About CSA-L@Prairienet

What is CSA?
About PCSA
Meet the Farmers
Tour the Farm
Order a Totebag
Make Payment(s)
Planting List
Additional Info RESOURCES
Produce Recipes
Local Food Links
CSA-L Listserve

The CSA e-mail list is for networking on Community Supported Agriculture, and is primarily for the benefit of its farmer participants. As of December 2008 it is now being graciously hosted by LocalHarvest.org

We hope to see discussions on goals, distribution styles, outreach tools, member retention, educational work, connections with non-CSA organizations, etc. We also would like to see the exchange of newsletter articles and information about resources on CSA such as networking organizations, books, journals, videos, audio tapes from conferences, speaker tours of interest to CSAs, etc. In short, we would like to take advantage of the collective knowledge of as many CSA's as possible to help the CSA movement grow and strengthen! 

The CSA-L webpages are primarily to support the members of the CSA-L email list; for information on CSAs in general, see the FAQ.