Mountain-Prairie Region
Conserving the Nature of America


If you are a Region 6 employee and would like information about establishing a website for your office, please contact:

Jim Renne
(303) 236-4487

FWS Website Authoring Information:

    Information associated with links 1 - 3 is being updated. 

  1. Web Publishing Information for FWS websites
  2. Style Guide for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Web Sites
  3. Mandatory Web Requirements for FWS websites
  4. Statement of Responsibilities form for applying for a FWS website account
  5. Region 6 Monthly Web Hits Reports
  6. Adding Your Article to the Service's Home Page
  7. Linking to Federal Register Notices from your web pages
  8. Instructions - Use of Images and Likenesses in Service Products
  9. Copyright Agreement for Use of Non-Service Products

To apply for an account on the Mountain-Prairie Region web server, fill out the "Statement of Responsibilities Form" and fax it to Jim Renne at (303) 236-74487.


Last updated: September 25, 2008