Duke Forest FACE Experiment

To propose research at the Duke Forest FACE facility please contact Ram Oren.  Current and prospective users must read the facility orientation and protocols publication - pdf

The Duke Forest FACE experiment is a collaboration between Duke University and Brookhaven National Laboratory.  Brookhaven designed and built the facility and is responsible for Facility Operations which are described below.  Oversight of science activities are managed by Duke University Ecologist Ram Oren who is the principal investigator for the Duke Forest FACE Experiment.

The Duke Forest FACE experiment (a.k.a. Forest Atmosphere Transfer and Storage-1, FACTS-1) is a loblolly pine plantation located in the Duke Forest near Chapel Hill, NC. It consists of four FACE plots that provide elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (current ambient [CO2] + 200ppm) and four plots that provide ambient CO2 control. The system has been in operation since June 1994 in the prototype plot, and since August 1996 in the three additional plots.

The prototype plot and its reference were halved with a barrier inserted in the soil in 1998 to conduct, together with five additional plot pairs, CO2 x soil nutrient enrichment experiments. The rest of the plots were partitioned in early 2005 and incorporated into the CO2 x nutrient experiment. To increase statistical power, four additional ambient plots were established in January, 2005, halved, and one half of each fertilized.

  • The Duke Forest FACE facility is described in detail by Hendrey et al (1999) - pdf

Facility Operations

Brookhaven is responsible for operations management of the Duke Forest FACE experiment and has provided a stable research platform since 1996 when the facility was established following successful testing of the prototype FACE ring.  As of December 2005 the monthly average CO2 enrichment has consistently been within 10 ppm of the target [CO2] and the 1-minute averages of [CO2] are within 20% of the target [CO2] 90% of the time.  The facility is scheduled to operate 12 months a year during day light hours when temperatures are above 5oC and average wind speeds are less than 5 m s-1.  Brookhaven has maintained operations above the DOE/BER target of 96% since records were collected. 

In addition to it's primary responsibility for providing a safe and stable research platform, the Brookhaven FACE team also maintains a web server that displays daily performance information for immediate public access, and provides annual quality assured files of one minute, half hour and hourly performance. Environmental data is also provided [ see performance ]. We also will provide customized data sets on request.

All publications using information obtained from the Duke Forest FACE facility should include the following acknowledgement: "This research was supported by the Office of Science (BER), U.S. Department of Energy, through Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with Brookhaven National Laboratory and Grant No. DE-FG02-95ER62083 with Duke University."

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Last Modified: February 1, 2008

FACE is a program of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) - U.S. Department of Energy. Please forward all questions or comments about this site to: Brookhaven FACE Program