Mercury in the Environment

USGS provides information on mercury sources, cycling, bioaccumulation and toxicity to assist land and resource managers reduce mercury hazards to people and the environment.

USGS Fact Sheets on Mercury in the Environment

Information on worldwide supply & demand and flow of mercury

Mercury in U.S. Coal

Featured Activities

KQED's Mercury in the Bay - Part 1, interviews USGS scientist Mark Marvin-DiPasquale

Mercury and organic carbon dynamics during runnoff episodes from a Northeastern USA watershed

USGS Science Activities

National Mercury Studies

Research on Mercury Cycling in Aquatic Ecosystems

Mercury Related to Mining and Natural Geologic Sources

Mercury Bioaccumulation

Mercury Atmospheric Deposition

Mercury Studies in Geographic Areas

Measuring Mercury in the Environment

Meetings and Discussion Groups

Fall 2008 American Geophysical Union
      Mercury Cycling in Ecosystems: Hot Spots and Hot Moments
      Effects of Air Pollutants on Ecosystems
      complete list of mercury-related AGU sessions

9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (2009)

< Archive of meetings and conferences >

Other Links

USEPA Fish Advisories

USEPA Mercury Page

Air Toxics Monitoring Programs

Mercury ToxFAQs™: Chemical Agent Briefing Sheets (ATSDR)

Dynamic Mercury Cycling Model (EPPRI)

Calfed Mercury Program

NESCAUM Mercury Emission Control Studies

South Florida Mercury Science Program

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Page Last Modified: Friday, November 21, 2008