Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Facility
1999 Publications
pubs 2000
pubs 1998
Cheng N, Conway JF, Watts NR, Hainfeld JF, Joshi V, Powell RD, Stahl SJ,
Wingfield PE, and Steven AC.
Tetrairidium, a four-atom cluster, is readily visible as a density label in three-dimensional cryo-EM maps of proteins at 10-25 A resolution.
J Struct Biol. 127(2), 169-176 (1999).  PubMed

Freimuth P, Springer K, Berard C, Hainfeld J, Bewley M, and Flanagan J.
Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor amino-terminal immunoglobulin V-related domain binds adenovirus type 2 and fiber knob from adenovirus type 12.
J Virol. 73(2), 1392-1398 (1999).  PubMedFull Text

Gutierrez E, Powell RD, Furuya FR, Hainfeld JF, Schaaff TG, Shafigullin MN, Stephens PW, and Whetten RL.
Greengold, a giant cluster compound of unusual electronic structure.
Eur Phys J. D 9, 1-5 (1999).

Hainfeld JF.
Metal cluster labeling.
J Struct Biol. 127(2), 93 (1999).  PubMed

Hainfeld JF, Furuya FR, and Powell RD.
J Struct Biol. 127(2), 152-160 (1999).  PubMed

Hainfeld JF, Liu W, and Barcena M.
J Struct Biol. 127(2), 120-134 (1999).  PubMed

Hainfeld JF, Liu W, Halsey CM, Freimuth P, and Powell RD.
Ni-NTA-gold clusters target His-tagged proteins.
J Struct Biol. 127(2), 185-198 (1999).  PubMed

Jones LN, Simon M, Watts NR, Booy FP, Steven AC, and Parry DA.
Intermediate filament structure: hard alpha-keratin.
Exp Dermatol. 8(4), 310 (1999).  PubMed

Kuchumov AR, Taveau JC, Lamy JN, Wall JS, Wever RE, and Vinogradov SN.
The role of linkers in the reassembly of the 3.6 MDa hexagonal bilayer hemoglobin from Lumbricus terrestris.
J Mol Biol. 289(5), 1361-1374 (1999).  PubMed

Powell RD, Halsey CM, Liu W, Joshi VN, and Hainfeld JF.
Giant platinum clusters: 2-nm covalent metal cluster labels.
J Struct Biol. 127(2), 177-184 (1999).  PubMed

Vogt VM, and Simon MN.
Mass determination of rous sarcoma virus virions by scanning transmission electron microscopy.
J Virol. 73(8), 7050-7055 (1999).  PubMedFull Text

Wall JS.
Visualizing "greengold" clusters in the STEM.
J Struct Biol. 127(2), 161-168 (1999).  PubMed

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