Reviewed December 1994

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Growing Perennials

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase. A link to ordering information is on this page.

North Central Regional Publication

This publication not only gives practical advice about perennials, it also tells how perennials became popular. Perennials are long-lived compared to annuals and require relatively low maintenance. This publication gives details on how to design with perennials, how to successfully prepare your garden for perennials and how to control pests and diseases. Several drawings help make directions clear. The tabloid-sized publication lists perennials and gives you information about where they will thrive and how much work they take. The publication lists resources for those interested in more information and it includes easy-to-use guides that detail how to care for perennials, when perennials bloom and a cross-reference index. Grid sheets are included to help you plan your own garden.



NCR556, reviewed December 1994