The Texas Clean Rivers Program

The Texas Clean Rivers Program In 1991, the Texas Legislature passed the Texas Clean Rivers Act (Senate Bill 818) in response to growing concerns that water resource issues were not being pursued in an integrated, systematic manner. The act requires that ongoing water quality assessments be conducted for each river basin in Texas, an approach that integrates water quality and water quantity issues within a river basin, or watershed. View the 2008 Basin Summary Report.  The Clean Rivers Program (CRP) legislation mandates that "each river authority (or local governing entity) shall submit quality-assured data collected in the river basin to the commission." "Quality assured data" in the context of the legislation means "data that complies with the commission rules for water quality monitoring programs, including rules governing the methods under which water samples are collected and analyzed and data from those samples are assessed and maintained." 

Because of the international nature of the Rio Grande, the State of Texas contracted with the U.S. Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission in October 1998 to implement the CRP for the Rio Grande in its 1,254-mile international boundary section.

The goal of the CRP is to maintain and improve the quality of water within each river basin in Texas through an ongoing partnership involving the Texas  Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), river authorities, (Program Partners), other agencies, regional entities, local and state governments, industry, and citizens. The program uses a watershed management approach to identify and evaluate water quality issues, establish priorities for corrective actions, and work to implement those actions.  Contact Texas Clean Rivers

Study Area
Locate IBWC stream gages, data and other useful map information using the USIBWC GIS Interactive Map page.

Monitoring Station Data
View a list by segment of monitoring stations in the Rio Grande basin. Click on the station ID number to download an Excel format file that contains all of the available water quality data for that station from 1995 to present.

View Clean Rivers Program Basin Summary Reports

Learn about the Clean River Program Basin Advisory Committee

Calendar / Current Activities
Learn about upcoming events and current activities of the Clean Rivers Program

Partner Links
Access links to the Clean Rivers Program partners and planning agencies