exercise. Plasma was analysed for lactate, glucose, cortisol, insulin, packed cell volume, total protein and triglycerides. Water intake was measured at regular intervals during SET day. Blood glucose was lower (P < 0.05) in the FAT-fed horses during the 3 h post feeding as compared to either CONTROL or FIBRE-fed horses. Insulin was lower (P < 0.05) in the FAT-fed both post feeding and throughout exercise. Cortisol was lower (P < 0.05) in the FAT than the CONTROL-fed during exercise. Following exercise, the FAT-fed drank more water (P < 0.01) than either CONTROL or FIBRE-fed. Substituting 15% of DE as vegetable oil had a greater effect on metabolic response to exercise than a 15% substitution of beet pulp.
Descriptors: energy metabolism, physical conditioning, dietary fats, vegetable oil, beet pulp, blood glucose levels, insulin, cortisol, water intake, effects of exercise, Thoroughbreds.

Da Stein, R.B., L.R.A. De Toledo, F.Q. De Almeida, A.C. Arnaut, L.T. Patitucci, J. Soares Neto, and V.T.M. Da Costa (2005). Uso do farelo de vagem de algaroba (Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) D.C.) em dietas para equinos. [Effects of feeding mesquite pod meal (Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) D.C.) for horses]. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia 34(4): 1240-1247. ISSN: 1516-3598.
Descriptors: crude protein, diets, digestibility, dry matter, energy digestibility, fiber, mare feeding, mares, organic matter, pods, woody plants, horses, plants, Prosopis juliflora.
Language of Text: Portuguese with an English summary.

De Oliveira, K. and C.E. Furtado (2001). Digestibilidade aparente de dietas com diferentes niveis de farelo de canola para cavalos. [Apparent digestibility of diets with different levels of canola meal to equines]. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia 30(1): 181-186. ISSN: 1516-3598.
Descriptors: horse diets, canola meal as an alternative protein source, soybean meal, crude protein alternatives, nutrient digestibility, isoproteic diets, isocaloric diets, fecal analysis.
Language of Text: Portuguese.

Duhlmeier, R., T. Guck, E. Deegen, R. Busche, and H.P. Sallmann (2003). Auswirkungen uberkalorischer Fettfutterung auf den Fettstoffwechsel bei Shetland Ponys. [Effects of excess caloric fat feeding on the lipid metabolism in Shetland ponies]. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 110(4): 170-174. ISSN: 0341-6593.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 D482
Abstract: To investigate the influence of overweight and dietary fat supplementation on lipid and insulin glucose metabolism of Shetland ponies, eight Shetland pony geldings were fed a hypercaloric (30 MJ DE/150 kg bwt. and day) fat diet (10% fat as soybean oil) or a carbohydrate control diet for nine months until ponies gained an overweight of 15%. Afterwards oral glucose tolerance tests (oGTT; 5, 6 mmol/kg bwt.) were performed after a 12 hour fast and after a fast which led to an increase of plasma triglyceride concentrations to a threshold of 3 mmol/l (36-65 hrs.). Plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, triglycerides and non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were determined for 480 minutes after the glucose load. Ponys having had received the control diet tended to a higher insulin secretion in case of both oGTTs, whereas the glucose tolerance was similar in both groups but lower than in ponies of normal weight. During the oGTTs after fasting leading to the plasma triglyceride threshold, triglyceride concentrations decreased significantly (p < 0.05) faster and stronger in fat fed ponies. Additionally, fat fed pony showed significantly (p < 0.05) lower NEFA levels. The results of this study demonstrate a positive effect of fat feeding on the triglyceride clearance of overweight Shetland ponies.
Descriptors: dietary fat, overweight ponies, Shetland ponies, hypercaloric fat diet, carbohydrate control diet, oral glucose tolerance tests, triglyceride clearance, fat feeding.
Language of Text: German.

Geelen, S.N.J., W.L. Jansen, M.M. Sloet Van Oldruitenborgh Oosterbaan, H.J. Breukink, and A.C. Beynen (2001). Fat feeding increases equine heparin-released lipoprotein lipase activity. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 15(5): 478-481. ISSN: 0891-6640.
NAL Call Number: SF601.J65
Descriptors: horses, fat intake, enzymes, heparin-released plasma lipoprotein lipase, hay, concentrates with variable levels of fat, soybean oil, trotters, blood sampling, plasma triacylglycerol concentrations, fat feeding, oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle.

Goodwin, D., H.P.B. Davidson, and P. Harris (2005). Selection and acceptance of flavours in concentrate diets for stabled horses. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 95(3-4): 223-232. ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750.A6
Descriptors: feed concentrates, flavor, feeding preferences, palatability.

Goodwin, D., H.P.B. Davidson, and P. Harris (2005). Sensory varieties in concentrate diets for stabled horses: effects on behaviour and selection. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 90(3-4): 337-349. ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750.A6
Descriptors: feed concentrates, flavor, animal preferences.

Harris, P.A., J.D. Pagan, K.G. Crandell, and N. Davidson (1999). Effect of feeding Thoroughbred horses a high unsaturated or saturated vegetable oil supplemented diet for 6 months following a 10 month fat acclimation. Equine Veterinary Journal 30(Suppl.): 468-474. ISSN: 0425-1644.
NAL Call Number: SF955.E6
Abstract: This study looked at the effect of feeding diets supplemented with either a predominantly saturated or unsaturated vegetable oil over a prolonged period to exercising horses. Eight Thoroughbred horses were assigned to 2 diet treatments and for 10 months were fed Timothy hay and oats, together with a fortified sweet feed supplemented with either a predominantly unsaturated (Un) or a saturated (S) vegetable oil so that approximately 19% DE (Digestible Energy) came from dietary fat and approximately 12% from either the Un or S source (AC). An increased amount of Un or S fortified sweet feed, replacing the oats, was then fed for a further 6 months (HF) so that approximately 27% DE came from fat and approximately 20% from the Un or S vegetable oil. Standardised incremental treadmill exercise (8-12 m/s) tests (STEP) and duplicate oral glucose tolerance tests (TOL) were carried out after 3, 6 and 9 months of the AC diet and after 3 and 6 months on the HF diet. There was no significant effect of dietary treatment or when the tests were undertaken (time) on the insulin or lactate responses to the STEP tests. Overall there was a significant (P < 0.05) effect of time and treatment on the glucose response, but there was no difference between treatments at the first and last tests or between the results for these tests or between the endAC and endHF tests. No significant effect of treatment or time was seen on the TOL glucose response (% change from Time '0') although there was a trend for the glucose concentrations to be lower and the insulin responses higher (nonsignificant) in the S treatment group. No significant effect of treatment on haematological parameters, monitored monthly, was found. Total protein and gamma glutamyl transferase remained within the normal range throughout. There was a significant effect of treatment (P < 0.05) on cholesterol and triglycerides with higher concentrations in the S group from the first (1 month) sample. Linoleic acid was the main fatty acid in all the 4 plasma lipid classes with slightly, but significant (P < 0.05), higher concentrations in Un for the cholesterol ester and phospholipid classes. There was no effect of time. Overall, the total resting plasma fatty acid content was significantly higher (P < 0.05) with S at the sample points (endAC and endHF). No adverse effects of feeding either diet on apparent coat condition or hoof appearance were seen apart from an apparent increase in the grease score. Many of the parameters assessed showed significant improvements with time (P < 0.05). In conclusion, no apparent adverse effects of feeding a diet supplemented with either an unsaturated or saturated vegetable oil for 6 months at approximately 20% DE after 10 months at approximately 12% DE were identified and there were no apparent disadvantages of feeding a saturated vegetable oil supplemented diet compared with an unsaturated one.
Descriptors: vegetable oil, Thoroughbreds, effects of sweet feed, timothy hay, oats, oral glucose tolerance tests, exercise, hoof and coat condition, comparison of saturated and unsaturated vegetable oil.

Hill, J. (2002). Effect of level of inclusion and method of presentation of a single distillery by-product on the processes of ingestion of concentrate feeds by horses. Livestock Production Science 75(2): 209-218. ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Descriptors: horses, feed intake, concentrates, distillers' residues, feeding behavior, ingredients, ingestion.

Hussein, H.S. and L.A. Vogedes (2003). Review: Forage nutritional value for equine as affected by forage species and cereal grain supplementation. Professional Animal Scientists 19(5): 388-397. ISSN: 1080-7446.
NAL Call Number: SF51.P76
Descriptors: horses, forage evaluation, forage quality, forage composition, literature reviews.

Hussein, H.S., L.A. Vogedes, G.C.J. Fernandez, and R.L. Frankeny (2004). Effects of cereal grain supplementation on apparent digestibility of nutrients and concentrations of fermentation end-products in the feces and serum of horses consuming alfalfa cubes. Journal of Animal Science 82(7): 1986-1996. ISSN: 0021-8812.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Descriptors: horses, nutrition, nutrient digestibility, alfalfa cubes, fermentation, cereal grains, supplements.

Johnson, P.J., S.W. Casteel, and N.T. Messer (1997). Effect of feeding deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin)-contaminated barley to horses. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 9(2): 219-221. ISSN: 1040-6387.
NAL Call Number: SF774.J68
Descriptors: horses, barley, vomitoxin, toxicity, susceptibility, deoxynivalenol contamination.

Karlsson, C.P., J.E. Lindberg, and M. Rundgren (2000). Associative effects on total tract digestibility in horses fed different ratios of grass hay and whole oats. Livestock Production Science 65(1/2): 143-153. ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Descriptors: oats, grass hay, digestibility, hay:oat ratios, feeds, dry matter, digestible energy, nutrient availability, urine analysis, digestive tract.

Keir, A.A., H.R. Stampfli, and J. Crawford (1999). Outbreak of acute colitis on a horse farm associated with tetracycline-contaminated sweet feed. Canadian Veterinary Journal 40(10): 718-720. ISSN: 0008-5286.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 R3224
Abstract: Exposure of a group of horses to tetracycline-contaminated feed resulted in acute colitis and subsequent death in one horse and milder diarrhea in 3 others. The most severely affected animal demonstrated clinical and pathological findings typical of colitis X. The other herdmates responded well to administration of zinc bacitracin.
Descriptors: tetracycline poisoning, acute colitis pathology, diarrhea, fatal outcome of food contamination, horses, zinc bacitracin.

Lopes, M.A.F., N.A.I. White, M.V. Crisman, and D.L. Ward (2004). Effects of feeding large amounts of grain on colonic contents and feces in horses. American Journal of Veterinary Research 65(5): 687-694. ISSN: 0002-9645.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 Am3A
Descriptors: horses, feeding, management practices, digestion, digestive system, amount of concentrates.

Manzano, A., A.R. De Freitas, S.N. Esteves, and N.J. Novaes (1999). Polpa de citros peletizada na alimentacao de equinos. [Pelleted citrus pulp in equine feeding]. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia 28(6): 1327-1332. ISSN: 1516-3598.
Descriptors: horses, nutrition, feeding practices, corn alternatives, pelleted citrus pulp.
Language of Text: Portuguese.

Meyer, H. and H.P. Sallmann (1996). Fettfuetterung beim Pferd. [Fat in horse feeding]. Ubersichten Zur Tierernahrung (Germany) 24(2): 199-227. ISSN: 0303-6340.
Descriptors: feeding horses, fats, oils, digestibility, supplements, lipid content, digestive absorption, blood composition, triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, free fatty acids, microbial flora, nutrient availability, feeding behavior, energy metabolism.
Language of Text: German.

Miraglia, N. and W. Martin Rosset (2006). Nutritive value of concentrates in horses. Papers presented at the 54th EAAP meeting, Rome, Italy, 2003. Livestock Science 100(1): 69. ISSN: 1871-1413.
Descriptors: diet composition, nutritive value, processed oat grains, digestibility, fiber-rich concentrates, resistant starch content, in vitro organic matter digestibility, digestive passage kinetics, effects of feed processing, resistant starch content, energy and protein value prediction, degredation profiling.
Notes: Special Issue.

Raymond, S.L., T.K. Smith, and H.V.L.N. Swamy (2005). Effects of feeding a blend of grains naturally contaminated with Fusarium mycotoxins on feed intake, metabolism, and indices of athletic performance of exercised horses. Journal of Animal Science 83(6): 1267-1273. ISSN: 0021-8812.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Abstract: An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of feeding blends of grains naturally contaminated with Fusarium mycotoxins to mature, exercised horses, and to test the efficacy of a polymeric glucomannan mycotoxin adsorbent (GM polymer) in preventing Fusarium mycotoxicoses. Six mature, mixed-breed mares with an average BW of 530 kg were assigned to one of three dietary treatments for 21 d in a replicated 3 x 3 Latin square design. Feed consumed each day was a combination of up to 3.5 kg of concentrates and 5.0 kg of mixed timothy/alfalfa hay (as-fed basis). The concentrates fed included 1) manage; 2) blend of contaminated grains; and 3) contaminated grains + 0.2% GM polymer (MTB-100, Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY). Concentrates containing contaminated grains averaged 11.0 ppm deoxynivalenol, 0.7 ppm 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol, and 0.8 ppm zearalenone (as-fed basis). Feed intake and BW were monitored over a 21-d period. Horses were maintained on a fixed exercise schedule throughout the experiment. At the end of the experiment, each horse completed a time-to-fatigue treadmill step test. Variables measured during pretest, each step of the test, and 5 and 10 min posttest were as follows: 1) time-to-fatigue, 2) heart rate, 3) hematological variables, and 4) serum lactate concentration. Each step consisted of 2 min of fast trot with a 2% increase in incline after each 2 min. Feed intake by horses fed contaminated grains was decreased compared with controls throughout the experiment (P < 0.05). Supplementation of 0.2% GM polymer to the contaminated diet did not alter feed intake by horses compared with those fed the unsupplemented contaminated diet. All hay was consumed regardless of concentrate fed. Weight loss from 0 to 21 d was observed in horses fed contaminated grains compared with controls (P < 0.05). No effect of diet was seen on variables used to measure athletic ability, although the results showed an expected response to exercise for a fit horse. We conclude that exercised horses are susceptible to Fusarium mycotoxicoses as indicated by appetite suppression and weight loss.
Descriptors: horses, feeding, concentrates, effects of exercise, clinical signs of contamination, natural Fusarium mycotoxins.

Sallmann, H.P., O. Schmidt, R. Duehlmeier, H. Fuhrmann, and E. Deegen (1998). Effects of feeding fat on circulating concentrations of metabolites and hormones in Shetland ponies. Fett Wissenschaft Technologie: Organ Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Fettwissenschaft E.V. [Fat Science Technology] 100(8): 379. ISSN: 0931-5985.
NAL Call Number: TP670.F472
Descriptors: horse nutrition, metabolism, fat content, metabolites, hormones, hyperlipidemia, Shetland ponies, meeting abstract.
Language of Text: German and English.
Notes: Meeting Information: 52nd International Congress of the German Society for the Study of Lipids, Magdeburg, Germany; September 13-15, 1998.

Sarkijarvi, S. and M. Saastamoinen (2006). Feeding value of various processed oat grains in equine diets. Livestock Science 100(1): 3-9. ISSN: 1871-1413.
Descriptors: digestibility analysis, processed oats, untreated oats, hulled oats, autoclave-processed oats, autoclave-processed hulled oats, Dantoaster-processed oats, Dantoaster-processed hulled oats, dry matter, organic matter, crude fat.
Notes: Meeting Information: Nutritive Value of Concentrates in Horses. Papers presented at the 54th EAAP meeting, Rome, Italy, 2003.

Schmidt, O., E. Deegen, H. Fuhrmann, R. Duhlmeier, and H.P. Sallmann (2001). Effects of fat feeding and energy level on plasma metabolites and hormones in Shetland ponies. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 48(1): 39-49. ISSN: 0931-184X.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 Z5
Descriptors: blood plasma, metabolites, dietary fat, feed intake, energy intake, energy content, feed supplements, lipid metabolism, triacylglycerols, lipoprotein lipase, insulin, glucose tolerance, Shetland ponies.

Williams, C.A., D.S. Kronfeld, W.B. Staniar, and P.A. Harris (2001). Plasma glucose and insulin responses of Thoroughbred mares fed a meal high in starch and sugar or fat and fiber. Journal of Animal Science 79(8): 2196-2201. ISSN: 0021-8812.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Abstract: Plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin following a meal were compared in twelve Thoroughbred mares fed a pelleted concentrate (PC), a traditional sweet feed high in sugar and starch (SS), or a feed high in fat and fiber (FF). The feeds had similar DE and CP but differed in fat (19, 32, and 166 g/kg DM, respectively), NDF (199, 185, and 369 g/kg DM, respectively) and nonstructural carbohydrates (574, 645, and 247 g/kg, respectively). Mares were randomly assigned to two groups balanced for foaling date and weight. All mares received PC in late gestation; then, after foaling, one group was fed SS and the other FF for trials in early and late lactation. Mares were placed in stalls and deprived of feed overnight. A series of blood samples was collected via a jugular catheter from 0 (baseline) to 390 min after consumption of 1.82 kg of feed. Plasma was analyzed for glucose and insulin. Baseline values, peak values, and areas under curves (AUC) were compared by ANOVA. Baseline values were 74.7 +/- 10.9 mg/dL for glucose and 5.86 +/- 1.80 mIU/L for insulin for all diets and stages. Responses to PC did not differ between the two groups (P > 0.34), indicating the groups were metabolically similar. Peak plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were higher (P < 0.001) in the SS group than in the FF group during early and late lactation. Similarly, glucose and insulin AUC were larger (P < 0.003) in SS than in FF during early and late lactation. These results indicate that metabolic fluctuations are moderated by the replacement of sugar and starch with fat and fiber. This replacement may reduce the risk of certain digestive and metabolic disorders that have been linked. to feeding meals of grain-based concentrates to pregnant or lactating mares.
Descriptors: mares, blood sugar, glucose, blood plasma, insulin, pelleted feeds, starch, sugar, dietary fat, dietary carbohydrate, fiber, concentrates, digestible energy, pregnancy, metabolism, Thoroughbreds.

Zeyner, A., J. Bessert, and J.M. Gropp (2002). Effect of feeding exercised horses on high-starch or high-fat diets for 390 days. Equine Veterinary Journal 34(Suppl.): 50-57. ISSN: 0425-1644.
NAL Call Number: SF955.E6
Abstract: Our hypothesis was that, because horses have not evolved as fat eaters, there may be negative metabolic long-term effects of feeding a high fat diet. The objective of the present study was to identify these long-term effects and compare them with the effects of isoenergetic long-term high starch feeding. This randomised block study with 20 exercised horses looked at the effect of feeding either a high starch (HS) or a high fat (HF) diet type in 3 periods during stabling (Stable 1), pasture, and stabling (Stable 2) over 390 days. The horses received a HS or HF concentrate, straw, hay and 6 h pasture/day in the pasture period. HF horses gained weight (2% of initial bwt) and, therefore, fat intake was reduced (from 1.43 to 0.88 g/kg bwt/day). Blood plasma glucose, total protein, albumins, gamma-globulins, free fatty acids, phospholipids and cholesterol concentrations were higher but urea concentration was lower with HF compared to HS feeding (P<0.05). Plasma concentrations of triglycerides, bilirubin and pre-beta lipoproteins were unaffected by the diet type. There were period effects (P<0.05) for all variables except triglycerides and pre-beta lipoproteins. In contrast to HS, in HF the quotient alpha/beta lipoproteins rose (P<0.05) throughout the stable periods and decreased (P<0.05) during 'pasture'. Glutamic acid dehydrogenase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activity in sera were within the normal range. In conclusion, on the precondition that substantial bodyweight changes were prevented, no apparent adverse effects of long-term high fat feeding were identified and there were no apparent disadvantages of feeding on high fat compared with high starch diets.
Descriptors: long-term effects of high fat diets, horses, effects of high starch diets, lipoprotein concetrations, blood sampling, horse metabolism, weight gain, dietary carbohydrates.

Zeyner, A., A. Schindler, A. Dittrich, and J.M. Gropp (2000). Untersuchungen zur Akzeptanz und Verdaulichkeit von fettreichem Futter beim Pferd. [Investigations on acceptance and digestibility of fat enriched feed in horses]. In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, March 7, 2000-March 9, 2000, Gottingen, Germany, Inst. fuer Tierernaehrung, Ernaehrungsschaeden und Diaetetik: Leipzig University, Germany, Vol. 9, 50 p. ISBN: 3769040937.
Descriptors: horses, compound feeds, fats, soybean oil, feed intake, behavior, digestibility, nutrients, behavior, feeding habits, feeds, oils, plant oils, processed plant products, processed products, soybean products.
Language of Text: German.

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