Gerald A. Miller

Associate Dean, Extension Programs and Outreach, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Director, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension
Professor of Agronomy

132 Curtiss Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-1050
Phone: 515-294-4333 FAX: 515-294-5745

Current Primary Duties

  • Responsible for coordination of Extension Programs and Outreach for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Provides leadership for the college's extension mission with appropriate ISU Extension program directors and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department Chairs.
  • Provides leadership and coordination for the Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources program, a partnership of ISU Extension, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Veterinary Medicine. Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension programs are carried out by field staff throughout the state and faculty and staff in departments and centers on the ISU campus.
  • Serves as University Extension liaison for state and federal agriculture and natural resource agencies and organizations including the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the Iowa Cooperative Soil Survey program, soil and water conservation programs, and various agribusiness and economic development organizations and associations.
  • Organizes and provides leadership for issue teams within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
  • Conducts scholarship in watershed management.

Table of Contents

Previous Positions Publications
Administrative Experience Contracts and Grants
Awards and Honors Links
Professional and Civic Affiliations  




  • Ph.D., Soil Science, Iowa State University, 1974
  • M.S., Soil Science, Iowa State University, 1971
  • B.S., Agronomy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1965

Previous Positions

  • Professor and Extension Agronomist, Iowa State University, 1983 to 1998
  • Associate Professor and Extension Agronomist, Iowa State University, 1977 to 1983
  • Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist, Iowa State University, 1974 to 1977

Administrative Experience, Iowa State University

  • Supervision and personnel responsibilities: 9.0 FTE professional and scientific staff plus part-time hourly employees. Typical annual budget responsibilities of $650,000 in contracts and cooperative agreements.
  • Currently administers two USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service cooperative agreements, three U.S. EPA and Iowa Department of Natural resources contracts, one Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship grant and four USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service cooperative agreements.

Awards and Honors

  • 1980 The Raymond and Mary Baker Agronomic Excellence Award (an award to faculty members under 40 years of age at the time of the award).
  • 1983 Commendation Award for regional and state contributions, Soil Conservation Society of America.
  • 1984 A Distinguished Service Award for leadership in the Iowa soil judging program. Presented at the 56th Annual State Leadership Conference of the Iowa FFA Association.
  • 1985 A Distinguished Service Award for leadership in the Iowa Soil judging program presented by the Iowa Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association.
  • 1986 University Extension Meritorious Award for overall program contribution, Iowa State University.
  • 1986 University Extension Achievement Award for the Big Spring Basin Groundwater Quality Project, Iowa State University.
  • 1987 Excellence in Applied Research and Extension Award for overall program contribution, College of Agriculture, Iowa State University.
  • 1989 Dean’s Citation, Iowa State University Extension Service.
  • 1990 Iowa State University Foundation award for outstanding performance in Extension, Iowa State University.
  • 1992 Recognition of Outstanding Leadership and Service in the Iowa Soil Conservation Program, Division of Soil Conservation, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.
  • 1996 Honorary Member, Iowa Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts.
  • 1998 Certificate of Excellence in recognition for the development of outstanding agronomic educational material in the category of Internet Web Sites, American Society of Agronomy.
  • 1998 University Extension Achievement Award for the Manure Nutrient Management Team Project, Iowa State University.
  • 2001 Certificate of Recognition for contributions to soil and water conservation in Iowa, Division of Soil Conservation, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.
  • 2007 Administrator's Leadership Award for Outstanding Leadership through the Heartland Regional Water Coordination Initiative focusing on Water Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7

Professional and Civic Affiliations

Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma Xi, Alpha Zeta, American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, International Society of Soil Science, Geological Society of America, American Quaternary Association, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Professional Soil Classifiers of Iowa, Iowa Academy of Science, Association of the United States Army

Other Professional Activities

  • America's Land-Grant Universities Seminar Series 2006 titled "Water Quality Challenges and Opportunitites". Program Committee. 2005 to 2007.
  • Board of Directors, Associate Member. Animal and Poultry Waste Management Center. 2001 to 2007.
  • Member. Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service “Committee for Shared Leadership - Water Quality”. 2002 to present.
  • Member, Iowa Farm Bureau Environmental Resources Advisory Committee, 1995 to 2006.
  • Member, State Technical Committee, USDA, 1996 to present.
  • Member, Board of Directors (ex-officio), Agribusiness Association of Iowa, 1998 to present.
  • Member, NCR-195, Mississippi River Watershed Nutrient Sources and Control, 1998 to 2002.
  • Administrative Advisor, NCERA-59, Soil Organic Matter, 1998 to present.
  • Member, Board of Directors, Committee for Agriculture Development, Iowa State University, 1999 to present.
  • Member, Board of Trustees, Agricultural Endowment, Iowa State University, 1999 to 2006.
  • Member, Board of Directors, National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management, 2000 to 2005.
  • Member, Board of Directors, Six-state Animal Waste Management Consortium, 2000 to 2002.
  • Member, Iowa Animal Agriculture Consulting Organization, 2000 to 2002.
  • Member, Board of Directors, North Central Region Aquaculture Center, 2000 to 2006.
  • Member, Governor's State Environmental Education Coalition Task Force, 2001 to 2004.
  • Administrative Advisor, NCERA-3, Soil Survey, 2003 to present.
  • Administrative Advisor, NCCC-9, Midwest Plan Service. 2005 to present.


Most significant publications during 1999-2008:

Non-Refereed Publications

  • Miller, Gerald A., Sorrel Brown and Donnie Becker (editors). 1999. Atrazine: Midwest Studies Provide Some Answers. IDEA Number 5. Information Development Expanding Awareness, Iowa State University, Ames. 10 pages.
  • Miller, Gerald A. 2000. Education-based incentive program to enhance long-term adoption of sustainable nutrient/pest management - a demonstration with farmers in northeast Iowa. Pp. 39-43. In Leopold Center Progress Report. Volume 9, The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Ames. 50 pages.
  • Rieck-Hinz, A.M., and G.A. Miller. 2000. Manure Management: Addressing Environment Needs through Producer Education in Iowa. Pp.187-193. In John C. Blake and Barry L. Kintzer (eds.), Proceedings Alliance for Environmental Stewardship: A Comprehensive Approach. Western Coordinating Committee-059. Auburn University Printing Service, Auburn University, AL.
  • Miller, Gerald A. 2001. Statewide Manure Management Education Initiative. Pp. 41-44. In Leopold Center Progress Report. Volume 10, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Ames, 78 pages.

Publications in Abstract, Voluntary

  • Hanson, G.M., and G.A. Miller. 1999. Dirty Work at the Crossroads: Managing the Application of Manure Nutrients to Utilize a Resource Effectively. Iowa Academy of Science Program Abstracts 111:3.
  • Rieck-Hinz, A.M., G.A. Miller, and S. Padgitt. 1999. Manure Management: Meeting the Educational needs of Iowa Producers. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts 91:23.
  • Kennicker, J., A.M. Rieck-Hinz, and G.A. Miller. 1999. Integrated Crop Management: The Results of four years of Implementation by Producers in North Central Iowa. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts 91:24.
  • Mallarino, A.P., J.L. Baker, J.A. Downing, T.E. Fenton, G.A. Miller, J.E. Sawyer, B.M. Stewart, and J.L. Kovar. 2000. Development of a Phosphorus Assessment Tool for Iowa. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. 92:328.
  • Miller, P.E., A.M. Rieck-Hinz and G.A. Miller. 2001. Partnership to Meet Manure Management Information and Education Needs of Iowa Producers. Soil and Water Conservation Soc. 2001 Annual Meetings. Myrtle Beach S.C.
  • Rieck-Hinz, A.M. and G.A. Miller. 2001. Changes in Manure Appl.ication Practices based on the Iowa Manure Applicator Certification Program. 2001 American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. 93:273.
  • Mallarino, A.P., B.M. Stewart, J.L. Baker, J.A. Downing, T.E. Fenton, J.E. Sawyer, G.A. Miller, J.L. Kovar, T.J. Sauer, and R.D. Voss. 2001. Phosphorus Indexing in Cropland: The Iowa P Index. Agron. Abs. CD-ROM. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.
  • Rodecap, John, J.L. Baker, S.S. Brown, L. Busman, P.W. Gassman, A. Mendez, G.A. Miller, A.Saleh, G.R. Sands, and B.N. Wilson. 2003. Use of Research and Modeling in Community-based Watershed Planning Maquoketa River Watershed. 2003 National Water Quality Coordinators Conference, Tucson , AZ. Abstract and poster at:
  • Miller, G.A., C.J. Barden, S. Brown, S.S. Brown, R. Broz, D.L. Devlin, J. Elfving, R.K. Koelsch, J. Lawrence, M. Simon-Leuci, and C.S. Wortman. 2003. Heartland Regional Water Quality Coordination Initiative. 2003. National Water Quality Coordinators Conference, Tucson , AZ. Abstract and poster at:
  • Rodecap, John, Gerald Miller, and Susan Brown. 2004. Use of Research and Modeling Information in Community-based Watershed Planning: Nutrient Management Demonstrations in the Maquoketa River Watershed. 2004 USDA-CSREES National Water Quality Conference, Clearwater, FL. Abstract and poster at:
  • Miller, G.A., C.J. Barden, S. Brown, S.S. Brown, R. Broz, D.L. Devlin, J. Elfving, R.K. Koelsch, J. Lawrence, M. Simon-Leuci, and C.S. Wortmann. 2004. Collaborations and Connections.USDA-CSREES National Water Quality Conference, Clearwater , FL. Abstract and Poster at:
  • Miller, G.A., C.J. Barden, S. Brown, S.S. Brown, R. Broz, D.L. Devlin, R.K. Koelsch, J. Lawrence, M. Simon-Leuci, L. Wright-Morton, and C.S. Wortmann. 2005. Heartland Regional Water Quality Coordination Initiative. USDA-CSREES 2005 National Water Quality Conference, La Jolla, CA. Abstract and Poster at:

Most significant extension publications during 1999-2008

  • Hanson, Gina, and Gerald A. Miller. 1999.  Lessons Learned in Manure Applications. pp. 1.1-1.8. In From Feed to Field Environmental Strategies. University Extension, Iowa State University, Ames.  34 pages.
  • Miller, Gerald A. 2000. Agriculture and the Environment: A Wake-Up Call for Iowans. In Proceedings of Agriculture and the Environment a Wake-Up Call for Iowans. University Extension. Iowa State University, Ames. 32 pages.
  • Brown, Susan S., and Gerald A. Miller. 2000. Partnerships to Perform Community-Based Watershed Management. Pp. 27-32. In Proceedings of Agriculture and the Environment: A Wake-Up Call for Iowans. University Extension. Iowa State University, Ames. 32 pages.
  • Miller, Gerald A. 2001. Agriculture and the Environment: State and Federal Initiatives. Pp. 1-4. In Proceedings of Agriculture and the Environment: State and Federal Initiatives. University Extension. Iowa State University, Ames. 179 pages.
  • DeWitt, Jerald, Michael Duffy, Gerald Miller, John Sawyer and John Creswell. 2002. Crop Rotation. NMEP 5. University Extension, Iowa State University, Ames. 3 pages.
  • Duffy, Michael, Gerald Miller and John Creswell. 2002. Crop yields. NMEP 6. University Extension, Iowa State University, Ames. 2 pages.
  • Al-Kaisi, Mahdi, Gerald Miller and John Creswell. 2002. Conservation Practices. NMEP 11. University Extension, Iowa State University, Ames. 2 pages.
  • Miller, Gerald A. 2002. Agriculture and the Environment: The Challenge of Change. Pp 1-4. In Proceedings of Agriculture and the Environment: The Challenge of Change. University Extension, Iowa State University, Ames. 53 pages.
  • Miller, Gerald. 2003. CSL-WQ Subcommittee Report: Policy and CSREES Relations. National water Quality Coordinators Conference. Tucson , AZ. PowerPoint presentation at:
  • Miller, Gerald A. 2005. Heartland Regional Water Quality Coordination Initiative. In Proceedings of 2005 Agriculture and the Environment Conference. University Extension, Iowa State University , Ames. Abstract and PowerPoint posted at
  • Ingels , Chad , John Rodecap, and Gerald Miller. 2005. Manure, Phosphorus and Nitrogen Management Strategies for Iowa Crop and Livestock Farms. In Proceedings of 2005 Agriculture and the Environment Conference. University Extension, Iowa State University , Ames . Manuscript and PowerPoint presentation posted at
  • Morton, Lois Wright, John Rodecap, Susan Brown, and Gerald A. Miller. 2006. Performance-based Environmental Management: The Hewitt Creek Model. Pm-2013. University Extension, Iowa State University, Ames. 4 pages.

Newsletter Articles

  • Tidman, Michael J. and Gerald A. Miller. 1999. Use Crop Residues for Soil Conservation. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-482(8):49-50.
  • Tidman, Michael J. and Gerald Miller. 1999. Governor Kicks Off Conservation Milestones Campaign. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-482(9):55-57.
  • Tidman, Michael and Gerald Miller. 1999. Measure Your Crop Residue. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-482(10):62-63.
  • Tidman, Michael and Gerald Miller. 1999. Maintaining Grass Waterways. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-482(12):84-85.
  • Miller, Gerald and Michael Tidman. 2000. National Summit on Private Land Conservation. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-484(1):3-4.
  • Miller, Gerald and Michael Tidman. 2000. Iowa Producers Reduce Erosion - 1997 NRI Data. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter 484(3): 21-22.
  • Tidman, Michael and Gerald Miller. 2000. Don't Forget About Grassed Waterways. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-484(12):94-95.
  • Moore, Frank, Gerald Miller and Michael Tidman. 2000. Fencing Cattle Away from Creeks. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-484(17):129-130.
  • Miller, Gerald and Michael Tidman. 2001. Impact of Soil Erosion on Soil Productivity. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-486(1):3-4.
  • Miller, Gerald and Michael Tidman. 2001. 2001 Agriculture and the Environment Conference. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-486(4):31-32.
  • Miller, Gerald, Antonio Mallarino, John Sawyer, Tom Sauer, John Creswell and Michael Tidman. 2001. Watershed-scale Phosphorus Management. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-486(18):148-149.
  • Creswell, John, Antonio Mallarino, Gerald Miller, and John Sawyer. 2001. Phosphorus: Why the Concern about Water Quality. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-486(21):169-170.
  • Miller, Gerald. 2002. Report Addresses Animal Production and Air Quality Concerns. Iowa Manure Matters: Odor and Nutrient Management Newsletter. EDC-129-15(1): 5-6.
  • Miller, Gerald, Larry Beeler, and Deb Ryun. 2002. New Criteria for EQIP Implementation. Iowa Manure Matters: Odor and Nutrient Management Newsletter. EDC-129-16(2): 1-2.
  • Al-Kaisi, Mahdi, Mark Hanna, Gerald Miller, and Michael Tidman. 2002. Soil Erosion: Effect of Soil Productivity. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-488(20): 163-164.
  • Schultz, Linda and Gerald Miller. 2005. The new Iowa interactive Soil Survey. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-494 (23): 182.

Contracts and Grants

Since 1985 has served as principal investigator or co-principal investigator for 88 multi-year contracts and grants totaling $20,969,159.

1999-2005Contracts and Grants

  • “Northeast Iowa River Basins Demonstration Project.” Co-Principal Investigator with S. S. Brown, S. C. Padgitt and J. J. Rodecap. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Grant No. 91-EWQD –1-9512, 95-EWQD-1-9531, and 99-EWQD-1-0525, October 1991-April 2001. $724,620.
  • “Sny Magill Creek Cold Water Stream Water Quality Improvement HUA.” Co-Principal Investigator with S. S. Brown, S. C. Padgitt, E. A. Palas and N. R. Rolling. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Grant No. 91-EHUA-1-0050, 95-EHUA-1-0124, and 99-EHUA-1-0491, October 1991-March 2001. $445,000.
  • “Three Mile Creek Watershed Pollution Prevention HUA.” Co-Principal Investigator with S. S. Brown, J. G. Neppel and S. C. Padgitt. U.S. Department of Agriculture Grant No. 91-EHUA-1-0051, 95-EHUA-1-0125 and 99-EHUA-1-0498, October 1991-March 2001. $445,000.
  • “Agribusiness Pollution Prevention Demonstration Project.” Co-Principal Investigator with S. S. Brown and S. C. Padgitt. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Grant No. 92-EWQI-1-9039 and 97-EWQI-1-0126, July 1992-September 2000. $273,066.
  • “Management Systems Evaluation Areas Extension Water Quality Programs - Iowa. Co-Principal Investigator with M. A. Smith. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Grant No. 90-EWQI-1-9022 and 95-EWQI-1-9067, September 1990- September 1999. $455,000.
  • “BMP Promotion for Pollution Prevention in the Three Mile Lake Watershed.” Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, January 1995-March 2000. $190,452.
  • “ADW User Assistance for Nutrient and Pest Management Practice Adoption.” Co-Principal Investigator with A. Rieck-Hinz and J. P. Kennicker. Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, July 1995-December 1999. $529,112.
  • “Agribusiness Pollution Prevention Demonstration ( Northwest Iowa).” Co-Principal Investigator with S. S. Brown, and S. C. Padgitt. Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Agreement No. 96-7145-09, March 1996-September 1999. $474,288.
  • “Education-Based Incentive Program to Enhance Long-Term Adoption of Sustainable Nutrient and Pest Management -- A Demonstration with Farmers in Northeast Iowa.” Co-Principal Investigator with S. S. Brown and J. J. Rodecap, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Grant No. 97-21. July 1996-June 1999. $17,820.
  • “BMP Promotion in Northeast Iowa USDA Water Quality Projects.” Co-Principal Investigator with S. S. Brown, John Rodecap and Charles Wittman. Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Agreement No. 97-7146-02. August 1, 1996-September 30, 2000. $229,785.
  • “Hickory Creek Water Quality Project.” Co-Principal Investigator with E. A. Palas and John Rodecap. Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, January 1, 1997-September 30, 1999. $11,300.
  • “Development of Switchgrass as a Viable Agricultural Commodity for Farmers in Southern Iowa.” Co-principal Investigator with James Cooper. Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Award No. 98-14. July 1997-June 1999. $60,000.
  • “Statewide Manure Management Education Initiative.” Co-Principal Investigator with Susan Brown and Steve Padgitt. Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Grant No. 98-51, July 1997-June 2000. $86,500.
  • “ Battle Creek Watershed Groundwater Protection Project - Ida County.” Co-Principal Investigator with Susan Brown and Bret Warnke. Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Agreement No. 00-7146-01with amendments. July 1997-December 2002. $112,340.
  • “Educational Materials on Manure Nutrient Management and Pasture Management.” Co-Principal Investigator with Steve Barnhart and Wendy Wintersteen. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, Agreement No. 74-6114-7-3, September 1997-June 2001. $79,000.
  • “Coordination of Farm*A*Syst with the Private Sector.” Co-principal Investigator with Susan Brown, University of Wisconsin-Madison and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Grant No. 95-EWQI-1-9068, October 1997-June 1999. $11,040.
  • “ Southern Iowa Nutrient and Pest Management Education.” Co-principal Investigator with Wendy Wintersteen. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, Agreement No. 74-6114-8-22, September 1998-September 2001. $131,053
  • “Production of Regional Water Quality Publications and Programs for the North Central Region.” Co-principal Investigator with Sorrel Brown. University of Minnesota and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Grant No. 98-EWQI-1-0333. October 1997-June 2000. $15,000.
  • "Manure Applicator Certification Program." Co-principal investigator with Wendy Wintersteen. Iowa Department of Natural Resources Agreement No. 99-7112-01, August 1998-November 1999. $64,300.
  • “From the Heartland to the World: The Importance of Clean Water.” Co-principal Investigator with Steve Barnhart and Richard Larson. Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Agreement No. 99-7143-01, December 1998-August 1999. $40,000.
  • “Biomass Power for Rural Development Project.” Co-principal Investigator with Wendy Wintersteen. Chariton Valley Resource Conservation and Development, Inc., January 1999-June 2001. Fixed Agreement $12,000.
  • "Upper Maquoketa Watershed: A Model for Locally-led Environmental Management." Co-principal investigator with Susan Brown, John Rodecap and Wendy Wintersteen. U.S. Department of Agriculture Grant No. 99-EWQI-1-0611, September 1999-August 2002. $80,000.
  • "Development of a Community Process for Watershed Management in the Upper Maquoketa Watershed, Northeast Iowa." Co-Principal Investigator with Susan Brown, Steve Padgitt, John Rodecap, Sandy Scholl and Wendy Wintersteen. U.S. Environment Protection Agency Agreement No. CP997758-01-0, September 1999-August 2002. $75,600.
  • "Education of Producers about Effective Manure Management Programs." Co-Principal Investigator with Antonio Mallarino, John Sawyer and Wendy Wintersteen. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Agreement No. 74-6114-0-3, September 1999-March 2003. $36,000.
  • "Educational Materials for Manure Nutrient Management and Phosphorus." Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz and Wendy Wintersteen. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Agreement No. 74-6114-9-7, September 1999-September 2002. $47,000.
  • "Erosion Control on Non-Highly Erodible Land." U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Agreement No. 74-6114-9-02, April 1999-September 30, 2001. $48,000.
  • "Agriculture and the Environment: A Wake-Up Call for Iowans." Co-Principal Investigator with Richard Larson. Iowa Department of Natural Resources Agreement No. 00-7144-01, October 1999-July 2000. $23,000.
  • "Agriculture and the Environment: A Wake-Up Call for Iowans." Co-Principal Investigator with Richard Larson. Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture Conference grant, October 1999-June 2000. $3,000.
  • "Manure Applicator Certification Training." Co-Principal Investigator with Wendy Wintersteen. Iowa Department of Natural Resources Agreement No. 00-7112-01, December 1999-November 2000. $76,160.
  • "Nutrient Management Education Program." Co-Principal Investigator with John Creswell and Wendy Wintersteen. Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Agreement No. 00-7145-01 with Amendments 1 and 2, January2000-September 2002. $344,315.
  • “Use of Research & Modeling Information In Community-Based Watershed Planning.” Co-Principal Investigator with James L. Baker, Susan Brown, and John Rodecap. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service Agreement No. 00511309731, September 15, 2000-September 14, 2003. $540,000.
  • “Agriculture & the Environment: State & Federal Water Quality Initiatives.” Co-Principal Investigator with Richard Larson. Iowa Department of Natural Resources Agreement No. 01-714401, October 15, 2000-July 1, 2001. $24,500.
  • “Manure/Nutrient Management Educational Programming for the Maquoketa Watershed”. Co-Principal Investigator with Susan Brown, Chad Ingels, John Rodecap and Wendy Wintersteen. Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Agreement No. 00-7149-21, with Amendment No. 1, July 2000 - September 2002. $143,959.
  • “Statewide Manure Management Education Initiative”. Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz. Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Agreement No. 01-7148-07, with Amendment No. 1. October 2000-September 2002. $60,000.
  • " Maquoketa Watershed Nonpoint Source Communications Assistance”. Co-Principal Investigator with Susan Brown, John Rodecap and Charles Wittman. Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Agreement No. 01-7149-12 with Amendment No. 1. October 2000-September 2002. $115, 603.
  • “Manure Applicator Certification Training”. Co-Principal Investigator with Jerald DeWitt and Angela Rieck-Hinz. Iowa Department of Natural Resources Agreement No. 01-7112-01. December 2000-June 2002. $92,250.
  • “Manure Matters Odor and Nutrient Management Newsletter”. Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz and Jeff Lorimor. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Agreement No. 74-6114-0-9. September 2000-December 2002 $15,888.
  • “Soil and Water Conservation Alternatives for Erodible Land”. Co-Principal Investigator with Mahdi Al-Kaisi and Mark Hanna. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Agreement No. 74-6114-0-2. September 2000-September 2002. $30,700.
  • “Iowa Manure Management Action Group”. Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Agreement No. 74-6114-0-1. September 2000-September 2004. $43,188.
  • “Soil and Water Conservation Alternatives for Erodible Land”. Co-Principal Investigator with Mahdi Al-Kaisi and Mark Hanna. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Agreement No. 74-6114-10-03. September 2001-December 2002. $15,020.
  • “Manure Matters Odor and Nutrient Management Newsletter”. Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz and Jeff Lorimor. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Agreement No. 74-6114-10-04. September 2001-July 2003. $19,360.
  • “Agriculture and the Environment: The Challenge of Change.” Co-Principal Investigator with Richard Larson. Iowa Department of Natural Resources Agreement No. 02-7146-01, October 1, 2001-July 1, 2002. $24,500.
  • “A Land Grant Network to Enhance Tribal College Community Natural Resources Education Programs”. Co-Principal Investigator with Harold Crawford. U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperative States Research, Education and Extension Service. Agreement No. 2001-04227. September 15, 2001-September 14, 2005. $3,876,000.
  • “ Iowa Soil Properties and Interpretation Database.” Co-Principal Investigator with Thomas Fenton. Iowa Department of Agriculture Agreement No. 021FLM013, October 1, 2001-June 30, 2003. $31,500.
  • “Manure Applicator Certification Training”. Co-Principal Investigator with Jerald DeWitt and Angela Rieck-Hinz. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Agreement No. 03-7112-01. July 2002-June 2003. $137,014.
  • “Heartland Integrated Water Quality Initiative.” Co-Principal Investigator with John Lawrence, Sorrel Brown, and Susan Brown. US Department of Agriculture Cooperative States Research, Education and Extension Service. Agreement No. 20025113001515, September 15, 2002-September 14, 2004. $1,088,000.
  • "Manure Applicator Certification Training". Co-Principal Investigator with Donald Lewis and Angela Rieck-Hinz. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Agreement No. 04-7112-01. July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 . Fixed. $135,683.
  • "Statewide Manure Management Education". Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Agreement No. 04-7142-04. October 1, 2003 - Sep[tember 30, 2004. $41,512.
  • "On-Farm Demonstration of Manure Phosphorus Management". Co-Principal Investigator with Susan Brown , Chad Ingels and John Rodecap. Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Integrated Farm and Livestock Demonstration Program. Agreement No. 04-IFLM006. October 2, 2003 - March 31, 2005 . $55,394.
  • "Measurement of Environment Indicators for Iowa Conservation Programs". Co-Principal with Bruce Babcock. Natural Resources Conservation Service Agreement No. 65-6114-3-03. September 26, 2003 - January 15, 2004 . $10,000.
  • "Development of a State Nutrient Management Strategy". Co-Principal with James Baker. Iowa Department of Natural Resources Agreement No. 04-7142-07. January 1, 2004 through June 30, 2004. $10,800.
  • "Manure Applicator Certification Training". Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Agreement No. 05-7112-01. July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005. Fixed. $138,967.
  • “Heartland Integrated Water Quality Initiative.” Co-Principal Investigator with John Lawrence, Lois Morton, and Susan Brown. US Department of Agriculture Cooperative States Research, Education and Extension Service. Agreement No. 20045113002249, September 15, 2004-September 14, 2006. $1,506,312.
  • “Education Program to Increase Citizens Responsibility for Management of Agricultural Watersheds.” Co-Principal Investigator with Susan Brown and John Rodecap. US Department of Agriculture Cooperative States Research, Education and Extension Service. Agreement No. 20045113002255, September 15, 2004-September 14, 2007. $269,584.
  • "On-Farm Demonstration of Manure Phosphorus Management". Co-Principal Investigator with Chad Ingels. Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Integrated Farm and Livestock Demonstration Program. Agreement No. 05-IFLM0004. September 20, 2004 - March 31, 2007. $95,046.
  • “Iowa Manure Management Action Group”. Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Agreement No. 68-6114-4230. September 29, 2004-December 31, 2005. $50,000.
  • "Statewide Manure Management Education". Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Agreement No. 05-7142-07. October 1, 2004 - September 30, 2005. $43,311.
  • "Developing Performance-Based Environmental Policies for Agriculture in the Maquoketa River Watershed". Co-Principal Investigator with John Rodecap. Winrock International. Agreement No.553204017292. August 1, 2004 - July 31, 2005. $9,524.
  • "Enology and Viticulture Program". Co-Principal Investigator with Paul Brown, Murli Dharmadhikari and Ruth MacDonald. Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Agreement No. Q IDPH-CEXT, July 1, 2005-June 30, 2006. $50,000.
  • "Grape & Wine Program for the State of Iowa". Co-Principal Investigator with Paul Brown, Murli Dharmadhikari and Ruth MacDonald. Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, March 1, 2005-February 28, 2006. $25,000.
  • "Statewide Manure Management Education". Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Agreement No. 06-7142-05, October 1, 2005-October 31, 2006. $45,202.
  • "Manure Applicator Certification". Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Agreement No.06-7112-01, July 1, 2005-December 31, 2099 Fixed. $146,850.
  • "Iowa Manure Management Action Group". Co-Principal Investigator with Angela Rieck-Hinz. US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Agreement No. 68-6114-52-38, September 30, 2005-September 30, 2007. $85,478.


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