Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
1/15/09 :: U.S. Department of Energy Awards New Contract for its Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory more>

National Synchrotron Light Source II
1/12/09 :: Department of Energy Approves Construction Start of NSLS-II Project at Brookhaven National Laboratory more>

DOE National Science Bowl®
1/12/09 :: U.S. Department of Energy Kicks Off 19th National Science Bowl® more>

Alternative Energy Fuels High School Science
1/7/09 :: DOE Program for Teachers at Argonne National Laboratory Transforms Lesson Plans more>

Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers
12/19/08 :: Energy Department Scientists and Engineers Honored with Presidential Early Career Awards more>
12/19/08 :: Biographies and Citations of 2007 DOE PECASE Winners more>
For more information...

Lecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11/05/08 :: "Facing Our Energy Challenges in a New Era of Science," Presentation by Office of Science Deputy Director for Programs Dr. Patricia Dehmer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts more>

"Pure Science Leads to New Methods"
10/14/08 :: "The Unity of Science," Column by Under Secretary for Science Dr. Raymond L. Orbach, published in Energy & Environmental Science (Reproduced from Energy & Environmental Science (www.rsc.org/ees) by permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry) more>
