FACE Operations Data

Brookhaven provides real time data for FACE operations at the Duke Forest FACE (updated every 30 minutes) and daily performance information for Duke Forest FACE, Aspen FACE and the Nevada Dessert FACE facility. These data allow operators to view FACE performance on a daily basis and diagnose potential problems before they begin impact facility performance. For Duke Forest FACE we also provide operational and performance statistics and a full CO2 fumigation history. The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) archives data for all the DOE/BER FACE facilities.

Performance Monitoring Real Time Monitoring of FACE Operations
View real time and daily FACE facility performance and environmental data at cooperating sites.
Duke Forest FACE Performance Duke Forest FACE Performance
Operational and performance statistics for the Duke Forest FACE Experiment.
Duke Forest FACE Data Archive Duke Forest FACE Data Archive
Archives of FACE performance data and other core variables from the Duke Forest FACE Experiment.
The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
Access to quality-assured and documented data from the wide array of FACE sites in a uniform and consistent format.

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Last Modified: February 1, 2008

FACE is a program of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) - U.S. Department of Energy. Please forward all questions or comments about this site to: Brookhaven FACE Program