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Law and Legislation

Adolphsen, J. (2003). Die Kaufuntersuchung nach der Schuldrechtsreform. [New German law of obligations and vet inspections]. Praktische Tierarzt 84(2): 114-119. ISSN: 0032-681X.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 P882
Descriptors: horse, law, veterinary inspection, sale of horses.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Adolphsen, J. (2003). Die Kaufuntersuchung nach der Schuldrechtsreform. Teil 2. Neue Aspekte fur die tierarztliche Kaufuntersuchung. [Reform of the Law of Obligation. Part 2. New aspects of veterinary inspection for purchase]. Praktische Tierarzt 84(5): 372-377. ISSN: 0032-681X.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 P882
Descriptors: horse, law, veterinary inspection, sale of horses.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Adolphsen, J. (2002). Das neue Pferdekaufrecht. [The new horse purchase legislation]. Pferdeheilkunde 18(3): 294-297. ISSN: 0177-7726.
Descriptors: horse, legislation, veterinary inspection, sale of horses.
Language of Text: German.

Ammendrup, S. and A.E. Fussel (2001). Legislative requirements for the identification and traceability of farm animals within the European Union. Revue Scientifique Et Technique International Office of Epizootics 20(2): 437-444.
Abstract: European Community (EC) legislation requires identification and registration of bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine animals. For intra-Community trade, bovine animals must be accompanied by a passport and the required health certificate, and identified by a tag on each ear. The principles of active identification of bovine animals (by ear tags) and of ovine, caprine and porcine animals (by ear tags or tattoos) are harmonised within the EC. International passports are issued and recognised only for registered Equidae. The life-number was introduced as an instrument to allow uninterrupted identification of Equidae using passports. The principles of issuing and recording such numbers have been outlined by the affected industries, but require official approval. Active identification of Equidae using electronic devices is not regulated by EC legislation, but research in livestock is underway.
Descriptors: European Union, international passports for equines, identification and registration of bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine animals, electronic identification of horses, animal identification systems.

Anonymous (2005). Board responds to legislative recommendations. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 227(3): 367-368. ISSN: 0003-1488.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 Am3
Descriptors: animal legislation, commercial sale and slaughter, free roaming horses, Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971.

Anonymous (2004). AVMA takes a stand on legislative initiatives. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 224(11): 1733. ISSN: 0003-1488.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 Am3
Descriptors: animal identification systems, animal welfare, animal legislation, breeding, cattle, dogs, horses, meat, veterinary medicine.

Anonymous (2003). Draft legislation on equine passports. The Veterinary Record 152(14): 410-411. ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641
Descriptors: animal identification systems, European Union, transportation of horses, equine passports.

Anonymous (1997). Government issues draft legislation on welfare during transport. The Veterinary Record 140(3): 54. ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641
Descriptors: animal welfare legislation, transportation legislation, animal welfare standards, cattle, drinking, eating, Great Britain, horses, sheep, swine.

Bajanowski, T., H. Kohler, P.F. Schmidt, C.F. von Saldern, and B. Brinkmann (2001). The cloven hoof in legal medicine. International Journal of Legal Medicine 114(6): 346-8.
Abstract: The injury of a horse's leg needed to be investigated to answer the question whether the fracture had been caused by an accident or by intentional manipulation. By toxicology and using scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDX) the suspicion obtained by morphology could be confirmed. Toxicologically a short term anaesthetic was found, and by EDX ferric oxide particles could be detected in the wound indicating that the injury was caused by a sharp pointed metallic instrument and not as stated by the owner by a wooden bar. As the result of the interdisciplinary investigation using modern techniques, there is no doubt that the owner attempted to fraudulently claim on an insurance policy.
Descriptors: insurance fraud, hoof and leg injuries in horses, determination of accidental or intentional injury, forensic medicine, legal case.

Baker, P. (1997). Legal liability, risk management and the equine veterinarian. Australian Equine Veterinarian 15(4): 162-163. ISSN: 1032-6626.
NAL Call Number: SF604.A97
Descriptors: horses, veterinary practice, legal liability.

Bechthold, I. (1995). Veroeffentlichung einer rechtskraeftigen Entscheidung - Nummernheissbrand bei Pferden. [Publication of legal decision - Cauterization of horses]. Tieraerztliche Praxis (Germany) 23(1): 42-45. ISSN: 0303-6286.
Descriptors: horses, marking, fires, animal welfare, legislation, disasters, methods, cauterization.
Language of Text: German.

Bemmann, K. (2005). Das Pferd im Verbrauchsguterkaufrecht. [The horse in consumer goods purchase law]. Pferdeheilkunde 21(2): 142-154. ISSN: 0177-7726.
Descriptors: consumer protection, legislation, horses.
Language of Text: German.

Bemmann, K. (2004). Tierarztliche Kaufuntersuchung von Pferden: die Rontgenklasse II im Spiegel der Rechtsprechung. [Veterinary purchase examination of horses: the radiographic class II in the view point of the law]. Praktische Tierarzt 85(12): 898-902. ISSN: 0032-681X.
Descriptors: diagnostic techniques, joint diseases, legislation, radiography, veterinary jurisprudence, veterinary services, horses.
Language of Text: German.

Biagi, G., S. Nannipieri, and F. Signorini (1996). Piano di controllo dell'arterite virale equina (AVE). Aspetti tecnico-legislativi disciplinanti la movimentazione degli equini. [Control plan for equine viral arteritis. Technical and legislative aspects concerning the movement of horses]. O&DV Obiettivi e Documenti Veterinari (Italy) 17(7/8): 15-19. ISSN: 0392-1913.
NAL Call Number: QL750.E82
Descriptors: horses, disease management, legislation, equine viral arteritis.
Language of Text: Italian.

Bodamer, J.K.M. (1999). Die Entwicklung Der Gesetzgebung in Der Republik Irland Zum Schutz Von Pferden Wahrend Des Transportes. [Development of Legislation in the Irish Republic for Protecting Horses During Transport], 181 p.
Descriptors: horses, transport, animal welfare, legislation.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Boissevain, I. (2001). Het is ook nooit goed! [It is never right! Veterinary disciplinary law]. Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 126(14-15): 506.
Descriptors: horse disease diagnosis, lameness, veterinary legislation, Netherlands.
Language of Text: Dutch.

Bruyas, J.F. and R. Corde (2005). Le controle antidopage: eviter les pieges et... les poursuites. [Antidoping control: avoiding pitfalls and... legal proceedings]. Bulletin De L' Academie Veterinaire De France 158(1): 57-60. ISSN: 0001-4192.
Descriptors: doping, drug residues, drug therapy, drugs, pharmacodynamics, racehorses, regulations, urine, veterinarians, horses.
Language of Text: French with an English summary.

Bruyninckx, E.L. and I. Boissevain (2001). Aansprakelijkheid bezitter van een paard voor letsel dierenarts. [Legal liability of the owner of a horse for injury to a veterinarian]. Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 126(12): 431.
Descriptors: legal liability, ownership legislation and jurisprudence, veterinarians, horse behavior, Netherlands.
Language of Text: Dutch.

Centner, T.J. (1997). Legal rights of veterinarians under veterinary Good Samaritan statutes and equine liability statutes. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 210(2): 190-194. ISSN: 0003-1488.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 Am3
Descriptors: horses, legal rights, veterinary practice, legislation, liability.

Dieckhofer, R., L. Bode, H. Ludwig, M. Kiefer, P. Reckwald, and A. Rupp (2004). Bornavirus (BDV) beim Pferd - Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie bei einem lokalen Infektionsgeschehen im Saarland und tierseuchenrechtliche Betrachtungen. [Bornavirus (BDV) in horses - clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and therapy during a local epidemic in the federal state Saarland, Germany, and current legal regulations]. Tierarztliche Umschau 59(11): 619-632. ISSN: 0049-3864.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 T445
Descriptors: horses, bornavirus, BDV infection, amantadine, antigens.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Fenwick, A. (1998). Legal implications of medication in racehorses from the New Zealand racing conference perspective. In: Proceedings from the Annual Seminar, Equine Branch, NZVA, June, 1998, Rotorua, New Zealand, Veterinary Continuing Education, Massey University: Palmerston North, New Zealand, Vol. 183, p. 119-121.
NAL Call Number: SF604.P82 no. 183
Descriptors: horses, racehorses, veterinary prescriptions, drug therapy, law, legislation, seminar proceedings.

Flynn, R. (2002). The legal implications of the purchase of a horse. In: M.H. Hayes (Editor), Veterinary Notes for Horse Owners, Ebury Press: London, UK, p. 811-817.
Descriptors: horses, law, horse auctions, certification process, sale regulations.

Franzky, A., W. Bohnet, F. Kuhne, and J. Luy (2005). Tierschutzrechtliche Aspekte bei Rodeo-veranstaltungen. [Animal welfare legal aspects of rodeo events]. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 112(3): 92-94. ISSN: 0341-6593.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 D482
Abstract: Rodeo events have been criticised by animal welfare organisations as being adverse to animal protection, for years. This was the motive for TVT to put several of these criticised disciplines to evaluation in terms of animal protection aspects. For that purpose, various rodeo events were visited, and videotaped material of almost all events, which had taken place in Germany in 2003 and 2004, was evaluated. Rodeo events are subject to and 11, sec.1, No. 3d, German Animal Protection Act, which implies compulsory accreditation. In the scope of such events, causing any sort of pain and suffering (and 3 No. 6 German Animal Protection Act) is prohibited. A proof of the severity of the pain caused, is therefore no necessity. For the "critical" disciplines "Bare Back Riding" and "Saddle Bronc Riding" a so called "flank" is used. A flank is a leather strap, fastened to the sensitive parts of the horse skin, (around the flanks,) which is tightened to a maximum as soon as the horse is released from the starting box. Analysis show, that the strap has to be seen as the trigger for the wanted kow-tow. The different coping strategies shown by the animals prove that the leather strap is an apt instrument to cause pain and/or suffering (anxiety/fear/stress) in horses. Bull riding, instead, showed that the rider has to be seen primarily as the trigger for defence behaviour, here. In consideration of the current legal position and taking ethic principles into account, it seems appropriate to only authorise rodeo events under the condition of a flank strap ban. Bull riding should be banned in general.
Descriptors: animal welfare legislation, rodeos, animal protection movement, severity of pain during rodeo events, bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, bull riding, Germany.
Language of Text: German.

Gerhards, H. (2003). Kastrationskomplikationen und Moglichkeiten zu deren Vermeidung: Chirurgische und forensische Betrachtungen. [Complications associated with castration of stallions and their prevention. Surgical and legal aspects]. Pferdeheilkunde 19(1): 37-44. ISSN: 0177-7726.
Descriptors: horses, stallions, castration, surgery, law, complications, etiology.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Gilligan, B. (2002). Guide for Owners and Riders. Practical Horse Law: A Guide for Owners and Riders, Blackwell Science: Malden, Massachusetts, USA, 246 p. ISBN: 0632056738.
NAL Call Number: SF285.25.G56 2002
Descriptors: horse law and legislation in Great Britain, horse owners.

Giuliani, A. (2005). Un nuovo inquadramento giuridico per il cavallo sportivo (Unione Europea; legislazione). [A new juridical framework for sport horse (European Union; legislation)]. O&DV Obiettivi e Documenti Veterinari (Italy) 26(7-8): 11-12, 14, 16. ISSN: 0392-1913.
Descriptors: racehorses, saddle horses, legislation, regulations, European Union, drug therapy, doping, veterinary medicine, meat animals, domestic animals, Equidae, horses, illegal practices, international agreements, international organizations, international relations, mammals, Perissodactyla, therapy, useful animals, working animals.
Language of Text: Italian.

Giuliani, A. (2003). La somministrazione del farmaco nel cavallo sportivo. 1. Confronto tra la legislazione vigente e le reali esigenze del settore. [Drug administration in saddle horse. 1. Comparisom among legislation in force and actual needs of the sector]. O&DV Obiettivi e Documenti Veterinari (Italy) 24(2): 27-31. ISSN: 0392-1913.
NAL Call Number: QL750.E82
Descriptors: saddle horses, racehorses, drug therapy, public health legislation, legal liability, residues, horse meat, veterinarians, registration, regulations, veterinary medicine, animal products, domestic animals, Equidae, horses, law, legislation, mammals, meat, occupations, Perissodactyla, therapy, useful animals, working animals.
Language of Text: Italian.

Giuliani, A. (2003). La somministrazione del farmaco nel cavallo sportivo. 2. Problemi legislativi e proposte migliorative. [Drug administration in saddle horse. 2. Legislative problems and proposals of improvement]. O&DV Obiettivi e Documenti Veterinari (Italy) 24(3): 27-30. ISSN: 0392-1913.
NAL Call Number: QL750.E82
Descriptors: saddle horses, racehorses, drug therapy, public health legislation, legal liability, residues, horse meat, veterinarians, registration, regulations, veterinary medicine, animal welfare, health hazards, animal products, domestic animals, Equidae, horses, law, legislation, mammals, meat, occupations, Perissodactyla, therapy, useful animals, working animals.
Language of Text: Italian.

Grundler, C. (1996). Die Ausrustung des Trabrennpferdes unter Tierschutz-Gesichtspunkten. [Harness and other equipment for trotting horses to comply with welfare legislation]. Tierarztliche Umschau 51(10): 622-624. ISSN: 0049-3864.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 T445
Descriptors: horses, trotters, law, legislation, animal welfare, harness, equiptment compliance.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Guizzardi, F., A. Vallenari, G. Franzini, F. Aldi, L. Piva, G. Zambelli, and G. Cattini (1997). Legislazine veterinaria della riproduzione animale. [Veterinary legislation on animal breeding]. Informatore Agrario 53(12): 57-64. ISSN: 0020-0689.
NAL Call Number: 281.8 IN32
Descriptors: farm animals, horses, pigs, goats, cattle, law, legislation, veterinary procedures, breeding, artificial insemination.
Language of Text: Italian.

Hausleitner, A. (1998). Nutztierschutz in Osterreich. Die Bearbeitung verfassungs- und verwaltungsrechtlicher, sowie rechtsphilosophischer und rechtspolitischer Fragen. [Farm animal protection in Austria. Questions of conditional law, administrative law, philosophy of law and questions of the law of politics are discussed]. Veroffentlichungen Bundesanstalt Fur Alpenlandische Landwirstschaft Gumpenstein(30): 149.
Descriptors: farm animals, animal welfare, law, legislation, veterinary history, dehorning, slaughter, castration, literature reviews, ethical management, housing, surgery, amputation, debeaking.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Hentrich, B. and R. Bose (1996). Parasitologische Import- und Exportuntersuchungen beim Pferd: gesetzliche Bestimmungen sowie Stand der Diagnostik. [Parasitological import- and export studies of horses: legislation as well as diagnostic status]. In: Therapie und Planmassige Bekampfung von Parasitosen der Nutztiere und des Pferdes: Tagung der Fachgruppe "Parasitologie und Parasitare Krankheiten", June 28, 1995-June 30, 1995, Bad Langensalza, Germany, Deutsche Veterinarmedizinische Gesellschaft: Giessen/Lahn, Germany, p. 161-169.
Descriptors: horses, laws, legislation, disease diagnosis, parasites, exports, imports, international trade.
Language of Text: German.

Himmelmann, W. (1998). Das Kartellrecht und Pferdewette. Rechtliche Probleme bei der Finanzierung des Galopp- und Trabrennsports. [Cartel law and horse racing. Legal problems in financing gallop and trotting sports]. Agrarrecht 28(6): 206-208. ISSN: 0340-840X.
Descriptors: horses, sports, horse racing, cartel legislation, media marketing, breeders, performance, trade associations.
Language of Text: German.

Koch, C.A. (2003). Experimentelle Grundlagen zu ausgewahlten Anwendungsgebieten, praxisubliche Produktkonzepte und futtermittelrechtliche Wertung. [Medicinal plants for horses - experimental bases on their application to selected areas - product concepts in practice and legal evaluation of their use in animal food]. 208 p.
Descriptors: horses, nutrition, medicinal plants, law, legislation, animal feed, feed supplementation.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.
Notes: Thesis.

Krenger, B. and R. Straub (2002). Die rechtlichen Aspekte der Kaufuntersuchung in der Schweiz. [Legal aspect of purchase examination of horses in Switzerland]. Pferdeheilkunde 18(3): 291-292. ISSN: 0177-7726.
Descriptors: horses, veterinary examination, law, legislation.
Language of Text: German.

Lenz, T.R. (2004). An overview of acceptable euthanasia procedures, carcass disposal options, and equine slaughter legislation. In: Proceedings of the 50th Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, December 4, 2004-December 8, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA, p. 191-195.
Descriptors: animal welfare, barbiturates, bolts, burning, carcass disposal, composting, euthanasia, guidelines, legislation, overdose, pentobarbital, slaughter, trauma, horses.

Lipinska, J., J. Szarek, and D. Przezdziecka (2004). Wady fizyczne koni w swietle polskich aktow prawnych z poczatku, przeomu i konca XX wieku. [Physical defects in horses in the light of legal regulations from the beginning, the turn and the end of the 20th century]. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 60(6): 570-572. ISSN: 0025-8628.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 M463
Descriptors: horses, veterinary examination, purchase, physical defects, legislation, legal regulation.
Language of Text: Polish with an English summary.

Macioek, H. (1996). Wymagania sanitarno-weterynaryjne w miedzynarodowych przewozach zwierzat rzeznych z uwzglednieniem Konwencji Europejskiej oraz dyrektyw Rady Europy w sprawie ochrony zwierzat. [Current legislation on transportation of slaughter animals in relation to animal welfare rules laid down in EU directives]. Zycie Weterynaryjne 71(5): 129-135. ISSN: 0137-6810.
Descriptors: horses, pigs, goats, sheep, cattle, laws, legislation, transportation, animal welfare.
Language of Text: Polish.

Mangematin, G. (1998). L'autopsie du cheval aspects reglementaires et formels. [Postmortem examination of the horse: legal aspects]. Bulletin Des GTV(4): 13-18. ISSN: 0399-2519.
NAL Call Number: SF602.G7
Descriptors: horses, legislation, law, veterinary procedure, postmortem examinations, insurance.
Language of Text: French with Spanish and English summaries.

McIlwraith, C.W. (2005). Licensed medications, "generic" medications, compounding and nutraceuticals - what has been scientifically validated, where do we encounter scientific mistruth and where are we legally? In: Equine Lameness, Equine Medicine and Infectious Disease. Proceedings of the 27th Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures, July 11, 2005-July 15, 2005, Rydges Lakeland Resort, Queenstown, New Zealand, p. 98-118.
Descriptors: bioavailability, corticoids, drugs, joint diseases, lameness, non steroidal antiinflammatory agents, veterinary medicine.

Meyer, H. (2000). Der vernunftige Grund im deutschen Tierschutzgesetz, im Hinblick auf die Zucht und die Nutzung des Pferdes. [Rational reasons for the German animal welfare laws on the breeding and use of horses]. Pferdeheilkunde 16(3): 229-242. ISSN: 0177-7726.
Descriptors: horses, laws, legislation, breeding, animal welfare.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Meyn, K. (2001). EU legislation in animal production and health. Zbornik Biotehniske Fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani Kmetijstvo 77(Suppl. 31): 35-44. ISSN: 1408-340X.
Descriptors: European Union, domestic animals, cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, goats, animal production, market supply, legislation, breeding, genetic evaluation, breed registration.
Language of Text: English with a Slovenian summary.
Notes: Meeting Information: 9th International Symposium "Animal Science Days", Radenci, Slovenia; 3-5 October 2001.

Michell, A.R. and R. Ewbank (1998). Ethics, Welfare, Law and Market Forces: The Veterinary Interface - Proceedings of a Symposium , November 14, 1996-November 15, 1996, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, UK, Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW): Wheathampstead, UK, 235 p. ISBN: 0900767995.
NAL Call Number: HV4704.E84 1998
Descriptors: animal suffering, veterinary ethics, Farm Animal Welfare Council, commercial birds, farm animals, horses, pigs, laboratory animals, companion animals, animal perception, stress, pschological stress, laws and legislation, ethics.

Moreno, M. del C. L. (2001). Aspetti medico-legali della visita medico-veterinaria nella compravendita di equidi. [Medico-legal aspects of veterinary involvement in the sale of horses]. Professione Veterinaria 11(12): 7-10. ISSN: 1121-1547.
Descriptors: horses, sale, law, legislation, veterinary examination, liability.
Language of Text: Italian.

Muller Gerhards, F. and W. Bollwahn (1997). Begrundung und Vorschlage zur Neuordnung des Viehkaufrechts. [Basis and proposals for revision of livestock-trading law]. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 104(9): 401-404. ISSN: 0341-6593.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 D482
Descriptors: livestock, laws, legislation, trade regulations.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Muller Gerhards, F. and W. Bollwahn (1997). Begrundung und Vorschlage zur Neuordnung des Viehkaufrechts. [Motivation and proposals for revising the stock trading law]. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 104(9): 401-404. ISSN: 0341-6593.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 D482
Abstract: The German stock-trading law is a special statute that has been put into effect at the end of the last century (sections 482-492 BGB, i.e. civil code, and Kaiserliche Verordnung, i.e. imperial regulation). It promotes agricultural interests and contains guarantees which are out-of-date. This state had led to serious irritabilities with the general law of trade (sections 459-480 BGB). The difference in legal treatment of persons buying stock (i.e. equines, cattle, sheep and swine) or those buying other animals (e.g. dogs, cats, poultry) seems to be unsupportable any longer. For this reason the constitutional principle of equality in legal matters (section 3.1, German constitution) will be used and interpreted as a motivation for the importance to revise the antiquated stock-trading law.
Descriptors: revising stock trading laws, animal welfare legislation, cats, cattle, dogs, horses, poultry, sheep, swine, Germany.
Language of Text: German.

Nolen, R.S. (2002). Slaughter of horses for human food would be banned by legislation. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 220(8): 1128. ISSN: 0003-1488.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 Am3
Descriptors: horses, laws, legislation, horse slaughter prohibition, human consumption.

O'Malley, J. and S. Hassett (2002). April 1st laws. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 22(4): 142-143. ISSN: 0737-0806.
NAL Call Number: SF951.J65
Descriptors: horses, animal behavior.

Pezza, F. (2003). Il cavallo e la legge. [The horse and the law]. Summa (Italy) 20(3): 9.
Descriptors: horses, legislation, laws, European Union, veterinary medicine.
Language of Text: Italian.

Pick, M. (1996). Ausrustung des Reitpferdes. Eine Betrachtung aus dem Blockwinkel des Tierschutzes. [Harness for riding horses to comply with welfare legislation]. Tierarztliche Umschau 51(10): 624, 626-628. ISSN: 0049-3864.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 T445
Descriptors: horses, law, legislation, harnesses, animal welfare.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Plewa, D. (1995). Rechtskunde fuer Reiter. Zur Haftung und Risikoverteilung des Spediteurs. [Laws for riders. Liability and risk distribution of the forwarding agent]. Reiterjournal (Germany) 16(12): 73-74. ISSN: 0173-2404.
Descriptors: transport of horses, legal liability for horseback riders, risks associated with horses, law and legislation.
Language of Text: German.

Rambags, B. and R. van Markus (2002). Regelgeving paarden-KI. [Legislation for horses-artificial insemination]. Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 127(9): 304-305.
Descriptors: artificial insemination in horses, veterinary legislation, Europe, horses, Netherlands, horse breeding and reproduction.
Language of Text: Dutch.

Rechtsandwalt, V. and J. Brinkmann (2005). Der Pferdekauf nach der Schuldrechtsreform. [Buying horses after the reform of the law of contract]. Agrar Und Umweltrecht 35(6): 181-189. ISSN: 0340-840X.
Descriptors: contract law, Germany, horse purchase legislation, horse sale legislation.
Language of Text: German.

Rizzatti, D. and L. Bettinelli (1995). Attuale normativa sulla riproduzione equina. [Current legislation concerning equine reproduction in Italy]. O&DV Obiettivi e Documenti Veterinari (Italy) 16(11): 7-10. ISSN: 0392-1913.
NAL Call Number: QL750.E82
Descriptors: horses, laws, legislation, breeding, reproduction, artificial insemination, partuition.
Language of Text: Italian.

Rock, A. (2006). The new pharmacy laws: what they mean and how they affect VNs. VN Times 6(5): 4-5.
Descriptors: equine veterinary medicine, veterinary nursing, legislation, pharmacology.

Rutgers, L.J. (2002). De gevolgen van het ingrepenbesluit (Gezondheids- en welzijnswet voor dieren) voor enkele lichamelijke ingrepen bij paarden. [The consequences of the surgery decision (health and welfare law for animals) for certain physical surgeries in horses]. Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 127(14-15): 462-466.
Descriptors: animal welfare legislation, surgical decisions, horse health and welfare, decision making, evidence based medicine, Netherlands, tail surgery, veterinary medicine.
Language of Text: Dutch.

Schule, E. (2001). Arzneimittelrechtliche Veranderungen in der Pferdepraxis. [Changes in legislation concerning drug therapy for horses]. Praktische Tierarzt 82(12): 1047-1049. ISSN: 0032-681X.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 P882
Descriptors: horses, laws, legislation, drug administration, therapy.
Language of Text: German.

Schuppel, H. and G. Kny (2001). Lebensmittelrechtliche Anforderungen an die Gewinnung und Verarbeitung von Stutenmilch. [Food legal aspects with regard to marketing of mare milk]. Tierarzliche Praxis Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere 29(2): 108-113. ISSN: 1434-1220.
NAL Call Number: SF603.V43
Descriptors: horses, mare milk, legislation, laws, milk products, marketing, food safety.
Language of Text: German with an English summary.

Scoggins, G.A. (2005). Legal considerations concerning patient medical records. In: Proceedings of the 51st Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, December 3, 2005, Seattle, Washington, USA, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP): Lexington, KY, USA, Vol. 51, p. 515-519.
NAL Call Number: SF601.A46
Descriptors: horses, large animal practice, veterinary jurisprudence, medical history.

Stull, C.L. (2000). Review: slaughter horse transportation-science, societal concerns, and legislation. Professional Animal Scientists 16(3): 159-163. ISSN: 1080-7446.
NAL Call Number: SF51.P76
Descriptors: horses, animal transport, laws and regulations, USDA, animal welfare, stocking rate, duration, trailers, literature reviews, distance-traveled.

Stull, C.L. (1996). History of U.S. equine welfare and legislation. Pferdeheilkunde 12(4): 391-392. ISSN: 0177-7726.
Descriptors: horses, animal welfare, legislation, history, United States.
Language of Text: English with a German summary.
Notes: Meeting Information: Association for Equine Sports Medicine, 15th Meeting on Equine Welfare and Sports Medicine, Bonn, Germany; June 24-28, 1996.

Van Eenoo, P. and F.T. Delbeke (2002). Doping in de paardensport, geschiedenis van misbruik, regelgeving en actuele opsporingstechnieken. [Doping in equine sport, history of abuse, legislation and current searching techniques]. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 71(5): 317-325. ISSN: 0303-9021.
NAL Call Number: SF967.M3N49 1991
Descriptors: horses, analgesics, detection, legislation, history.
Language of Text: Dutch.

Law and Legislation -- Web Resources


Animal Law Review.
Description: Law review maintained by the students of Lewis & Clark Law School with the purpose of educating individuals on animal related legal issues. Provides links pertaining to animal related law as well as information on subscription and submission to the journal.

Journal of Animal Law and Ethics.
Description: Independent student maintained journal at the University of Pennsylvania Law School started in Spring 2005 providing an interdisciplinary forum for animal legal and ethical isues. Includes journal subscription and submission information.

Horse Welfare in North America. Freeman, D.A.
Description: Discussion of the current state of equine welfare legislation in North America.

AWIC Newsletter: The Horse Protection Act.
Description: Describes specific components of the Horse Protection Act and includes details on enforcement and penalties for non-compliance.

Michigan State University College of Law: Animal Legal and Historical Web Center.
Description: Over 700 full-text animal related court cases and legal articles. Provides Web search capabilities by location, subject, and species.

U.S. Code: Title 15, Chapter 44—Protection of Horses.
Description: Links to sections of the U.S. Code pertaining to horse protection.

Equine Law. Miller, G.&.M.P.S.C.
Description: Provide articles on horse laws, selected cases on equine-related matters, and resources for horse owners, horse-related businesses, and lawyers advising clients on horse-related topics.

Equine Law Pathfinder. Victoria Williamson.
Description: Regulations and codes for U.S. equine law, legal periodical articles and encyclopedias, bibliography of in-print and internet equine law resources, and specific legal cases.

Horse Protection Act Information.
Description: Includes links to the Horse Protection Act, horse protection training manual, current issues involving the Horse Protection Act, and related USDA, Animal Care publications.

Rowland v. USDA.
Description: Rowland challenges the USDA decision to exclude his Tennessee Walking Horse from the show ring and the $2000 fine. Rowland bases his challenge on the fact that his horse showed signs of previous soring but was not sore at the time of examination. The Court upholds the USDA decision based on the Horse Protection Act (HPA) stipulation that any horse born after the effective date of the HPA showing signs of soring shall be withheld from future showing.

Horse Protection Program Strategic Direction Summary, Public Meetings, 1996. Stull, C.L.
Description: Extensive summary of multiple aspects of the Horse Protection Act.

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