Grazing America

Save the dates: February 5-7th
Lexington, Kentucky

Keynote Speaker :  Wendell Berry

  AGA Conference Registration Form  
AGA Conference Information and Schedule

 Sessions to Include:

  • Breaking down Beef, Lamb, and  Swine
  • Dr. Gregg Rentfrow, UK
  • Charcuterie and Sausage Making Sessions

Seminars on:

  • Learning and Speaking the Processor's Language
  • Poultry Seminar from APPPA
  • Kentucky's Poultry MPU Demo
  • Cost of Production: Dr. Lee Meyer, UK
  • Marketing Options and How to choose
  • Chef - Farmer Connection

Sessions On

  • Bison
  • Pastured Pigs
  • Pastured Lamb
  • Label approval
  • Heritage Breeds from ALBC-USA
  • AGA Certification Program


American Grassfed Association protects and promotes true grassfed producers & grassfed products through national communication, education, research and marketing efforts. When you choose grassfed products, you are choosing products that are:

Better for the animals...eating (in the pasture) what nature intended
Better for the environment...harmony between the land & the animals
Better for farmers/ & working in a healthy sustainable atmosphere
Better food...grassfed foods are lower in saturated fats & higher in essential nutrients
Better for you...nutritious grassfed foods support better overall health. 


Important Announcement

Animal Welfare Approved® Program To Provide All Audits For American Grassfed Association® Members At No Cost To Farmers 


AGA Newsroom

For more grass fed beef news click here

Dr. Patricia Whisnant Interviewed By Fox News
Inhumane Feed Lot Beef vs
Humane Grass Fed Beef





American Grassfed
2801 E Colfax
Suite 302
Denver, CO 80206
Phone (877) 774-7277
Fax (877) 774-7277


© 2007 - 2008 American Grassfed Association