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Workshops and Colloquia

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NSLSNSLS Town Meeting
Thursday, August 14, 2008  |  Length: 01:03:06
The National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) Users' Executive Committee holds periodic Town Meetings at the NSLS for the purpose of open discussion of current issues among the NSLS staff and users.
Part 2
Photo of Mike LubellMike Lubell at RHIC-AGS Users Open Forum
Presented by Mike Lubell  |  Friday, January 11, 2008  |  Length: 01:09:36
Guest speaker Mike Lubell, Director of Public Affairs for the American Physical Society, addressed recent events and trends in U.S. funding of the physical sciences.
Human BNL 60 PictureSymposium Celebrates 60 Years of Discovery at Brookhaven Lab (Part 1)
Friday, October 19, 2007  |  Length: 01:34:45
As part of its 60th anniversary celebration, Brookhaven Lab hosted a full-day symposium for employees, guests, the media, and others interested in hearing renowned scientists speak about past and current developments in fields in which the Lab has been and continues to be a pioneer.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

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Last Modified: July 29, 2008