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Briefing Rooms

Rural Development Strategies: Related Links

Federal Agencies

The Budget of the United States Government—Provides information on proposed and past budget levels for Federal programs, from the Office of Management and Budget.

The Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance—Provides detailed information on individual Federal programs.

Building Better Rural Places—Provides a guide to Federal programs for sustainable agriculture, forestry, conservation and community development, with a focus on USDA programs.

USDA-Rural Development Programs—Provides information about USDA's rural development programs and how to apply for funding.

USDA-Rural Information Center—Provides information on various Federal funding sources for rural areas.

USDA-Forest Service—Provides information on the Forest Service programs to help rural communities build skills, networks, and strategies to address social, environmental, and economic changes.

The Government Accountability Office—Analyzes various Federal programs.

Department of Housing and Urban Development—Clearinghouse of technical assistance, training, and information resources to support rural housing and economic development.

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service—Administers various environmental, conservation and community development programs in rural areas.

U.S. Department of Commerce—Administers a variety of programs that further business and economic development.

USDA-CSREES—The Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service provides information, research, training, and technical assistance on various rural community and economic development topics.

Related Research Organizations

Regional Rural Development Centers—Each of these four centers links the research and Extension capacity of its region's land grant university system with local decisionmakers to address a wide range of development issues affecting rural America:

U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration—This link provides access to published research dealing with economic development programs and issues.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development—This link provides access to published research dealing with economic development programs and issues.

Designing an Effective Rural Development Policy

USDA-Cooperative Extension Search Tool—This provides a search tool for easy access to Extension resources at the Land Grant Colleges.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Research Publications—Includes research on strategic planning for economic development.

Center for Community Economic Development—Information about methods for improving community and economic development.

Cornell University Community and Rural Development Institute (CARDI)—Monitors trends in community and rural development, and includes a community development toolbox.

USDA-NAL-Rural Information Center information on Downtown Revitalization Strategies—Discusses how to plan for revitalization of a town, includes case studies and lists resources available to fund projects.

Regional Development Programs

Appalachian Regional Commission—Provides information on regional development programs in the Appalachia.

Delta Regional Authority—Provides information on regional development programs in the Lower Mississippi Delta region.

Denali Commission—Provides information on regional development programs in Alaska.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration—Provides information on economic development assistance to multi-county areas, research publications on economic development, and features an information clearinghouse that covers business assistance strategies, including rural entrepreneurship.

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation and Service, Resource, Conservation, and Development—Provides information about program is aimed at improving natural amenities, protecting the environment, and furthering rural development in designated multi-county areas.



USDA Rural Utilities Service—This site provides information on all RUS infrastructure programs.


Bureau of Transportation Statistics—Provides data, graphs, charts and other related material on nationwide transportation statistics.

National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP)—Resources for rural transportation from the Federal Transit Administration.

Center for Transportation Research (CTR)—Focuses on transportation research, education, and public service.

Transportation Research Board—A National Academy of Sciences affiliate that conducts research concerning the nature and performance of transportation systems and provides an international forum for transportation professionals.

Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS)—Provides a bibliographic database with more than 400,000 records of published transportation research jointly sponsored by the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, National Academies and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and the U.S. Department of Transportation.

USDA-Agricultural Marketing Service/Transportation Services Division—Provides information on agricultural transportation and marketing programs and resources at USDA.

USDA-USDOT Joint Rural Transportation Web Site—Provides data and information resources on rural and agricultural transportation.

Department of Transportation—Provides data and information on programs run by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

University Transportation Centers—Provides information on 14 University Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation that conduct research on transportation to advance expertise and technology transfer throughout the United States.

National Agricultural Library—Provides a listing of transportation resources that includes funding, technical assistance, statistics, data sources, and selected rural transportation publications.

Northwestern University Transportation Library—One of the largest transportation libraries in the world. Its online home allows you to search the library's catalog, and its periodical index. Through interlibrary loans you can borrow items from the library through your home library. There is also a listing of transportation e-resources you can view to find other online sources of information.

Transportation Research in Progress—Database containing over 6,000 records of current or recently completed transportation research projects funded by Federal and State departments of transportation, including university transportation research and surface transportation research conducted in Canada.

Hazardous Materials Transportation (HMT) Security—Links from the U.S. Department of Transportation to assist in enhancing hazardous materials transportation safety and security.—The National Association of Counties (NACo) and the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) provide a web-based resource tool for rural transportation stakeholders, including local elected officials and regional development professionals.


USDA's Rural Utility Services Telecommunications Program—Provides many programs for financing rural America's telecommunications infrastructure.

USDA's Rural Utility Services Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program—Through loans, grants, and loan and grant combinations for advanced telecommunications technologies, the agency provides enhanced learning and health care opportunities for rural residents.

U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration—The agency works to spur innovation, encourage competition, and provide consumers with more choices in telecommunication services.

Federal Communications Commission—An independent U.S. Government agency charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable.


USDA Rural Utilities Service—This site provides information on RUS Water Infrastructure Programs.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Water provides information about clean water needs surveys, drinking water needs surveys, nation water quality inventory reports, and many other clean water and drinking water programs.

National Drinking Water Clearinghouse, funded through the USDA's Rural Utilities Service, is a good source of many topics related to small rural drinking water systems.

Energy Infrastructure

USDA Rural Utilities Service—This site provides information on RUS electric utility infrastructure Programs.

Department of Energy, Energy Information Agency—This site provides data, analysis, and updates on electricity restructuring activities across the country.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission—This site provides information, documents, and data related to FERC's activities.

Business Assistance

Rural Business and Cooperatives Service—Provides information on USDA's rural business assistance programs.

Small Business Administration—Provides information on the full array of SBA loan, loan guarantee, technical assistance, and other small business assistance programs available to most rural businesses.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration—Provides economic development assistance to multi-county areas, research publications on economic development, and features an information clearinghouse that covers business assistance strategies, including rural entrepreneurship.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Manufacturing Extension Partnership—This program provides a nationwide network of resources to help manufacturers compete globally.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Minority Business Development—This is the only Federal program exclusively designed to assist minority businesses.

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Regional, Public, and Community Affairs—Provides journal, conference reports, and in-depth research on rural economic development, with recent emphasis on regional economic development and entrepreneurship.

Rural Policy Research Institute's Rural Entrepreneurship Center—About creating a supportive environment for entrepreneurs.

USDA-CSREES Economics and Commerce—Provides information on e-commerce, business retention, and other forms of business assistance, including material focusing on agriculture.

Education and Training

Center for Community Economic Development—Contains information about the development and delivery of educational programs for community economic development programs.

U.S. Department of Education, Center for Rural Education (CRE)—Disseminates information about the importance of education to rural stakeholders, including discussion of various models or programs aimed at improving rural school performance.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE)—Provides information about various programs and initiatives aimed at improving secondary and technical education, community colleges and postsecondary education, and adult basic and literacy education.

Southern Rural Development Center (SRDC)—Offers research and information on many topics related to rural development, including education and training, which are particularly important to the rural South.

Innovative Approaches Rural Education—This USDA-NAL-Rural Information Service publication is an annotated bibliography covering many topics, such as distance education, rural school funding, partnerships, and links to other organizations providing similar information.

Amenity-Based Development

Center for Community Economic Development—information about methods for improving community and economic development, including a tourism business development toolbox.

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation and Service, Resource, Conservation, and Development—This program is aimed at improving natural amenities, protecting the environment, and furthering rural development in designated multi-county areas.—Federal clearinghouse of information on recreation opportunities and programs across the country, including recreation data.

USDA-NAL-Rural Information Center page on Retirement Communities in Rural America—Lists e-publications available on rural retirees—their community impacts, methods for attracting them, how to strategically plan for them, and retirement housing.

USDA-NAL-Rural Information Center page on Promoting Rural Tourism—Provides information on ways to promote tourism in rural areas.

USDA-NAL-Rural Information Center page on Case Studies: Forest-Based Partnership Initiatives—Summarizes various case studies involving tourism and recreation involving the U.S. Forest Service.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Smart Growth Publications—Discuss the best methods to manage growth for environmental, community, and economic sustainability.

USDA-CSREES Natural Resources and Environment—Has information on rural recreation and tourism and related topics.

USDA-CSREES Small and Home Based Business—Discusses rural tourism opportunities, providing links to Extension courses to help in training for tourism, and includes material on agritourism and marine recreation.

Community Development

USDA, Rural Housing Service—Regulations and other information for USDA's housing and community development programs.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)—Operates the majority of Federal housing and community development programs, serving both urban and rural America.

Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight— HUD agency with oversight authority for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, with public user data on their loans.

Office of Policy Development and Research, HUD—HUD's research arm, and an important source of housing and community development data and research.

Rural Housing and Economic Development, HUD—Grants for rural housing and development projects.

U.S. Census Bureau—A rich source of data and reports on America's households and their housing.

Ginnie Mae (Government National Mortgage Association)—The Federal agency that securitizes government-insured home mortgages.

Federal Housing Finance Board—Oversight of the Federal Home Loan Banks, and source of monthly data on home mortgage interest rates.

Real Estate Center—Real estate and housing studies institute at Texas A&M University, focused on issues in the Southwest and particularly Texas.

Joint Center for Housing Studies—Housing research institute at Harvard University, with reports on various housing issues, including the annual "The State of the Nation's Housing."

National Agricultural Library—Links to numerous rural housing resources.

Building Better Rural Places—Provides a guide to Federal programs for sustainable agriculture, forestry, conservation and community development, with a focus on USDA programs.

Center for Community Economic Development—Information about methods for improving community and economic development.

Cornell University Community and Rural Development Institute (CARDI)—Monitors trends in community and rural development, and includes a community development toolbox.

USDA-NAL-Rural Information Center research publications—Includes annotated bibliographies on various community development topics, including housing, health, nonprofits, mainstreet revitalization, historic preservation, arts and humanities, and fire protection services.

Federal Funds and Other Development Policies

U.S. Census Bureau—Federal funds data come from Consolidated Federal Funds Reports.

The Budget of the United States Government—Provides information on proposed and past budget levels for Federal programs, from the Office of Management and Budget.

The Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance—Provides detailed information on individual Federal programs.

USDA-Rural Development Programs—Provides information about USDA's rural development programs and how to apply for funding.

USDA-Rural Information Center—Provides information on various Federal funding sources for rural areas.

The Government Accountability Office—Analyzes various Federal programs.

Building Better Rural Places—Provides a guide to Federal programs for sustainable agriculture, forestry, conservation and community development, with a focus on USDA programs.

Rural Housing and Economic Development, Housing and Urban Development (HUD)—Grants for rural housing and development projects.

Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community Program—Describes the USDA/HUD program, regulations, and progress of these communities.

Office of Policy Development and Research, HUD—HUD's research arm, and an important source of housing and community development data and research.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Research Publications—Research covers a wide range of economic development strategies and programs.

USDA-NAL-Rural Information Center Guide to Federal Funding Resources—Explains how to find funding from both public and private sources.

USDA-NAL-Rural Information Center's Capital Assistance Funding: A Rural Health Resource Guide—Explains various sources of available capital funding.


For more information, contact: Richard Reeder

Web administration:

Updated date: November 14, 2008