Water Resources--Office of Water Quality

CHAPTER A2. (Version 2.0, 3/2003)

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Purpose and scope
Requirements and recommendations
Field manual review and revision

A2. Selection of Equipment for Water Sampling
Revised 2002 by Susan L. Lane, Sarah Flanagan, and Franceska D. Wilde
Edited by F.D. Wilde, D.B. Radtke, J. Gibs, and R. T. Iwatsubo

2.0. Chemical compatibility with the water sample
2.0.1. Equipment materials
2.0.2. Disposable gloves
2.0.3. Blank water and chemical reagents

2.1. Sample collection

2.1.1. Surface-water equipment

2.1.1.A. Isokinetic depth-integrating samplers
Hand-held samplers
Cable-and-reel samplers
2.1.1.B. Nonisokinetic samplers
Open-mouth samplers
Thief samplers
Single-stage samplers
Automatic samplers and pumps
2.1.1.C. Support equipment

2.1.2. Ground-water equipment

2.1.2.A. Pumps
Supply-well pumps
Monitoring-well pumps
Well-development pumps
2.1.2.B. Bailers, thief samplers, and passive diffusion bag samplers
Bailers and thief samplers
Passive diffusion bag samplers
2.1.2.C. Support equipment

2.2. Sample processing

2.2.1. Sample splitters

2.2.1.A. Churn splitter
2.2.1.B. Cone splitter

2.2.2. Processing and preservation chambers

2.2.3. Filtration systems

2.2.3.A. Inorganic constituents
Disposable capsule filter
Plate-filter assemblies
2.2.3.B. Organic compounds
Metering pump
Filtration assemblies
Filter material

2.2.4. Pump tubing

2.3. Field vehicles

2.4. Lists of equipment and supplies

Conversion factors, selected terms, and abbreviations

Selected references and technical memorandums

Appendix: Construction of a collapsible sample-processing/preservation chamber

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