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Michigan Water Science Center


Occurrence of Pathogens in Ground Water in Southeast Michigan

Making virus and bacteria sample


Making virus and bacteria sample


In this study, five sets of samples from each of 34 wells in southeastern Michigan will be analyzed to determine if viruses are found in small groundwater public-supply systems, and if the currently-used indicators of fecal contamination are adequate predictors of the presence of human pathogenic viruses. EPA is funding the study to help determine if people drinking water from groundwater systems are at risk for exposure to bacterial and viral contamination. Viral contaminants may be more of a threat to ground water than bacterial or protozoan contaminants for two reasons. First, because of virus' small size, they can be transported farther in ground water than bacteria. Second, viruses are thought to be more persistent in the environment.
Intake Connection Collecting Q.W. sample
Intake Connection Collecting Q.W. samples
Intake Conn
ection Bacteria filtration
setup in mobile water quality lab
Intake Connection Bacteria filtration setup in mobile water quality lab

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