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UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program

Organic Farming Cost and Return Studies

[Organic Farming Main Page]
[SAREP Publications Main Page]

A number of cost studies for organically grown products are available through the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Davis. The studies were coordinated by UC Davis Extension economist Karen Klonsky, in collaboration with organic growers and industry representatives, UC Cooperative Extension farm advisors, and other researchers and specialists. Each publication contains an overview of production practices (covering such topics as cover crops, crop rotation and diversification, pest management, marketing and regulations for organic production), and sample budgets for producing the crop (includes costs per acre by operation, costs per acre by inputs, monthly cash costs, investment and business overhead, profitability ranging analysis). Current titles include:

Other cost studies are available on the ARE Web site at: http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
These publications are also available in selected University of California Cooperative Extension offices.