USGS: Science for a changing world

PHAST--A Computer Program for Simulating Ground-Water Flow, Solute Transport, and Multicomponent Geochemical Reactions



Bullet Abstract
Bullet Release Notes
Bullet Documentation for PHAST, (PDF)
Bullet Documentation for PHREEQC (PDF)
Bullet Mail Archive--Questions and answers about PHREEQC, PhreeqcI, PHAST, and Netpath
Bullet PHREEQC Welcome page
Bullet Reports using PHREEQC and PHAST

Batch Version Download:

new bullet PHREEQC Version 2.14, Added capability to start simulations at a specified time.

The Free Software Foundation's gunzip may be necessary to uncompress the UNIX tar files for Sun. However, some World Wide Web browsers automatically uncompress retrieved files.

PHAST 1.5.1-2768 (Latest version)
Platform File names Size MD5 sum (GNU md5sum 5.2.1)
Linux phast-1.5.1-2768.i586.rpm 8.8M 6c325b61bef4fd9e28ca85754587e7ac
phast-1.5.1-2768.Linux.tar.gz 8.8M 42e8f340633c7d20f05c1eb3a559f1d7
Windows phast-1.5.1-2768.exe 14M f1b79d918475cb36df08b9cde4bd525c

PHAST Graphical User Interfaces (You also need the Batch PHAST version):

Bullet WPHAST (Windows only) 0.6.1-2775, March 25, 2008, (17M)--GUI generates trans.dat file, runs PHAST. Batch version is needed for ModelViewer and PhastHDF utilities.
Bullet GoPhast (Windows or Linix)--GUI generates trans.dat file. Batch version is needed to run PHAST and for ModelViewer and PhastHDF utilities.


Bullet Status of PHREEQC Programs
Bullet Add Me to the PHREEQC Mailing List (Include the word "subscribe" in body of letter)
Bullet Your Comments/Bug Reports

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