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January 12 - January 19

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Name: Katerina 
Status: student 
Grade: 9-12 
Location: WI 
Country: USA 

Question: How do solar/photovoltaic cells convert 
photons into electrons?


Hi Katerina, 

The short answer is that photovoltaic ("PV") cells do not "convert" photos 
into electrons. 

PV cells are made of a semiconductor (typically silicon). When a photon of 
sufficient energy strikes the PV cell, it is absorbed and its energy "knocks" 
an loose electron from one of the silicon atoms, allowing it to flow freely. 
The internal construction of the PV cell is like a diode, in that there is a 
layer of "p" type silicon (that has a deficiency of electrons), sandwiched 
against a layer of "n" type material (that has an excess of electrons). Because 
of this construction, when an electron is knocked loose from the "n" type 
layer, it tends to flow in only one direction out the wire attached to this 
layer, then through an external circuit to do useful work, and back again 
into a wire connected to the "p" layer. 

So a photon is not "morph" into an electron. Photons simply provide the energy 
needed to start an electric current flowing within the PV cell. 


Bob Wilson
Photocells do not actually convert the Photons into Electrons, rather, they use 
the Photons to move the electrons around.

They are made primarily of a pair of semi-conductors, with slightly different 
electrical characteristics.  (Called P-Doped and N-Doped, for Positive and 
Negative)  When Photons strike the molecules of the semi-conductors, electrons 
are shifted in their orbits, sometimes to the other side.  These electrons 
moving from one side to the other are what generates the electric potential, or 

Ryan Belscamper

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