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DTBA News and Information

"The Producer's Association"

  Based in Rapid City, SD, the heart of buffalo country, the Dakota Territory Buffalo Association was formed in 1996 by a group of buffalo producers from a twelve state area and two Canadian provinces. Click me to find out how to become a member!

  The DTBA, as the organization is commonly referred to, was formed to promote and educate the public about the growing buffalo industry. Over the years, the DTBA has grown to become a leading regional buffalo organization. The slogan used by the DTBA is "The Producer's Association" to reflect the fact that the association belongs to, and works for, the producers who make up the membership.

  One of the unique features about the association is that it does go beyond state boundaries and includes an ever-widening region. While many of the state and regional buffalo organizations are focused mainly in one state, the DTBA has managed to not limit itself to being a South Dakota organization. Members come from across the country and Canada.

  The DTBA holds its annual Winter Conference every January in Rapid City, SD. In conjunction with the event, the group also hosts the Black Hills Buffalo Classic Show and Sale. This event has grown to be a very popular one with producers and continues to bring in top quality animals from around the country.

  In addition to the live animal show and sale, the DTBA has become a leader in gathering data about meat animals. The Reality Based Carcass Class Click me to find out how to become a member! debuted in 2001 and at this time, includes both bulls and heifers, with the inclusion of the heifers being an industry first. Much data has been gathered through this class and the organization continues to forge ahead, constantly striving to find new information to help producers feed and market animals in the most desirable manner.

  The group also hosts education seminars, ranch tours and summer meetings. Additionally, with the industry focus concentrated on buffalo meat, the DTBA has stepped up their meat promotional activities and regularly participates in agricultural trade shows as a way of educating and informing the public while promoting the organization and its membership.

  We invite you to learn more about this dynamic organization by visiting the remainder of our web site or by contacting the association directly.

Copyright ©2003 - 2009, Dakota Territory Buffalo Association, All Rights Reserved info@dakotabuffalo.com