The Plain

Het welkom!

PLAIN's heart logo

Plain language is an international language that everyone in your audience can easily understand. Clear writing in plain language saves time, money, and lives.

In whatever country you call home, you need plain language whether you're preparing a legal brief, writing a procedure, designing a brochure, running a business, publishing a newsletter, managing a department, maintaining a Web site, or training workers.

Our members include consultants, company editors, freelance writers, attorneys, and educators from around the world. We work for small businesses, government agencies, law firms, health-care providers, universities, and our clients.

Our site provides free plain-language articles, writing tutorials, Web links, news, networking opportunities, and professional support. We also offer PLAIN membership, an e-mail discussion group, connections with consultants, and professional conferences:


A description of PLAIN, our membership directory, and instructions on joining PLAIN. Join us!

NEW: PLAIN has just been incorporated in Canada, as of October 2008. Take a look at our official bylaws.

Plain Language Resources

About plain language: Free advice and information on planning, writing, editing and designing clear communications materials -- and surviving unplain language


Information about past and upcoming conferences, including the International Conference on Modern Legal Drafting in Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Plain Legal Language

Resources for lawyers and others on plain language

Plain Language Samples

Examples from business, law, science, journalism and technical writing

Plain Language in the News

Recent stories about plain language, clear writing and literacy

Literacy Resources

Web links, news, and other documents on literacy

Government Initiatives

What's happening in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States and Sweden

Other Organizations

The growing plain-language movement

Feedback | Updated July 3, 2007
Web site address:

Subscribe to The PLAIN Forum, our e-mail discussion group, free for six months:

And think about joining Plain Language Association INternational!