NLS Newsletter

NLS News, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, includes information about new data releases, error notices, completed NLS research and other information of general interest to the NLS research community.

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Starting in 2009, NLS News will be available online only.

Current Issue of NLS News

  • No. 08-133 (NLSY97 Round 10 Data Released) (PDF 80KB)

Previous Issues of NLS News

  • No. 08-132 (NLSY79 Round 22 Data Released) (PDF 80KB)
  • No. 08-131 (NLS 2008 Release Dates, NLS Childcare Variables) (PDF 78KB)
  • No. 08-130 (NLS Finance Variables, NLSY79 Cohabitation Data) (PDF 76KB)
  • No. 07-129 (NLSY97 Data release in October) (PDF 60KB)
  • No. 07-128 (Alcohol and Drug Use Variables in the NLS) (PDF 59KB)
  • No. 06-127 (NLSY97 Round 8 Event History and Geocode data release) (PDF 80KB)
  • No. 06-126 (NLSY97 Round 8 Main data release) (PDF 80KB)
  • No. 06-125 (NLSY79 Round 21 data release) (PDF 90KB)
  • No. 06-124 (NLS Celebrates Its 40th Birthday) (PDF 79KB)
  • No. 06-123 (Now available, two waves of transcript data) (PDF 72KB)
  • No. 05-122 (Early Release for 2004 NLSY79 Young Adults Data) (PDF 70KB)
  • No. 05-121 (NLSY97 Event History and Geocode data for Round 7 available in October) (PDF 67KB)
  • No. 05-120 (NLSY97 data for Round 7 now available) (PDF 64KB)
  • No. 05-119 (2003 data for Survey of Mature and Young Women now available) (PDF 66KB)
  • No. 04-118 (NLSY97 data for Round 6 now available) (PDF 65KB)
  • No. 04-117 (NLSY79 data for Round 20 now available) (PDF 184KB)
  • No. 04-116 (Upcoming NLS Summer Workshop, also Variables on Working at Home) (PDF 233KB)
  • No. 03-115 (NLSY97 Round 5 Event History and Geocode Data) (PDF 194KB)
  • No. 03-114 (NLSY97 Round 5 Data Release) (PDF 211KB)
  • No. 03-113 (Release of the Combined 2000 NLSY79 Main/Work History Data) (PDF 576KB)
  • No. 02-112 (NLSY97 User Workshop, also Release of 2001 Mature Women and Young Women Data) (PDF 272KB)
  • No. 02-111 (NLSY97 Round 4 Event History and Geocode Data) (PDF 193KB)
  • No. 02-110 (NLSY97 Round 4 Data Release) (PDF 242KB)
  • No. 02-109 (NLSY79 Rd 19 Data Release, also Methodological Experiments in the NLS) (PDF 71KB)
  • No. 02-108 (Transcript Data Outline ~ NLSY97 Respondent High School Experiences, also
    Geographic Information and Other Restricted Data in the NLS) (PDF 232KB)
  • No. 01-107 (NLSY97 Round 3 Event History and Geocode CDs Data Release) (PDF 220KB)
  • No. 01-106 (NLSY97 Round 3 Data Release) (PDF 219KB)
  • No. 01-105 (Release of the 1999 Mature Women and Young Women Data) (PDF 196KB)
  • No. 01-104 (Training Questions in the NLSY97) (PDF 219KB)
  • No. 00-103 (Release of the NLSY97 Round 2 Geocode and Event History CD-ROMs) (PDF 315KB)
  • No. 00-102 (Release of the NLSY97 Round 2 Data) (PDF 83KB)
  • No. 00-101 (Release of the Child and Young Adult 1998 Data) (PDF 80KB)
  • No. 00-100 (Release of the 1998 NLSY79 Data) (PDF 346KB)
  • No. 99-99 (Release of the 1997 Mature and Young Women Data) (PDF 68KB)
  • No. 99-98 (Release of the Round 1 NLSY97 Event History CD) (PDF 62KB)
  • No. 99-97 (Release of the Round 1 NLSY97 Data) (PDF 59KB)
  • No. 99-96 (Release of the 1996 Children of the NLSY97 Data) (PDF 117KB)
  • No. 98-95 (Release of the Mature and Young Women 1995 Data) (PDF 74KB)
  • No. 98-94 (NLSY79 Work History Data Release) (PDF 104KB)
  • No. 98-93 (NLSY79 Geocode Data on CD-ROM) (PDF 92KB)
  • No. 98-92 (Release of the NLSY79 1996 Survey Data) (PDF 86KB)
  • No. 97-91 (Call for Abstracts for a Conference on Data Quality Issues in Longitudinal Surveys) (PDF 115KB)
  • No. 97-90 (NLSY79 Child School Survey Overview) (PDF 87KB)

Order Data | Original Cohorts | NLSY79 | NLSY79 Children | NLSY97 | NLS Data Files |
NLS Documentation | Bibliography | Research Papers | NLS Newsletter


Last Modified Date: Nov. 7, 2008