American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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Women's War Relief

Hospital Slippers for the Sick and Wounded Soldiers of the Union
Hospital Slippers for the Sick and
Wounded Soldiers of the Union
Philadelphia, 1861
Printed broadside
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (42A)

This broadside pattern gives directions for making slippers for Union soldiers. In the first six months of 1862, the Ladies' Aid Society of Philadelphia distributed more than 1000 pairs of slippers, as well as thousands of boxes of other clothing, bedding, food, medicines, and books. Strapped by meager supplies and time-consuming military redtape, army hospital physicians and field commanders relied heavily on the efforts of voluntary aid groups. Throughout the war-torn country, women made clothing, grew food crops, raised funds, and managed distribution of supplies.

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