USDA  Forest Service
"" Daniel Boone National Forest USDA Logo and Forest Service Shield

USDA Forest Service
Daniel Boone
National Forest

1700 Bypass Road
Winchester, KY 40391

Phone: 859-745-3100
FAX: 859-744-1568

Fire Management

The Daniel Boone National Forest is committed to providing progressive and professional direction in the management of wildland fires. The forest averages approximately 150 wildfires annually which burn an average of 7,000 acres. Almost 80 percent of wildfires on the forest are attributed to arson.

The Forest Service objective of fire suppression is "to safely suppress wildfires at minimum cost consistent with land and resource management objectives..."

Forests, Forest Fires, and Their Makers: The Story of Cliff Palace Pond

by Paul A. Delcourt, Hazel R. Delcourt, Cecil R. Ison, William E. Sharp, and A. Gwynn Henderson.

This publication documents how two sciences, archaeology and paleoecology, came together in a research project that confirmed archaeologists' ideas about the changing land use patterns of the First Americans along the western edge of the Appalachian Mountains.  

Soil core studies from this site on the Daniel Boone National Forest show how American Indians used fire to manage the environment for over 3,000 years. This understanding of ancient practices will help guide forest management for the future.

Author: Fire Staff
Last Updated: November 17, 2008

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