Iowa DNR, Animal Feeding Operations

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Animal Feeding Operations in Iowa

Iowa has two types of animal feeding operations (AFOs) regulated under the Department of Natural Resources: confinements and open feedlots.

Hog lot

See the overview for general information about the two types of animal feeding operations and state regulations that affect them.

For more specific information about requirements for construction or existing regulations, see the type of operation: Confinement or Open Feedlots.

See the Manure Management pages for information about manure management plans, land application requirements (including new phosphorus and record keeping requirements) and manure applicator certification.

DNR Bureaus with animal feeding operation functions:

Water Quality; Field Services & Compliance; Air Quality; Geologic Survey and Land Quality.

Current News
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New Rules

Major law changes for confinement feeding operations occurred in 1995, 1998 and 2002.

Regulations for open feedlots have recently changed.

Helpful Links (off-site)
- Iowa General Assembly


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