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NatureServe and its network of member programs are a leading source for reliable scientific information about species and ecosystems of the Western Hemisphere. This site serves as a portal for accessing several types of publicly available biodiversity data.

NatureServe Explorer
Authoritative conservation data on more than 50,000 plants, animals, and ecological communities of the United States and Canada. Flexible search options allow you to query the database by any combination of name, location, and conservation status.

Our searchable database for conservation information on the more than 5,500 birds, mammals, and amphibians of Latin America and the Caribbean.

NatureServe Web Services for Application Developers
Using NatureServe Web Services you can access and download detailed spatial and tabular data on at-risk plants, animals, and natural communities and import it into your application. Technical resources, including code samples and tutorials, will jump-start your application development.

Local Program Data
Online data resources available from natural heritage programs and conservation data centers. Access to NatureServe data on the GBIF data portal.

Global Amphibian Assessment
The Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA) is the first-ever comprehensive assessment of the conservation status of the world's 5,918 known species of frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians. This website presents results of the assessments, including IUCN Red List threat category, range map, ecology information, and other data for every amphibian species.

Ecology Data
Ecological Systems of the United States
Ecological Systems of Latin America and the Caribbean
Geographically Isolated Wetlands in the U.S.
Coastal and Marine Classification
Ecological Integrity Assessments of Wetlands

Animal Data for Download
Digital Distribution Maps of Birds of the Western Hemisphere
Digital Distribution Maps of the World's Amphibians
Digital Distribution Maps of Mammals of the Western Hemisphere
Distribution of Native U.S. Fishes by Watershed

Plant Data for Download
An Invasive Species Assessment Protocol
Data on U.S. Invasive Species: Impact Assessments

Custom Data Services
In addition to our online data offerings, NatureServe can provide custom data services at many spatial scales and in a wide range of formats.

Data Links
Find other key biodiversity resources on the web.

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