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Michigan Legislation Supports Farm-to-School

Revive and Protect the Living Soil

Unique Dairy Research Effort at Morris, MN

Sustainable Agriculture Education Association

Feeding the world sustainably demands new approach to farming and food

Sustainable Agriculture Newsletter, November/December 2008

The Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (MISA) is a unique partnership between the University of Minnesota's College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource SciencesUniversity of Minnesota Extension, and the Sustainers' Coalition, a group of individuals and community-based nonprofit organizations.

The purpose of MISA is to bring together the diverse interests of the agricultural community with interests from across the University community in a cooperative effort to develop and promote sustainable agriculture in Minnesota and beyond.

 MISA provides links to other websites as a service to those who are seeking information about sustainable agriculture; however, MISA is not responsible for the contents of other websites. 


Focus on Programs

Endowed Chair

Green Lands, Blue Waters 

Alternative Livestock Systems

Local Food

MISA Publications

Organic Ecology

Student Programs

Student Organic Farm