Missouri Botanical Garden
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Power of Plants Contest

Example--Rosy Periwinkle(Catharanthus roseus): You may call me Rosy, but I'm the 'Periwinkle of Power.' I live on the opposite side of the world in Madagascar, an island off the east coast of Africa. While I may appear to be just a pretty pink flower, I have the power to heal! Fifty years ago, scientists discovered that I contain special chemicals that help fight cancer, especially childhood leukemia.

It’s no secret—at the Missouri Botanical Garden we think plants are AMAZING! They are real-life superheroes that help us every day. Plants are the basis of life as we know it. Here are just a few great things plants provide for people:

  • Oxygen in the air we breathe
  • Food
  • Medicines
  • Materials for buildings and clothes
  • Fuel for cars
  • Pollution protection for rivers, lakes, and oceans
  • Nutrients for soil
  • Shade
  • Enjoyment, pleasure, and beauty

The Missouri Botanical Garden would like your help to identify the amazing Power of Plants. Pick a plant. Learn about the plant’s qualities and characteristics. Learn about the unique benefits provided by the plant. Find a way to tell everyone about why this plant deserves our thanks. If your entry is chosen by our panel of judges, you could win a $1,000 Savings Bond!!! (An example, the rosy periwinkle, is shown at right.)

How can you participate?

The Missouri Botanical Garden would like students to learn more about plants! Some plants are just AMAZING —they grow in special ways, can survive in harsh climates, or provide humans with things that we use everyday. So, here’s the challenge:

Choose a plant that does great things for people and tell its story!

Create something to tell the world about your plant and send it to the Missouri Botanical Garden. You must include factual information about your plant’s super powers. Winners will be displayed at the Garden and on our website.

Who can participate?

Students in elementary, middle, or high school can participate in this contest as individuals or groups. Limited to Missouri and Illinois residents only.

What can you create?

Entries can include, but are not limited to: cartoons, comic strips, news articles, models, action figures, sculptures, posters, stories, pamphlets, and flyers.

Two-dimensional entries must be able to hang on a wall and can be no larger than 18 by 24 inches. Three-dimensional entries must be no larger than 12 inches wide by 24 inches tall by 12 inches deep.

How does the contest work?

Participants can enter as an individual and/or part of a group. Entries will be divided into elementary, middle, and high school age groups. There will be a first, second, and third place winner, as well as Honorable Mentions for each of the three age groups in the individual and group categories. All participants must complete the Entry Form.

When does the contest begin?

The contest officially begins October 15, 2008. All contest rules and information about judging and submitting entries will be available then.

When does the contest end?

The contest will end January 31, 2009. All entries must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 31, 2009. All participants will be honored and winners will be announced at a reception in May. Entries will then be on display at the Missouri Botanical Garden through Friday, June 12, 2009.

How do I submit my entry?

An Entry Form must be included with every submission.

After October 15, 2008 you may mail your entry to the Garden:

Mail to:
Missouri Botanical Garden
Power of Plants Contest
PO Box 299
St. Louis, MO 63166-0299

You can drop off your entry at the address below between January 5–31, 2009.

Deliver in person to*:
Missouri Botanical Garden
Commerce Bank Center for Science Education
4651 Shaw Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63110

* Between January 5–31, 2009 deliveries will only be accepted Tuesday–Saturday from 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. No exceptions, please.

Do you have a question?

Please send questions to powerofplants@mobot.org. Answers to questions of general interest will be posted on the list of Frequently Asked Questions. Please allow 5 business days for MBG staff to reply.

Judging Information
Prize Information
Contest Rules
Frequently Asked Questions
Entry Form